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Can some explain the benefits of FAS over artless assassin?
Vaildez 님이 작성:
New spectres scale dps with threshold levels, and the spectre level 84 threshold is KEY, level 83 is about 1/3 the damage of level 84.

Would love to see some evidence behind this... I am not sure this is believable.

Doesn't sound real to me, either.
Vaildez 님이 작성:
New spectres scale dps with threshold levels, and the spectre level 84 threshold is KEY, level 83 is about 1/3 the damage of level 84.

Would love to see some evidence behind this... I am not sure this is believable.

I heard this too but only for Redemption Sentry and Redemption Knight (maybe all physical specters).

As you can check here:
or here

The attacks deal “xxx% of Damage” which is 101% from 68-82 and jumps to 300% for level 84.

The same can not be observed for casters like
where it is more like 5-10% per level on plain damage numbers.

Erzengel82#4776 님이 2021. 1. 14. 오후 1:43:35에 마지막으로 편집
Vaildez 님이 작성:
New spectres scale dps with threshold levels, and the spectre level 84 threshold is KEY, level 83 is about 1/3 the damage of level 84.

Would love to see some evidence behind this... I am not sure this is believable.


Here is an example, look at the damage at level 84 and it says: Deals 2630 to 3945 Cold Damage

Then look at level 78, which is where most builds will top off at unless you get some extreme items, it's: Deals 1923 to 2885 Cold Damage

That's a flat near 25% less damage before taking into consideration monster levels vs specter levels. Which is math beyond what I feel like digging up.

With the Slave Driver nerf are we still running SD?
maldread88 님이 작성:
With the Slave Driver nerf are we still running SD?

For act 1-10 it will be still fine, because act 1-10 with necro is a piece of cake anyway. But for mapping you should swap to lets say FAS. FAS will have good map clear speed and will be tanky enough for mapping.
odds#2938 님이 2021. 1. 14. 오후 1:33:53에 마지막으로 편집
amkronos 님이 작성:
Vaildez 님이 작성:
New spectres scale dps with threshold levels, and the spectre level 84 threshold is KEY, level 83 is about 1/3 the damage of level 84.

Would love to see some evidence behind this... I am not sure this is believable.


Here is an example, look at the damage at level 84 and it says: Deals 2630 to 3945 Cold Damage

Then look at level 78, which is where most builds will top off at unless you get some extreme items, it's: Deals 1923 to 2885 Cold Damage

That's a flat near 25% less damage before taking into consideration monster levels vs specter levels. Which is math beyond what I feel like digging up.

Most will be stuck at 78 it seems... 82 would require a corrupted empower, 10EX Wand, +1 Int Gem Neck, Unnatural Strength, +1 Spectre Boots.
I think powerful, spectre only builds are dead. Ghazzy, the legend, is using skeleton mages to clear, and melee spectres to help boss, such as primal crushclaw. I wonder personally how zombies, mages, and support spectres would do. I suspect the ape hp is too low at endgame.
amkronos 님이 작성:
Vaildez 님이 작성:
New spectres scale dps with threshold levels, and the spectre level 84 threshold is KEY, level 83 is about 1/3 the damage of level 84.

Would love to see some evidence behind this... I am not sure this is believable.


Here is an example, look at the damage at level 84 and it says: Deals 2630 to 3945 Cold Damage

Then look at level 78, which is where most builds will top off at unless you get some extreme items, it's: Deals 1923 to 2885 Cold Damage

That's a flat near 25% less damage before taking into consideration monster levels vs specter levels. Which is math beyond what I feel like digging up.

you said it in a way that made it sound like level 83 does 33% as much damage as level 84 but now you say 78 does 75% as much which would mean even if we took the previous statement the opposite way as meaning 83 does 66% the damage of 84, 78 is now doing more damage than 83.

Spectres still seem fine.

you said it in a way that made it sound like level 83 does 33% as much damage as level 84 but now you say 78 does 75% as much which would mean even if we took the previous statement the opposite way as meaning 83 does 66% the damage of 84, 78 is now doing more damage than 83.

Spectres still seem fine.

Yep... This threshold thing is something I wasn't aware of and I am hoping someone else will do the math on if it's worth the empower gem to get Spectres to 82 =). I don't think Spectres are going to have any troubles with mapping but I think supplementing the build with Skeletons might be the way to go for bosses.
Vaildez#6753 님이 2021. 1. 14. 오후 1:43:10에 마지막으로 편집

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