3.4 New Best Kinetic Blast -Accuracy Scaling Obscurantis/ Oskarm build

I wanted to make a kinetic blast wander and couldnt find any builds that scaled well into late game, they were all magic find builds that could only clear low to mid tier maps. I theory crafted this build to scale projectile damage through accuracy via Obscurantis and Oskarm. The build gets roughly 40,000 accuracy which gives roughly 200% projectile damage and we get capped crit and hit chance. With roughly 5k life, could be pushed to 5.5k and 60% chance to evade with 50% chance to dodge and attacks and spells; the build is tanky enough for end game. I am fairly confident this is the best damage/end game viable kinetic blast build. Feel free to pm me with any questions.

Screen Shots:

-Not too expensive
-Fast clear speed
-Decent/Good single target
-The more you invest this build can easily clear most content
-Can clear most map mods
-Insane evasion/dodge/spell dodge
-Big Herald of Ice pops
-Capped hit chance and crit chance.

-Low life pool
-Very hard to squeeze in all of the needed resists and intelligence
-Bad Chaos resists
-Not the best league starter.

PoB pastebin
Current Delve lvl 82: https://pastebin.com/pJC7FUMV
Endgame: https://pastebin.com/5vAdWtvk


Rings: WED/Flat Lightning/Life/Accuracy/Resist/Inteligence
Shield: Life/Accuracy/Resists/Attack speed
Boots: Life/Move speed/ Resists/Intelligence
Belt: STYGIAN - Life/Resists/WED
All of the uniques used are highly recommended- Only one you could swap out is hinekoras amulet for some sort of magic find amulet if you wanted that.
sebastien1031#6489 님이 2018. 9. 24. 오전 1:38:15에 마지막으로 편집
마지막 추천 2018. 10. 10. 오후 3:02:27
"Best Kinetic Blast" is clickbait, don't deny it :D

You have 4.5k hp and like 1m realistic shaper dps with barrage and flasks up. You also have a mana flask on your bar.

The idea is interesting, sadly oskarm/obscurantis/hinekoras-based accuracy stacking is easily outscaled by just using a lot of abyss jewels via tombfist/bubonic trail/lightpoacher - which is also where the standard wander build gets a lot of flat hp from.
vtepezh#3547 님이 2018. 9. 25. 오전 6:45:06에 마지막으로 편집
the build easily gets 5.2-5.5k life and has more like 2 mil shaper dps with good gear endgame. Ive checking every other kb build and there are for sure some out there with better clear speed. But no one is getting that damage anymore.
I've been looking for a good KB link - would love to see a video of this build in action.
Hi, interesting build :)

but how do you leech life?

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