[3.6] Oro's Sacrifice Flicker Strike / Molten Strike - The Immortal Ascendant - Excels Everywhere

Mind taking a look at my character again? I followed this guide closely and I think I'm pretty much maxed out now. Not sure what I can replace to min-max further.

What should i make the Green socket on this

managed to get everything else socketed right but after 600+ on this im tired of rolling
Betrayssf 님이 2019. 4. 1. 오후 1:19:02에 마지막으로 편집
What do you think about using a 6l Ancestral warchief or Dual Strike in the instead of molten strike?
kelvoner 님이 작성:
What do you think about using a 6l Ancestral warchief or Dual Strike in the instead of molten strike?

This build is specced to deal projectile damage, but i'm sure you can swap that around.

Don't think Dual strike will have better single target dps though
evolite 님이 작성:
kelvoner 님이 작성:
What do you think about using a 6l Ancestral warchief or Dual Strike in the instead of molten strike?

This build is specced to deal projectile damage, but i'm sure you can swap that around.

Don't think Dual strike will have better single target dps though

That's true, but its only about 6 points into projectile damage, I'll try ancestral protector first as can flicker at same time and post back if I get far with the change :)
kelvoner 님이 2019. 4. 2. 오전 10:30:16에 마지막으로 편집
I just wanna say this is my favorite build ever! It's easy to start the league with, progresses well without needing insanely expensive items to be effective. The amount of currency I have from normal playing is proportional to game progress that there was never a point I was like "damn I'm just some exalts short of buying this must have item". Love it!
Jaybum 님이 작성:
Mind taking a look at my character again? I followed this guide closely and I think I'm pretty much maxed out now. Not sure what I can replace to min-max further.

Amazing gear, it's possible to go a little bit further but upgrades start to get really pricy so it's up to you.

Cheapest upgrade would be corrupted fire Impresence, either attack speed, +1% max res, elemental damage with attacks or increased effect of anger aura (+1 curse if you're rich). You'll have to get some intelligence some other way though to use enfeeble so be cautious if doing this.

Other than that just corrupted belly of the beast and double anger watcher's eye are left but these are usually in the 20+ exalt range.

Betrayssf 님이 작성:
What should i make the Green socket on this

Slower projectiles

kelvoner 님이 작성:
What do you think about using a 6l Ancestral warchief or Dual Strike in the instead of molten strike?

Vaal ancestral warchief should be good for boss fights that can be finished with huge burst damage - if the fight goes on longer than that though it will most likely get very clunky.

Without applying bleed or physical damage vaal double strike doesn't feel good at all.

yvonnars 님이 작성:
I just wanna say this is my favorite build ever! It's easy to start the league with, progresses well without needing insanely expensive items to be effective. The amount of currency I have from normal playing is proportional to game progress that there was never a point I was like "damn I'm just some exalts short of buying this must have item". Love it!

Thanks Yvonnars, really glad you're having fun with it.
- Scion Build Guides -

Flicker / Molten strike - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2180571
Monhsaroh 님이 2019. 4. 2. 오후 1:20:59에 마지막으로 편집
Can someone look at my character and tell me why I don't feel so tanky? Do i just need to spam pots more?
I just specifically don't feel tanky in unique maps... I think it's cuz there so much corrupted blood mobs walkin around... But idk
Deamatrix 님이 2019. 4. 2. 오후 8:14:51에 마지막으로 편집
Deamatrix 님이 작성:
Can someone look at my character and tell me why I don't feel so tanky? Do i just need to spam pots more?
I just specifically don't feel tanky in unique maps... I think it's cuz there so much corrupted blood mobs walkin around... But idk

Buy a wildfire jewel or fireborn jewel with the corrupted implicit "corrupted blood cannot be inflicted on you". It's a relatively cheap jewel which adds a tonne of survivability.
Is there a way to fit herald of ash into this build

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