[3.7] Llamasaur's Aurabot - 10 Auras 2 Curses 1 Aspect - BROKEN IN 3.7 LEGION
I'm just over thinking this right, Im just now hitting 50 and I'm driving myself crazy with what auras/curses I should be using/leveling/prioritizing.
Do you have a cheat sheet or a quick guide on what DAMAGE auras work best while supporting X builds? |
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" I don't have a cheat sheet. There's SO MANY different types of builds out there, it's very hard to cater to every single one in a short post. The idea is to take the strongest parts of your groups build and enhance it. So find out which elements they're dealing the most damage with. Keep in mind that Hatred works different to Anger and Wrath. I'd say If they're primarily a cold build then use Hatred & Anger/Wrath. If they're dealing Fire or Lightning then use Anger & Wrath in both cases. And of course for chaos use Malevolence For curses, Elemental Weakness should be the strongest in most cases, and Enfeeble would be your best defensive curse. Despair for chaos builds. Let me know if this answered your question or if you need more help. NotLlamasaur#1094 님이 2019. 3. 11. 오후 11:46:59에 마지막으로 편집
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hey, total noob here, but how do you use phase run and vigilant strike? I mean both cost life instead of mana with bloodmagic and since almost all of our life is reserved and we do not have a life flask, i only can use it like three times in a map. What am I missing?
Loving the guide so far. Thanks. |
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" You are missing the Watcher's Eye jewel. I suggest not taking the Zealot's Oath passive node until you get the jewel. Thank you! NotLlamasaur#1094 님이 2019. 3. 12. 오전 4:26:57에 마지막으로 편집
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This might be a dumb question, but do you actually use the non vaal versions of the auras equipped in the shield?
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" Yes, of course! Using the Vaal version also gives access to the normal version. |
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Hi! Thank you for the guide, it's really nice!
I have a simple question. How do you remove the first 4 point before Harrier when you respect ? Do I need to remove all the point from Charisma ? Thank you again! Edit : It's ok, it's the last Ascendancy. Ludo9743#5051 님이 2019. 3. 14. 오후 10:13:22에 마지막으로 편집
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With Conduit passive this is cool: ayyy lmao at lvl 52 im able to have up Clarity, Wrath, Discipline, Anger, Hatred, Malevolence, Grace, Smite, Purity of Elements, Ice Golem and Stone Golem all at the same time lmao im also left at like 24 hp and 9 mana, and im not immune to chaos. dying and having to get all those auras back up again is a pain. is there a macro or something? yea i know, my current gem setup isn't ideal, was just some fun experimenting having so many auras up so early what would you suggest my links should be with this gear? xoxo my tree right now: https://poeplanner.com/ABAAAI0AEAAAAEO31ttZLaixkIMJRnHhiB2q_km0DFv06roNfFfJKPrK076Kkyd_xsHF7Bhwu9kTL2-4kxzc6-6nCI9GHRT60maecg9Z86yqcqn3MuoY-OsUcQ48OlIXL2TnVdaApBZv42qPGr68guSQEYqvSshvnspKX7CbtcM6GYr7CfbaGo8aOJBVdqzPfgAAAAAA also, picked this up, unsure if i should use it looking for suggestions SnagoLB#6825 님이 2019. 3. 16. 오전 5:22:21에 마지막으로 편집
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Hi sir nice build,
i´ve some problems with the aura calc. It tells me my blasphemy should reserve each 8% (130 life), but wenn i use it in game i reserve 144. thats 28life and so i struggle with the third damage aura. i know im missing the 3% reduced mana from jewels. can u take a quick look? maybe im missing something. thx Here is the pastebin https://pastebin.com/Z7WJ7Skn |
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Hey there !
Just hit Maps with ur build an i feel pretty okay ! Got all the starter gear, i am able to run all Aura's and 2x Curses. I will drop the Aspect on will play a casual ring for long time. Also have the Shav's and 2x reduced Reserve Jewels. But HOW does it work with BM and ZO and the Mana Cost ? I get it that i have to get a Watchers Eye with -Mana Cost but then Flame Dash still has like 10 Mana Cost. Do i have to get more Watcher Eye ? Cause atm there are 0 on sale in Synth. Harcore :( Would be awesome if there is an alternative :) Thanks in advance !!! _____________________________________________________________________ EDIT Issue solved,i am retarded and leveld my Flame Dash. Still there is no Watchers Eye on sale FeelsBadMan PoE & F1 is Life. <3 DutyMarv#7613 님이 2019. 3. 16. 오전 10:37:46에 마지막으로 편집
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