[3.6] Indigon MjölnerFinder Depth 600+ (Hybrid MOM/CI/Lowlife) (legacy version depth 1500+)

I'm leveling with a righteous fire / cyclone construction
and I'm already at level 74 and with some items of the build already saved only waiting for a level necessary to reset the whole tree and make the indigon
the question is, what level can I finally start playing with the build? at level 74 that I'm already viable? or should I level more with righteous fire / cyclone?
I'm crazy to start playing with this building soon xD
ImmortalBR 님이 작성:
I'm leveling with a righteous fire / cyclone construction
and I'm already at level 74 and with some items of the build already saved only waiting for a level necessary to reset the whole tree and make the indigon
the question is, what level can I finally start playing with the build? at level 74 that I'm already viable? or should I level more with righteous fire / cyclone?
I'm crazy to start playing with this building soon xD

You can start playing with it at lvl 80 if you want.
A day w/o dealing with stupid ppl is like....Never mind. Ill tell u if it ever happens
philophil 님이 작성:
hobbes3k 님이 작성:
How in the world is this build getting even close to 1M Shaper DPS?

I'm testing cycling and Indigon at the hideout and for reference I'm looking at my Arc (shitty) damage before and after I use mana. Stats:

Unreserved mana: 3956
Indigon: 59% increased mana/24% increased spell dmg
Base arc dmg: 2441
Max arc dmg after spending all my mana: 6781
Max arc dmg after spending all my mana and using my mana flask: ~12k

Even with the most ideal case at 10k arc damage (not bad for non-crit), that's only a 400% increased spell dmg, which is nowhere near the 2000% cap.

I'm also running warlord's mark elder ring and a double clarity Watcher's Eye (% to recover % mana on skill/% mana recovery rate). I'm missing the 2% regen enchant on my Inya's, but I still don't see how I can get respectful damage on this char :-(.

I would appreciate it if anyone looked at my char: thundering_hobbes

With this build u cannot test dmg in hideout thats not how it work. When u test things in hideout you are missing the mana leech that is 837 mana per second in your case, if you would have the enchant it would be another 300 mana regen to add on top of that. So ofc u cannot ramp up indigon correctly in hideout.

On your current setup you really need to change that boot enchant because its preventing EE to work correctly so you are missing a 50% More dmg, and you need to focus on attack speed on your jewel you don't need any % inc dmg indigon is the main source for that. Also pls fix your resist because right now cold res is your highest so wise oak doesn't give u any dmg bonus at all.

If u doubt the dmg you can look at my shaper run on the lifeMOM version i had worst gear then u and my cold res was also the highest so i wasn't getting anything from wise oak and i still killed shaper in a decent time w/o any trouble.

Thanks, I actually enchanted the boots after my original post and got unlucky with a worse enchant than no enchant lol. I'll keep running labs. Then again at the same time, I got super lucky on my Watcher's Eye and got perfect 15%/30% double clarity with a single divine orb :-).

You don't need crazy attack speed for this build. A redditor did some research on cyclone and coc (or anything with 150ms cd items/skills) and found out that with only a 20% cdr on belts, you only need slightly less than 4 aps to achieve optimal dps of almost 8 discharges per second.

hobbes3k#5061 님이 2019. 1. 1. 오후 7:04:34에 마지막으로 편집
What kind of Watcher's Eye would I be looking for in addition to the current 2 properties I have? Any of the other Clarity mods? And in your opinion is more attack speed on jewels worth it over damage rolls?
Deference#0993 님이 2019. 1. 1. 오후 7:35:56에 마지막으로 편집
hobbes3k 님이 작성:

Thanks, I actually enchanted the boots after my original post and got unlucky with a worse enchant than no enchant lol. I'll keep running labs. Then again at the same time, I got super lucky on my Watcher's Eye and got perfect 15%/30% double clarity with a single divine orb :-).

You don't need crazy attack speed for this build. A redditor did some research on cyclone and coc (or anything with 150ms cd items/skills) and found out that with only a 20% cdr on belts, you only need slightly less than 4 aps to achieve optimal dps of almost 8 discharges per second.


Is calculation only work when you don't factor movespeed and also when you only proc 1 spell this build use 2 spell.

If you where to use only discharge then yes you wouln't need has much AS but you need discharge/arc its more dmg and way better clearspeed.

A day w/o dealing with stupid ppl is like....Never mind. Ill tell u if it ever happens
philophil#2404 님이 2019. 1. 1. 오후 8:16:30에 마지막으로 편집
Deference 님이 작성:
What kind of Watcher's Eye would I be looking for in addition to the current 2 properties I have? Any of the other Clarity mods? And in your opinion is more attack speed on jewels worth it over damage rolls?

dmg on jewel is useless compare to the 1.5K+ you get from indigon, getting more attack speed is whats important it get you more proc.
A day w/o dealing with stupid ppl is like....Never mind. Ill tell u if it ever happens
Hi, I just made that:
and i need to prove my calculations. Could you look at this?
Hey, first of all, thanks for the guide, really love the playstyle so far!

Just wanted to drop by and ask for a tip regarding the single target damage, I am doing okay vs packs on T14-T15, but struggling a bit on unique boss kills sometimes.

Here's my gear, I am lvl91 and using two purities for res issues, lightning is still my top resistance for wise oak. Might not have adopted your skill tree according to my level but I am happy to work around it if needed

And one more quick question regarding RF, is it a replacement for Vortex, vice versa, or if not, how do you sustain it without using a flask to remove burning?
Vortex is to trigger Arcane Surge once you have enough stacks of Indigon going. RF is only used for Vaal RF for the Spell Damage boost for more Discharge/Storm Brand damage for single target/tankier things I believe.
Valchovski 님이 작성:
Hey, first of all, thanks for the guide, really love the playstyle so far!

Just wanted to drop by and ask for a tip regarding the single target damage, I am doing okay vs packs on T14-T15, but struggling a bit on unique boss kills sometimes.

Here's my gear, I am lvl91 and using two purities for res issues, lightning is still my top resistance for wise oak. Might not have adopted your skill tree according to my level but I am happy to work around it if needed

And one more quick question regarding RF, is it a replacement for Vortex, vice versa, or if not, how do you sustain it without using a flask to remove burning?

Its pretty ez you need both has deference said, but the main issue with your setup is that you are using a vinktar with flat lightning dmg to attack so you are missing the 50% More dmg from EE.
A day w/o dealing with stupid ppl is like....Never mind. Ill tell u if it ever happens

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