[3.7] CI Apep's Supremacy Flicker Strike Trickster (BUILD OF THE WEEK)

Hey holly, thanks for the good build, I've managed to gather most of the items. Now I'm mostly having problems about getting stunned, what should I aim for? I still don't have jewel slots for damage and discipline watcher's eye. Also, gotta 6L my body sometime.

Also, a little tip to everyone that can't afford level 4 enlighten yet, just use the 4% less mana reserved node under chaos inoculation. With level 3 enlighten, you'll exactly have 1% mana left.
Rechno 님이 2018. 12. 10. 오후 10:17:08에 마지막으로 편집
Rechno 님이 작성:
Hey holly, thanks for the good build, I've managed to gather most of the items. Now I'm mostly having problems about getting stunned, what should I aim for? I still don't have jewel slots for damage and discipline watcher's eye. Also, gotta 6L my body sometime.

Also, a little tip to everyone that can't afford level 4 enlighten yet, just use the 4% less mana reserved node under chaos inoculation. With level 3 enlighten, you'll exactly have 1% mana left.

yea stun needs to be solved definitely.

u can get stun immmunity from boot enchant, some master crafts, and pantheon.

Not sure what new mastercrafts are available but definitely check them.

I think boot enchant + mastercraft is the best route.
How does this build build Enduranace charges to utilize Immortal Call?
Jkatanyu 님이 작성:
How does this build build Enduranace charges to utilize Immortal Call?

He is using Warlord's Mark. Warlord's Mark grants leech and also a chance to gain an Endurance Charge on kill.

Anyways, Immortal Call doesn't need Endurance Charges to work. Endurance Charges just extends the duration of it.
*Want to try out some fun hipster builds? Check out my thread below!*
[Build/Stream Thread]
Bakuhakubasugasu 님이 작성:
Jkatanyu 님이 작성:
How does this build build Enduranace charges to utilize Immortal Call?

He is using Warlord's Mark. Warlord's Mark grants leech and also a chance to gain an Endurance Charge on kill.

Anyways, Immortal Call doesn't need Endurance Charges to work. Endurance Charges just extends the duration of it.

WHat what? I'm not using warlords mark. I'm just using CWDT enfeeble.
I was looking at another Flicker build and got yours and this other guy's build mixed up lol.

Ignore me.

Immortal Call still works as is though.
*Want to try out some fun hipster builds? Check out my thread below!*
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Just a doubt, what is the source of your leech ES to work with vaal pact and ghost reaver cuz i don't see any item with leech life.

And what ascendancy order you would recommend?

Thank you!
bananajorge 님이 작성:
Just a doubt, what is the source of your leech ES to work with vaal pact and ghost reaver cuz i don't see any item with leech life.

And what ascendancy order you would recommend?

Thank you!

leech is in claw nodes

ascendancy - take the frenzy/power charge one first. it makes leveling faster. after that, doesnt matter much. but the free mana cost for movement one is necessary to start flickering
Hollyphantom 님이 2018. 12. 13. 오전 10:08:06에 마지막으로 편집
What do I need to do at the Bandit Quest? What bandit should live or all be killed? With what Skills may I start? With skill combos? what starting gear is good for this class?
Hollyphantom 님이 작성:
leech is in claw nodes

ascendancy - take the frenzy/power charge one first. it makes leveling faster. after that, doesnt matter much. but the free mana cost for movement one is necessary to start flickering

I only found Soul Raker that gives 1.2% leech life and 50% increased leech per sec. Is that it?

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