[3.6] Oro's Sacrifice Flicker Strike / Molten Strike - The Immortal Ascendant - Excels Everywhere

Oumegah 님이 작성:
For trhe love of the shaper god, can someone tell me how do you deal with the adds phase in red elder?? my shaper alwaays get fucking killed i dont know how to avoid him taking tons of damage

Try killing the monsters that spawn before killing the portals. If that doesn't work you could always use frost wall gem and place walls in front of shaper, the monster projectiles won't be able to pass through it.
- Scion Build Guides -

Flicker / Molten strike - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2180571
Monhsaroh 님이 2019. 1. 20. 오전 11:29:35에 마지막으로 편집
Man i have to tell you, this build is insane. 30 ex ish build is so cheap for such a good one. I did so much content that i've never did before in 1300 h in the game. I had fun, i dropped tones of currency with it. Lev 93 melting Shaper's guardians in 5 seconds. 22 deaths only so far. What i love the most is when people (like you) create such good builds with common unique items. Guess what i'm going to play next league.

MihaiFL 님이 2019. 1. 21. 오후 6:47:19에 마지막으로 편집
Thanks for this guide. I'm having a blast with this build and have done all content except Uber Elder which would be what I'll target next (done Guardians, Shaper, Elder Guardians, Red Elder, Uber Atziri).

Hi im currently playing for the first time following this guide and im loving it.
However i have 2 noob question:

- How do you trigger the wildfire gem thing? It says it requires 40 STR but on the build i only see 30 STR (3x10 STR nodes) near it.

- One of the passives on the guide "Acrobatics" gives +30% dodge but it has a lot of negative stuff attached to it like -50% armour and -30%, it feels super scary to pick. Is this one of those games where armour is virtually useless?

Thanks in advance to whoever answers my dumb questions.
eversong5 님이 작성:
Hi im currently playing for the first time following this guide and im loving it.
However i have 2 noob question:

- How do you trigger the wildfire gem thing? It says it requires 40 STR but on the build i only see 30 STR (3x10 STR nodes) near it.

- One of the passives on the guide "Acrobatics" gives +30% dodge but it has a lot of negative stuff attached to it like -50% armour and -30%, it feels super scary to pick. Is this one of those games where armour is virtually useless?

Thanks in advance to whoever answers my dumb questions.

1. The str nodes don't have to be allocated. Put the wildfire in a socket and hover your mouse over molten strike skill, it should say "fires 5 projectiles" + 2 from the jewel.
2. For this build you need to evade attacks so you need evasion not armour.
I was looking at your PoB for this build vs what i have so far, again this is my first league and first time playing this game and im looking for what im missing or improvements that can be made, thanks again for any input. My damage at 93 is far below your damage on the PoB at 93, im not sure exactly what i dont have right. Thanks ahead for even looking.

Rashnu311 님이 2019. 1. 22. 오전 10:44:37에 마지막으로 편집
Thank you for the build. First build i played where nothing kills you but your own stupidity.

I was wondering why so few people use the (imo) best boot craft. How can you say no to an extra unique flask?!

And with high budget even deathless überelder becomes surprisingly easy. Especially the amulet corruption gives so much hp.

Rest of my gear is the usual stuff.

Do you know about the ancestral call mechanic? If you have good positioning it doubles the boss dps, fire pentration is shit
Oh, how embarrassing, nvm. ^^
Quasator 님이 2019. 1. 23. 오후 1:03:50에 마지막으로 편집
hey, what would you change exactly, when playing with headhunter?
Quasator 님이 작성:

Do you know about the ancestral call mechanic? If you have good positioning it doubles the boss dps.
Shitty picture:

this has been patched (was already mentioned earlier somewhere in this thread, but i am too lazy to check which page it was)
so dont bother with ancestral call
EDIT: nvm
Tr0gledyte 님이 2019. 1. 23. 오후 5:17:49에 마지막으로 편집

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