[On Hold] Elemental Hit Ascendant [All Content]
" Seems like you miss the green Node that gives Attack Speed and Accuracy right at the Duelist's starting Area. |
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Selling those - saw some ppl asking :) |
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hows does this go against say a champion base?
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Ok am I doing something wrong or is this just bad rng? 10 times in a row 3x suffixes and 20% attack damage.
Prime Chaotic Resonator + Corroded, Metallic, Primatic and Serrated. |
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So right now I have a cheap +2 fire bow. I have about 2 ex worth of currency. What should I focus on now? Can someone look at my character? My gear is pretty bad and I don't know what to buy. I have a devotos that I'm planning on using
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GG after 32 pure ex via prefixes cannot be changed and 32 Leo Syndicate "free ex" try's i got it
Now the double damage craft and 6l i'm so happy <3 EDIT: done. kelandi#2453 님이 2018. 12. 31. 오전 11:58:23에 마지막으로 편집
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" I want to know how to craft this things.... :( |
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Just wanted to post an update from about 10 pages ago complaining about single target dps. I finally killed my first ever Uber Elder with this build! Here's the gear I used. I'm sure a lot of it could be much better optimized but I'm still learning the game. Obviously I swapped out the GMP on the bow will Damage on Full Life and swapped the socket colors. I swapped them back after as I plan on delving full time with this character now.
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Is a +2 fire gem bow ok for low budget? I only have 2 ex and I want to know what to prioritize my currency on. Right now I want to buy a kaoms (about 1.5ex on BSC) for corrupted one but I'm not sure if I should get a +3 bow instead. Any advice?
Beeeaaast#2349 님이 2018. 12. 31. 오후 9:13:40에 마지막으로 편집
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" +2 Fire bow is just fine, I downed an Uber Elder today using a similar bow to yours with the single target setup. Looking at your profile, focus on getting the following: 1 abyss socket Tombfists (Put a murderous jewel in this), 1 abyss socket Bubonics (Make sure to have 1 Hypnotic and 1 Ghastly jewel anywhere for the damage bonus, look for life + resists since most of the other mods are useless for us), rare helmet with life and resists (possibly with the 10% elemental hit attack speed enchant), and a Stygian vise with life, resists, and the possibility of crafting elemental damage with attacks. Belly can be used until you can afford a basic Kaoms, but make sure that you're overcapped on resists enough so that when you remove it, you're not under. From there, your first big purchase should be the Yoke amulet. It's a huge investment but is just as big of a return with the damage it provides. Worry about +3 bows once this is all done. McPumpkin#2213 님이 2019. 1. 1. 오전 12:21:17에 마지막으로 편집
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