Kay's Summoner Memorial Page | New Guide is linked inside!

I don't have enough mana to run poahcer's mark, wrath, haste, and skitterbots, should I get rid of my amulet?

nechrophagy#2517 님이 2019. 9. 14. 오전 11:58:00에 마지막으로 편집

Would you suggest that (as pledge of hands), should I follow your character's current live build? or follow the screenshot in your guide?

so is it better to take out temp chains and switch it with elemental weakness?
atm im giving it a try wondering which is better.
cloudblade70 님이 작성:
Corpses created by desecrate are still limited by area level, right? So the highest level spectre you can create is 84? Unless I am missing something or something changed?

No, your spectre level is now only depending on your RS gem level.

Just got an exalt, last time I bought a 5-link Pledge, what to invest in now? Unending Hunger? Devouring Diadem?

Or just better gear in general? I'm at a loss...
Demisint#2047 님이 2019. 9. 14. 오후 12:37:40에 마지막으로 편집
ElCatti 님이 작성:
cloudblade70 님이 작성:
Corpses created by desecrate are still limited by area level, right? So the highest level spectre you can create is 84? Unless I am missing something or something changed?

No, your spectre level is now only depending on your RS gem level.

Oh, that's an excellent change...so that I means I can create my spectres anywhere and not have to worry about doing it in a monster level 84 area, for example?
which version is better, plague or wand+shield?
Hey. Im new in PoE. How can i summon 4(5) slave drivers with plague? it have spell echo

PS:Find info in 1st page. thx ^^
Rainsounds#1108 님이 2019. 9. 14. 오후 1:40:49에 마지막으로 편집
Just wanna say thank you for a great build and awesome guide.

Really enjoying it in SSF :)
at the end of the game the aegis passed is not more important?

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