[DEAD] FunRoom's Crit Herald of Agony PF/Ascendant [Budget] [Uber Elder] [2.8M+ Shaper DPS]

My build is not complete. But right now I am level 72 and feel like I am doing no damage and dying a lot. I'm a noob. Could anyone help me?
Turtlelizard 님이 작성:

My build is not complete. But right now I am level 72 and feel like I am doing no damage and dying a lot. I'm a noob. Could anyone help me?

you dont have any resistances :D
Turtlelizard 님이 작성:

My build is not complete. But right now I am level 72 and feel like I am doing no damage and dying a lot. I'm a noob. Could anyone help me?

Michec007 님이 작성:

you dont have any resistances :D

Also you have cold damage in your attacks, giving monsters cold resistances if you have EE.

Right, just fire.
I_NO 님이 작성:
Heya Fun doing this as a starter again killed u elder day 2 =D

Wow you are quick. I always wish I could rush maps faster on day 1, but I am kind of a casual player and get distracted a lot.

Anyways, if you are enjoying the build that's nice to hear.
Right, just fire.
FunRoom 님이 작성:
I_NO 님이 작성:
Heya Fun doing this as a starter again killed u elder day 2 =D

Wow you are quick. I always wish I could rush maps faster on day 1, but I am kind of a casual player and get distracted a lot.

Anyways, if you are enjoying the build that's nice to hear.

Yeah your build is literally my fastest starter to get my uber elder carries asap so you have my thanks :P

I recorded some for my thread too

U.E Carry

Shaper Carry

Uber Atziri Carry

It's a very strong starter and thankfully this isn't popular enough to get guted for awhile anyway.

I transition eventually to something else after like a month of farming currency from carries so it's nice.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Coconutdoggy#1805 님이 2019. 3. 18. 오후 3:01:23에 마지막으로 편집
Whats the divine aura under your character?
I_NO 님이 작성:

U.E Carry

Shaper Carry

Uber Atziri Carry

It's a very strong starter and thankfully this isn't popular enough to get guted for awhile anyway.


Even if it is popular (actually 4% this league according to poe.ninja), most items used are pretty popular and hard to deplete.

Also, is it ok to link your videos in my build guide? I am quite lazy to record some :P
Right, just fire.
Munjii 님이 작성:
Whats the divine aura under your character?

If you are asking for the skins in my forum picture, they are hatred and war banner having betrayal aura effect and force field aura effect.
Right, just fire.
FunRoom 님이 작성:
I_NO 님이 작성:

U.E Carry

Shaper Carry

Uber Atziri Carry

It's a very strong starter and thankfully this isn't popular enough to get guted for awhile anyway.


Even if it is popular (actually 4% this league according to poe.ninja), most items used are pretty popular and hard to deplete.

Also, is it ok to link your videos in my build guide? I am quite lazy to record some :P

Yep that's fine go for it.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Coconutdoggy#1805 님이 2019. 3. 18. 오후 9:42:25에 마지막으로 편집
Hey Funroom, and ty for a great league starter build.

I have a few questions/challenges as im progressing.

Firstly i have a little mana issue, where i see on your videos that you dont have that at all. I cant spam my RoA, without having to use mana flask.

Second, i have no idea how to get 3 mana reservers, as i have Hatred and HoA for the moment.

Any ideas to those would be great, and maybe some input on how to further advance my character. ty in advance.

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