Kay's Summoner Memorial Page | New Guide is linked inside!
Oldsterman 님이 작성:
DestradoImpulse 님이 작성:
Oldsterman 님이 작성:
I don’t know about everyone else but the starter wand and shield build seems a lot easier to attain. This new build feels like an end game build to aspire to but getting all that crafted gear takes a lot of currency...
Can we keep the original build up as more of a starter and then the v2 as an end game goal?
Or am I missing something? The crafted chest, boots, helm, and shaper shield feel like a long way off. The original version had cheaper transition options before getting the end game gear.
Solid question.
The gear mentioned is not mandatory as much as it optimizes the build for late end game content. If anything, the case can be made that W&Sv2 has a lower barrier of entry given that there's no mandatory Uniques and fewer jewels.
Please keep in mind also that W&Sv2 is being formed when (it appears as if) a good number of people are already at late end game with currency to spend.
Yes I understand many people are at end game and those are the most active forum members. Some of us don’t have as much free time though and are still working through the game. And yes uniques can be difficult to acquire (I still don’t have the shield) but I can trade for most of the items. Crafted items are a LOT more expensive and harder to find or craft yourself.
If there are other options for those of us not at the end game I would love to see it as part of the new build. In the meantime I will likely continue with the first version until I can get enough currency built up to swap.
Both the v1 and v2 builds are displayed with 'endgame' items. If you look at the current v1 build, I included a 20% Vis Mortis 6L, which most people can't get early on. Most people, myself included use an inexpensive 5L or 6L rare until we can upgrade.
The v2 is designed to be even more accessible because it requires nothing but stacking life on everything. You can craft these yourself simply by using essences of greed for guaranteed life rolls. Even the gg shield can be made by using an essence of greed on an elder or shaper base.
Don't worry, the transition options will be almost exactly the same. I know what I'm doing ;)
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
Initially, the extra life and mitigation seems really promising. I didn’t even come close to dying once. I only tested for an a couple hours tonight but am hoping to dive more into it this weekend.
Severinze#7236 님이 2019. 9. 27. 오전 12:25:11에 마지막으로 편집
Hey im just trying out this new set up you mentioned seems to be a lot tankier any ways you think i can help my minions damage it seems a little low on bosses? i also love feeding frenzy on spectres while mapping it feels a lot more confotable then having it on zombies not sure why also maybe invest in helm/wand for more damage first ? O: thanks beforehand :) :) edit : just got this bad boi +1 curse chest conductivty or ele weakness ?
Apatheticy#0053 님이 2019. 9. 27. 오전 2:06:51에 마지막으로 편집
I've been testing conductivity and ele weakness and I feel like they are negligible. Stuff just gets deleted. And as I said before, their damage increase, while good, is less noticeable with bosses.
Regarding the dps threshold, I think it has yet to be determined, but honestly, any build that can do 2.5m dps should easily and quickly clear all end-game content. That would require only 500k dps per spectre, which we basically double atm, likely even more.
I might go back to running Temp Chains, but honestly, I'm testing right now for what will provide the most effective health and damage mitigation while keeping my dps well above average, at least 800k+ per spectre.
Well... do you run T13-15 blight maps? I think thats the place in this league where multiple offensive curses are really usefull, because you cant just "delete" multiple unique monsters moving from different directions in the last minute with defensive build.
I've been testing conductivity and ele weakness and I feel like they are negligible. Stuff just gets deleted. And as I said before, their damage increase, while good, is less noticeable with bosses.
Regarding the dps threshold, I think it has yet to be determined, but honestly, any build that can do 2.5m dps should easily and quickly clear all end-game content. That would require only 500k dps per spectre, which we basically double atm, likely even more.
I might go back to running Temp Chains, but honestly, I'm testing right now for what will provide the most effective health and damage mitigation while keeping my dps well above average, at least 800k+ per spectre.
Well... do you run T13-15 blight maps? I think thats the place in this league where multiple offensive curses are really usefull, because you cant just "delete" multiple unique monsters moving from different directions in the last minute with defensive build.
No, I'm not chaining red blighted maps atm, but I can see the validity of this dual curse setup in those. I'll test that this weekend.
Can anyone recommend a MF gear? I have 6ex right now and I think I might just stick with the original build for regular stuff, not v2, and get seperate MF gear for red mapping.
TheChosenOne_#3026 님이 2019. 9. 27. 오전 12:51:17에 마지막으로 편집
Trying Haste in diadem atm, 100% of mana reserved but that shouldn't be a problem. Had to disable clarity and now dps in PoB drops. And it rises again if i enable clarity. Why is that, aint haste working with commander of darkness? Getting resistance boost from it anyway.
Open profile
zomgplix#5198 님이 2019. 9. 27. 오전 1:07:32에 마지막으로 편집
Hi. Great build. That you for your work! One question: i did a ele reflect map with the 'cannot take reflected damage" sextant but my spectres died really fast. Maybe it was the wrong sextant affix?
EDIT: I took a look at your profile, you changed a lot of things (tree, ascendency, your gear...) Can you tell me why?
Hectorbodies#3111 님이 2019. 9. 27. 오전 2:24:39에 마지막으로 편집
Hi. Great build. That you for your work! One question: i did a ele reflect map with the 'cannot take reflected damage" sextant but my spectres died really fast. Maybe it was the wrong sextant affix?
Unfortunately the sextant is "Players cannot take Reflected Damage". So minions still take the damage.