[3.5]The Chuuni Sword and You: A Guide for Crit Oni-Gorishi Molten Strike

I probably missed it but could you please list what jewels you are using? I found a second wildfire and am assuming that I want to run two of those. it looks like you took 4 jewel slots. right now I am looking at using them for extra life
kendo3 님이 작성:
I probably missed it but could you please list what jewels you are using? I found a second wildfire and am assuming that I want to run two of those. it looks like you took 4 jewel slots. right now I am looking at using them for extra life

2 wildfire (crit chance corruption is best bang for buck not required)
then look for dual crit multi jewels or abyss jewels with multi life and flat phys (expensive)

its really up to you if you want more defense or offense from your jewels technically using hatred with a hatred watchers eye is the best damage increase but not really worth the cost
looks like that is changing. at least I got to enjoy having two wildfires slotted for a couple of days :)
So after farming 30 ingame hours to get that blade, and the new patch incoming I am able to level up my Scion. But I have some questions.

The chanegs for 3.5 doesn't affect us much or did I miss something in the patch notes? Wildfire (only 1) and MoltenStrike damage (a litte bit up) was all, right?

Also, at around level 70 I should have finished all 4 Labs already?

I will try to use the build in the upcoming league, besides my Witch, depending on how much time I will have. Thanks for sharing it with us and keeping it up to date :)
StefanAkish 님이 작성:
So after farming 30 ingame hours to get that blade, and the new patch incoming I am able to level up my Scion. But I have some questions.

The chanegs for 3.5 doesn't affect us much or did I miss something in the patch notes? Wildfire (only 1) and MoltenStrike damage (a litte bit up) was all, right?

Also, at around level 70 I should have finished all 4 Labs already?

I will try to use the build in the upcoming league, besides my Witch, depending on how much time I will have. Thanks for sharing it with us and keeping it up to date :)

the patch notes are a nerf unless the boss is about the size of vaal oversoul then lossing a wildfire gem (the aoe portion) is actually a slight buff to our single target as long as you dont have a molten strike helm. When you do get a helm its about a 10% nerf which isnt anything major and probably wont be that noticeable.
i finally got around to updating sorry it took me so long this league was extremely boring to me so i quit early and just now came back.
Sorry for the noob question, but I don't see where you are getting life leech from? I see the nodes to increase it, but I don't see on the gear or gems where the life leech initiates? Right now I am in the leveling process, so I am using a Thief's ring, which is awesome. but eventually I will need the ring slots for added resists.
AlleyKat777#7507 님이 2019. 2. 7. 오전 8:30:48에 마지막으로 편집
AlleyKat777 님이 작성:
Sorry for the noob question, but I don't see where you are getting life leech from? I see the nodes to increase it, but I don't see on the gear or gems where the life leech initiates? Right now I am in the leveling process, so I am using a Thief's ring, which is awesome. but eventually I will need the ring slots for added resists.

The Nodes Under Vaal Pact all give life leech for attacks.hope you enjoy the build.
AlleyKat777 님이 작성:
Sorry for the noob question, but I don't see where you are getting life leech from? I see the nodes to increase it, but I don't see on the gear or gems where the life leech initiates? Right now I am in the leveling process, so I am using a Thief's ring, which is awesome. but eventually I will need the ring slots for added resists.

The Nodes Under Vaal Pact all give life leech for attacks.hope you enjoy the build.
thanks for the reply. I will look again. so far its doing well, but I freely admit I am a summoner at heart. I have 3 diff Necros, and a couple Templar totem builds. Wanted to try a melee type build, and this is where I landed. :)

being fairly new to melee in PoE, I am wondering about the leech mechanics in general. the nodes you mention do indeed all add life leech with attack. But what defines an attack? just the initial swing, or all 5 orbs that land around you immediately afterwards?
AlleyKat777#7507 님이 2019. 2. 7. 오후 9:22:57에 마지막으로 편집

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