[3.5] Leidenfrost Lead Lady. CI Brutus Lead Sprinkler. 10k ES, 4.7Mil Shaper DPS. 2.1k Strength

I really don't feel like my life on hit is good. Having a really hard time sustaining ES in fights properly.
MrFrango 님이 작성:
Hello, can you check my char? I just respec'd from my old build and have the identical items that you have (even better with clarity watchers) and i can't get close to 10k, or even dream about 12k es.
My es is around 7.8k

You have taken the acrobatics keystone which has "30% Less Energy shield" If you remove that then your ES will go up to 11500. The missing 500 is smaller upgrades like that your chest doesn't have quality and your shield has low ES

markelov 님이 작성:
I really don't feel like my life on hit is good. Having a really hard time sustaining ES in fights properly.

You have the pure talent jewel but have not connected to the duelest starting location like I have shown in my tree links. The pure talent jewel reads "1% leech while connected to duelist starting location"

Agentambush 님이 작성:
How do you have so much life on hit? i was looking at the PoB and it shows you have like 2k or so, and without having vitality void. Im using the Pure talent Gem and have Vitality void and its still not as high. Is there something im missing?

You also have not yet connected to the duelist start so are not getting any leech from the pure talent jewel. The vitality void should be enough on its own but you are only on a 4-link so possibly you are just not doing enough damage yet. Swapping multistrike into damage on full life will help
WaffleT 님이 작성:
MrFrango 님이 작성:
Hello, can you check my char? I just respec'd from my old build and have the identical items that you have (even better with clarity watchers) and i can't get close to 10k, or even dream about 12k es.
My es is around 7.8k

You have taken the acrobatics keystone which has "30% Less Energy shield" If you remove that then your ES will go up to 11500. The missing 500 is smaller upgrades like that your chest doesn't have quality and your shield has low ES

markelov 님이 작성:
I really don't feel like my life on hit is good. Having a really hard time sustaining ES in fights properly.

You have the pure talent jewel but have not connected to the duelest starting location like I have shown in my tree links. The pure talent jewel reads "1% leech while connected to duelist starting location"

Agentambush 님이 작성:
How do you have so much life on hit? i was looking at the PoB and it shows you have like 2k or so, and without having vitality void. Im using the Pure talent Gem and have Vitality void and its still not as high. Is there something im missing?

You also have not yet connected to the duelist start so are not getting any leech from the pure talent jewel. The vitality void should be enough on its own but you are only on a 4-link so possibly you are just not doing enough damage yet. Swapping multistrike into damage on full life will help

Oh, I'm just stupid then. Also, is there a specific minor soul pantheon you'd recommend?
Thanks a lot, i actually forgot to respec out of acrobatics. XD
The first Wildfire jewel under the Scion start doesn't have 40 strength in it's radius? Is that right?
markelov 님이 작성:

Oh, I'm just stupid then. Also, is there a specific minor soul pantheon you'd recommend?

For the minor pantheon I use Soul of Tukohama for a bit of physical damage reduction while attacking. None of them have much impact so feel free to pick anything that you want

brunowa 님이 작성:
The first Wildfire jewel under the Scion start doesn't have 40 strength in it's radius? Is that right?

That socket has 50 Strength in its radius. It doesn't need to be allocated anymore just existing within its circle. It can support a strength threshold jewel just fine.
The last Gem (6th / Order) in Chest is Elemental Focus right ? :)
Kirby1978#6030 님이 2018. 6. 24. 오후 8:25:31에 마지막으로 편집
MrFrango 님이 작성:
Hello, can you check my char? I just respec'd from my old build and have the identical items that you have (even better with clarity watchers) and i can't get close to 10k, or even dream about 12k es.
My es is around 7.8k

strange I'm sitting at 7.9k on my current lv. 75 character and I still have quite a few strength and such to pick up as I level...
cryyyy#1417 님이 2018. 6. 24. 오후 8:34:01에 마지막으로 편집
Fuck me sideways, Leidenfrost Lead Lady? That's gotta be one of the best names I've ever heard :D

Guide looks super clean etc., and the Build is obviously strong.
I'm respeccing my level 88 scion character as we speak to see what kind of defensive stats I can get.

I'm currently at 6,100 ES (with level 17 discipline on)... admittedly I need to flesh out tree to get another 60 or so Strength. But other than that I'm feeling capped with top rolled strength gear. Rings and shield are just temporary gear with strength rolls to see what kind of ES I can hit.

All my jewels are in (23+ strength) except Watcher's Eye.

Anything I need to consider to get my ES up before I start actually playing the character? Surely level 20 discipline vs 17 and another 60 or so strength doesn't add 3,500 ES?

Also, question on Pure Talent... I have it allocated, yet for some reason I can't respec out of the points that are currently connecting me from scion to ranger areas? Anything I'm missing here?

Character is Brunowa_FLAME

brunowa#6253 님이 2018. 6. 25. 오전 12:16:45에 마지막으로 편집

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