(3.5) [Survived] The Intoxicated Pathfinder | Poison BV 2M+ Shaper DPS | Labrunner and Bosskiller |
" Im happy to hear someone is trying out my build! Im personally not using a clarity watcher's eye this league. Its too expensive. I was lucky last league to get a double haste + dmg taken gained as mana clarity eye last league for little to nothing, but this time around, its gonna be around 50 ex atleast. Are you using this flask? I mentioned in the buildguide, that sometimes you have to use the flask for mana recovery instead. I have made some changes to the POB, but they are WIP as of current, once i smooth some stuff out, i will update the POB. TLDR though is focus more on mana recovery nodes, and i've specced into Arcane Will aswell. Also try to snatch a ring similar to this: They are VERY cheap right now and they will help ALOT with general sustain. Feel free to contact me ingame on: Yuno_NotABuild for further questions |
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I am inexperience with BV build and I want to try your build next. There are some places I don't understand. How can you cap resist with only 2-3 rare? How do you leech when most of your damage is from poison and BV is a spell? What's your last gem for 6 link? How good is the Disintergrator upgrade over Obliteration?
I watched your Phoenix fight and I see that you rely mostly on flask to keep hp up. How do you sustain flask charge in fight with no adds? |
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" I'm excited to hear that! those are some very good questions, let me get into it How can i cap resistances with only a few rares
Right, so. resistances on this build is in high demand, whilst there is a limited supply of rares to fill said resistances.
What i've done is, made sure that some of the uniques used, all provide some form of resists to make the rare hunting abit easier i.e: + Queen of The Forest / Dendrobate both provide a decent amount of resists. + The Tactician / The Magnate, also provides a good bunch of All Resists, as long as you have at least 200 strength. (This can be tricky however, and i would expect you to take a +30 strength node instead of a dps node if it was the deciding factor on capping your resistances. I have however been hard at work improving my build, and i've made some changes, since i found out about delve crafting potential. but a short tldr untill i share that would be: Switch out Magnate / Tactician for a good rare belt with resists (Preferably a stygian vise, since a single abyss jewel can provide amazing damage) Switch out Starkonjas for a good rare delve helmet with -9% chaos resistance. How do i leech
This has been an issue of mine since Incursion, but alas, Delve crafts came to the rescue yet again, but first let me link the staff one more time:
(...) 0.2% of damage leeched as Life per siphoning charge. This staff provides an inherited leech just for using it, there is a caveat though, the amount of leech is malleable at best unless you invest into atleast 5 elder / shaper items, but it adds up. Secondly there is the boot enchant: This is also very noticable. Thirdly, we have a cheap delve ring: These items together should provide enough leech to counteract the degen from 2-3 elder / shaper items in any given fight, granted this requires you to be able to attack the monster and in fights with phases this becomes an issue and you rely on flask management. I've also heavily invested in both life and mana recovery and correspondingly from flasks aswell to make the one hybrid flask we have, extremely powerful. Alongside this, i focus on life regen, and to further help this, i've added Enduring Cry. Personally im using 5 elder / shaper items atm, and have a degen of 813/s, but im actually only degenning 40 life per second, i would prefer to get this number onto the +side, which i will once my Enduring Cry hits level 20, but to do that, i need more strength. welp. I could just ditch 2 of my elder / shaper items and problem solved, but as said in the guide, i'm testing this build to its limits. What is the last 6'th link
This depends on the armor used. but links would be as follows (listed in priority of importance):
+ Queen of The Forest: - Blade Vortex - Poison - Unbound Ailments - Deadly Ailments - Vile Toxins - Void Manipulation And for the Dendrobate armor, simply switch out the "Poison" gem, with "Swift Affliction". How good is the Disintegrator in comparison to dual Obliteration wands
To quote both Chris AND Jay wilson.
... And then we doubled it. Simply put, it's (nearly) twice as much damage. it's stupidly powerful for physical based spells. But if you feel more safe running without the staff, feel free to do so, but i do recommend trying it out. It's perfectly fine to grind Delves with Obliteration wands on weapon swop, i find my self doing this more and more actually, its abit more relaxing and helps farming darkness easier. I've recorded a few other videos after getting my 6link and to show i have a nasty modded Carcass boss down in 1 phase, ill be uploading more videos soon. Yunojelly#6818 님이 2018. 9. 18. 오전 6:10:43에 마지막으로 편집
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hey im really interested to try toxic rain version, gonna make a chr in a few days.. Is it viable to farm low tier maps on a some kind of budget 5L version?
And would like to know if there is a way to make it a mf or semi mf chr? Im guessing the amulet cant be replaced? And okay replace thiefs torment with ventors..? Oh and would a toxic rain or BV build be faster to farm low tier maps? Thanks a lot, looks interesting i just love high ms builds! 1gosp#3254 님이 2018. 9. 22. 오전 12:29:02에 마지막으로 편집
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Just in time I'm looking for lab runner.
Have a question. 1. Can do full key run? 2. Can lab carry have party up to how many? 3. Best enchant for all gear? 4. Bandits? Can add uber lab run video for demonstration? Can add gear section? What item choices and end game gear upgrade. Leveling section for skill tree for 20-40-60+ also leveling items to be smooth and fast. Just suggestion. Also what items you talking about for 5m DPs upgrade? popotm#4383 님이 2018. 9. 22. 오전 5:14:40에 마지막으로 편집
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" Answer in spoiler below:
You totally should! the tree's are very similar and wont cost an awful lot of regrets to make it work.
I've added the Toxic Rain variant in the POB section. For low tier maps, the amulet is easily replacable, and im pretty sure you could make a MF variant work (ive even tried toying with the idea myself abit) If you can make your resists capped whilst wearing the MF gear, then for sure, the damage will still be there. And for later, if you can get your hands on a "Despair on Hit" glove corruption, i'd actually advice against using Impresence. I dropped this amulet after finishing uber elder Currently using this. Heck i think its even more powerful than you would assume, TR is OP right now. However i would advice to keep using Thiefs Torment, as it gives the leech on hit necessary to make it feel good, also with a MoM build, you get double the benefit since theres both life AND mana on hit rate. + it gives increased quantity.. Tbh, you would need 2x 7%+ ventors to compete with a 14% quant thiefs torment.. thats far more expensive. Both builds would be "fast" for low tier maps. and would have similar clearspeed. Toxic Rain lacks in the sense that the pods have to: Land, Deal Dot Damage, Explode to make full use of the skill. Blade vortex lacks in the sense that: You have to ramp up blade vortex stacks, throw a smoke mine, pop smoke mine, press phaserun. So in terms of clearspeed, as i said, it would be pretty similar. " That's great to hear! Alright here goes.
Simply put, yes easily. I ran this build as the labrunner variant in Incursion and farmed lab in all layouts for full keys most of the time. You don't really die, except for the odd "damn he actually managed to hit AND crit me with his charge through my entire defense system xD) 2. Can carry full parties, albeit perhaps not untill a certain gear threshold is obtained, and with that i mean, boosting a couple of people with Dual Obliteration wands is perfectly fine, but once Izaro has full party HP, you do want to focus on getting the Disintegrator staff. 3 + 4. As depicted in my Labrunner Variant in the POB section, the equipped enchants are BIS for labrunning. This includes the helm enchant (Smoke mine movement speed) And the glove enchant: Commandment of Blades on hit. I was adviced this enchant by Jelbishi himself, this enchant will throw out projectiles as you hit enemies. The projectile is a physical damaging SPELL and thus will aswell apply poisons. As this build scales alot of raw physical damage and with added chaos + physical dmg to SPELLS, this makes the enchant extremely powerful, and in practicality it means that you just have to pop 1 blade vortex in each zone, and as you zoom through monsters, the glove enchant will proc, and thus feed you flask charges for the entire zone AND will give you the onkill effect from the 2x Gryphons on weapon swop. The bandit should be Alira, also depicted in the POB link under the POB section. I am currently in the works of recording a bunch of videos, but my sony vegas acted up and i have some driver issues, im not able to edit the videos and upload them at given state, but i have a bunch ready. However, a dedicated lab variant run, from a 3.4 perspective wont be any time soon, as ive been focusing on delving and bosskilling moreso than running lab this league. This build has amazing damage potential, im not even close to my endgame goals and im already sitting on almost 3m shaper dps. on my current delve character. I have a couple of gear sections, please be sure to watch the uppermost part of the guide for delve updates, i post gear upgrades there aswell. As for "end game goal" gear section, i find it hard to link to this as i do not know how to link to items i've yet to obtain in game. But looking at the POB links should get you close to your needs. Ill make a POB link with as close to the 5M mark, when i sort some quirks out in the POB, it's come to my attention that there are several ways to get close to this, but i have to settle on THE ONE way to do it. Currently, the best idea i can get is to get Farruls Fur with Farruls Bite, 21/20 gems etc, all of it. This enables the build to utilize frenzy and power charges and will seriously increase damage potential. |
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Build guide update #3
- Added Delve Progress Update #5 - Currently in the works of bettering the POB links, will update them soonTM Yunojelly#6818 님이 2018. 9. 22. 오전 7:55:58에 마지막으로 편집
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Im confuse which helmet should I go?
Devotos or like yours rare with -resist added to spell? also your amulet are different from before which is Impresence Onyx Amulet to rare? Disin staff no need for 6l? just 6socket leveling gems? Farruls Fur with Farruls Bite? you mean all set or the only 2 of these? I need you to add hehe. popotm#4383 님이 2018. 9. 22. 오전 9:30:33에 마지막으로 편집
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" Your helm can be either: Starkonjas, Devotos or a Rare. Preferably dont use an elder or shaper based helm. A solid choice i would recommend is find a decent rare evasion helm with -% chaos resistance to nearby enemies. Its a ton of damage, and helps getting resists. For labrunning use Devotos. Yes, if you would read my delve progress updates you would understand why i swopped my Impresence for my new Rare amulet. Go for impresence if you dont have a pair of rare gloves or Blasphemers Grasp with Despair on Hit corruption. Although, you would be limited on how much mana you would have left unreserved, so i recommend for this, to use Herald of Agony mana Reservation enchant in conjunction with Impresence. This isnt really a budget option I recommend getting a pair of rare gloves or Blasphemers grasp with Despair on Hit, it's the cheaper option. =) No need to 6link the disintegrator a 1x2 and 2x2 is perfectly fine. As this is a work in progress, clearly stated in the guide btw, im constantly thinking of ways to improve and one of the main contendors for me right now is trying to find a good use of a second 6link on this build. Also, the gems in my gear are somewhat scattered around, except for the boot links. Will update guide with gear link section today. Farruls fur armor and Farruls Bite helm, just these two. When i figure out how to link gear in the forums that is not currently equipped on my character, i for sure will add a gear section =) Yunojelly#6818 님이 2018. 9. 22. 오전 10:08:41에 마지막으로 편집
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Thank you for your reply yes I'm interested playing the build I have some exalt prepare for the build I have budget around 20-25ex so I thats why want really know what our best option for gearing for upgrades.
Hope you add it to gear section in future. |
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