Delving Build - Expire at 400 Darkness Stacks

SunL4D2 님이 작성:

There's stuff out there that bypasses evasion/hit checks. That will ONE hit any char without a decent amount of ES (as CI) or Life (or a mixture of BOTH.)
I am emotionally & mentally drained through the sharking waters.
moozooh, how about Garukhan's Flight and Bloodgrip?
Also we can find just 1 es on amu or just use CI w\o ZO any ES from gear. How it will work with darkness? We can drop AA for vitality with flat Watcher eye? We can use blood rage for Arakaali?

I did some tests.
1) With 1 hp and 10.5 hp\sec i die with 2127 stacks.
2) BloodRage with CI still deal dmg in percent => we can use it for pantheon. - переход на офф клиент.

Wasfill 님이 2018. 9. 19. 오전 2:51:07에 마지막으로 편집
ghuda can i play this build with lvl 85 scion i really cant nor have the time to make new character.

what of bandits and panthoen?
Saladin2 님이 2018. 9. 18. 오전 8:51:11에 마지막으로 편집
is Magna Eclipsis an option for the ES version? +2 gem slots and if you compare it with the ES pool, a huge buff against elemental hits.
Sure you get some more ES, but i think this is ok if you want to farm a bit deeper...
wouldn't immortal flesh be absolutely insane as well? they're about as much flat life regen as the gloves.
FoldedCorner 님이 2018. 9. 22. 오전 4:24:42에 마지막으로 편집
The tree with the link provided is broken, it's not using over 45 points and isnt connected to 2 jewel sockets which you are using. Could we get a proper link to the full tree please?
Does this still work? I followed this biuld preatty much exactly I', level 70 but a witch so i started with an extra few energy regen nodes.

For some reason My darkness stacks only to 120-150 and health starts draining fast.
Even cheaper? 2ES

Firstly, this is a conversion from my poison BV ranger Pathfinder and isn't complete. This build will be much easier to make with a Scion, though any class can do this.

The changes are simple:

-We take Daresso's Salute amulet for -50% ES and a pair of act 1 hybrid gloves(3es) or an amulet with exactly 2es.

-We only need Kikazaru rings and Immortal Flesh

Thats it. No need for Crab gloves(which are 80c atm) or jewels of any kind.

You do start to take damage at 4000 stacks, but that takes about 15 minutes and the move speed is plenty on the build to clear an entire 5x5 tile area before you reach that point.

My ranger is 69, though if you go scion(or level 72 ranger), you can pick up 3 jewel slots for ES recharge, life regin, %evasion move, or move speed.

On a side note, the game gets very weird at such a low number and you start to lose fractions of your 1 life over the course of 5 seconds before you die. I tried 1ES, but the shield instantly gives out for a millisecond and you lose 1/20 of your 1 life and it ends up killing me at about 100 stacks. 2es seems to be a sweet spot, because the non-integer math that happens doesn't fall below 1.0 ES(where you start to lose 0.05 life)
EbonRogue 님이 2018. 10. 2. 오전 12:33:21에 마지막으로 편집
SunL4D2 님이 작성:
That build is for farming low delves. Fyi monsters at these leves don't have as much accuracy. There is absolutely no reason to get more than 45k Evasion. You just waste jewels on useless mod.

Yes, movement speed is way more important than stacking more than enough defenses (that won't save you anyway). 240% is base, you need to GO FAST, as fast as you this is that kind of deal.

One hit and you are dead. **Any** damage taken will kill you. It's like you have absolutely no experience with any mechanics you are mentioning, they will not safe you unless you have some health buffer.

Just making sure - you're being an idiot on purpose, right?
EbonRogue 님이 작성:
Even cheaper? 2ES

Firstly, this is a conversion from my poison BV ranger Pathfinder and isn't complete. This build will be much easier to make with a Scion, though any class can do this.

The changes are simple:

-We take Daresso's Salute amulet for -50% ES and a pair of act 1 hybrid gloves(3es) or an amulet with exactly 2es.

-We only need Kikazaru rings and Immortal Flesh

Thats it. No need for Crab gloves(which are 80c atm) or jewels of any kind.

You do start to take damage at 4000 stacks, but that takes about 15 minutes and the move speed is plenty on the build to clear an entire 5x5 tile area before you reach that point.

My ranger is 69, though if you go scion(or level 72 ranger), you can pick up 3 jewel slots for ES recharge, life regin, %evasion move, or move speed.

On a side note, the game gets very weird at such a low number and you start to lose fractions of your 1 life over the course of 5 seconds before you die. I tried 1ES, but the shield instantly gives out for a millisecond and you lose 1/20 of your 1 life and it ends up killing me at about 100 stacks. 2es seems to be a sweet spot, because the non-integer math that happens doesn't fall below 1.0 ES(where you start to lose 0.05 life)

I'm running this with my scion and can run fine in the darkness, but as you're running how do you keep the monsters from killing you? Phase run is constant and last 4.5 seconds for me, but it never fails that as I'm running I randomly get hit and die. I've put a ton of points into evasion but I'm only 50% chance to evade.

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