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SnowRhex#7901 님이 2021. 1. 25. 오전 6:52:53에 마지막으로 편집
Does Adds x to x to fire/lightining damage on rings work with Vortex Blade to proc EE?
PrsParalajz#6049 님이 2021. 1. 25. 오전 6:57:44에 마지막으로 편집
Ok i feel kinda dumb. How is it possible to use the spells in the Spectral & Spider build ? i mean 100% of the mana ist reserved.
Freak0o 님이 작성:
Ok i feel kinda dumb. How is it possible to use the spells in the Spectral & Spider build ? i mean 100% of the mana ist reserved.

If you socket Hatred together with a leveled Enlighten Gem, it will reduce % reservation.
Necro#5866 님이 2021. 1. 25. 오전 10:47:15에 마지막으로 편집
Is there anyone who use spiders/spectre build and kill A8 with it on this league?
I'm interested in the srs version but I'm not sure about when I should switch from the normal build and use minion instability?
Are there mandatory unique before I can use the build?
Hey guys, I have added fire & lightning on my ring.

Just to clarify, this means I DONT have to use armageddon brand right? (Pure spectre build)
Heads up... just a warning...

Lost my first AG ever... T14. Nothing super rippy. What ever it was it killed my zombies, golem and AG in less than 2 secs.

Expensive lesson... Going to hold back on the higher level maps till I gear a bit better.

Level nerf sucks...

imRadial 님이 작성:
Hey guys, I have added fire & lightning on my ring.

Just to clarify, this means I DONT have to use armageddon brand right? (Pure spectre build)

use it for bosses, so you dont have to stand next to them with BV.
Fixed a bug where a minion that died to Minion Instability would sometimes count as two deaths.

Well that explains why some bosses just get deleted.

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