
BoukenJima 님이 작성:
Anyone know what kind of damage the minion scales off of? The tool tip doesn't really say if it's physical or chaos. I was hoping to make a build that lets the minion do all the damage while I just spread poison.

When I watched ZiggyD's video I think he said it was 60% phys and 40% chaos.
See no one mentioning using Cospri's Will chest. For that 60% poison on hit and able to run a second curse.

This is the chest I am thinking of using.
wjxue1221 님이 작성:
jtekco 님이 작성:
I plan on running something similar. Im going to be avoiding a 6link HoAgony though. Ill keep the 4L in with Embalmer gloves. Havent decided if I want to lose life on chest with a calamity either. Im thinking Yriels fostering or snake kintsugi. That means ill only require 1 6link.

so I was thinking the following for links

Bow (Lioneyes) - CA + GMP + Lesser Poison + Viscous Proj + Vile Toxins + MA

Gloves - HoAgony + Minion Damage + GMP + Faster Attacks

Helm - Faster Attacks + Blink Arrow // (maybe Blood Rage)

Boots - Spell Totem + Wither + Faster Casting + Inc Duration or Portal (depends on MP cost)

Armor - IC + CWDT + flame golem // Vaal Haste // Vaal Grace - not sure.

If I were to run calamity i would probably add a blasphemy despair

Well gmp reduces caustic cloud’s damage now since “projectile damage modifier applies to dot” so it may not worth it

That may be true but, the overlapping poison clouds should make up for it. I'm also planning for the arrow pieces 2 additional mobs notable for large cloud groupings
Hey guys ! Hype for 3.4 :) !

I am going for SC too and here is a tree path (made by myself). Can I have your opinion plz ? :)

jtekco 님이 작성:

That may be true but, the overlapping poison clouds should make up for it. I'm also planning for the arrow pieces 2 additional mobs notable for large cloud groupings

Poison Clouds? from Caustic Arrow? You mean the caustic ground that does chaos damage, right? And that doesn´t "overlap". It just does damage once. It doesn´t stack.
Rake7#7894 님이 2018. 8. 30. 오전 11:25:24에 마지막으로 편집
How do you sustain with this build as a Pathfinder?
For the herald of agony :
GMP, minion dmg, minion speed and may be vile toxin

For Ca :
Isn't withering touch worth giving a try ?

For the life / mana regen a thief tourment could fit (but i don't think that DoT proc the LL and ML)
I`m gonna do CI uccultist version of similar CA build + Soul Strike quiver. Occultist has very good survivability, unlike the pathfinder. Also, i can use Darkscorn for 25% inc. phys. to chaos before getting or crafting very expensive +2-3 vicious proj. elder bow. Can also use Incandescent Heart chets for more survivability before or instead The Coming Calamity.

What do u guys think about this setup?
JonickPOE 님이 작성:
I`m gonna do CI uccultist version of similar CA build + Soul Strike quiver. Occultist has very good survivability, unlike the pathfinder. Also, i can use Darkscorn for 25% inc. phys. to chaos before getting or crafting very expensive +2-3 vicious proj. elder bow. Can also use Incandescent Heart chets for more survivability before or instead The Coming Calamity.

What do u guys think about this setup?

Isn't assa better than occultist for survivability ?
oymar 님이 작성:
Isn't assa better than occultist for survivability ?

Assassin? Or u meant trickster? Trickster is little bit better only for clearing and terrible for boss fights, imho.
JonickPOE#0047 님이 2018. 8. 30. 오후 2:35:23에 마지막으로 편집

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