[3.6] Oro's Sacrifice Flicker Strike / Molten Strike - The Immortal Ascendant - Excels Everywhere
" Use the perfect fossils first to boost the quality, once it hits 30% you can go crazy with the fossils you actually want - you won’t lose the extra quality :-) |
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Hi! Can i get 600lvl in delve with this build(not using flicker, only ms ofc)
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I simulate on POB with the amulet "impressence and" "effigon" on flicker strike. with "effigon" without "flammability" I have 273k of DPS and 5.4 HP with "impressence" and with "flammabilty" I have 244k of DPS and 5.6 HP Is it really worth taking "impressence"? Big difference of DPS POB is wrong? |
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" I was actually facing this same issue until I picked up an impresence and started running Flammability. It really does changes things being able to pen that ele resist. The bigged problem I was having was with blue/purples with ele resist. This solves that problem. At least it helped for me. |
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Allright, sounds like I'll have to 6-link my MS setup and focus on getting currency for Impresence. Thanks for the tip! <3
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" Yeah that seems like a great use for 1ex. Gloves can be anything - the mods on them are more important. " They are actually pretty close in damage - but only when the target is blinded. Consistently blinding a target is only possible with molten strike since it hits so many times. For flicker strike which hits a lot less times the benefit from effigon is largely lost and there will be a big difference between an effigon and an impresence. " Not sure as I didn't play delve, will try this league. - Scion Build Guides -
Flicker / Molten strike - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2180571 |
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Guide updated:
- Added Holy Dominion to passive trees. - Consolidated credit section at the bottom. - Updated thoughts on Loreweave - If playing on SC and not really caring about getting super high level (95+) and the occasional death, it can be used. Sorry for second bump. - Scion Build Guides -
Flicker / Molten strike - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2180571 |
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Hey, I managed to pick up this helm for pretty cheap. This new bench enchant makes my loreweave approach to the build feel really safe. If i can squeeze about 100 more life out it would feel pretty 1 shot safe even without a belly. Not sure what your opinion on it is.
8/8 anarchy/onslaught 8/8 domination/nemesis 40/40 breach/talisman/harbinger/Abyss 20/20 flashback svengetspumped#5888 님이 2018. 12. 22. 오전 9:11:00에 마지막으로 편집
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I went a different route skill tree wise, thoughts on gear?
Char WTFmattmadeascion plaguefear#7132 님이 2018. 12. 22. 오전 1:09:25에 마지막으로 편집
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Hey loving this build. first time flicker ^_^. i decided to go with double taming rings. i was having issues find good life on hit elder rings and capping my resists at the same time. Taming made capping my resist very easy plus all that damage at the cost of about 500hp. was wondering if you had any tips or suggestions to better my build. Still working on getting the 21/20 gems you mentioned in the other comments/guide. Im also on the hunt to find an impresence with 0.5% of Fire Damage Leeched as Life corruption. then im also saving up or a damage corrupted kaoms heart. any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated
POB: Twaff - TheyCallMePickles Edit: i should also mention that i do occasionally swap out my quicksilver for a dying sun for bosses like pheonix when i want to burn the boss down faster. Twaff#7657 님이 2018. 12. 22. 오전 3:37:19에 마지막으로 편집
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