[3.5] Hopeshredder Scourge Arrow | Fast beefy Mapper | Deathless Uber Elder (5M+ Shaper DPS)

Would anyone please advice me on, what should be my upgrade priority?

Thank you.
build looks so fun.

I'm in the middle of levelling my scion. Is it recommended to use tempest/rain of arrows all the way until you can equip hopeshredder, while still following the skill tree progression?? Or do you switch to scourge arrow earlier?
For some reason I cannot acheive full life - its always -about 5 under my max during blood rage. Any thoughts on why this is happening?

That's just a visual bug. You're full life as long as you have overleech/regen bigger than blood rage degen.
Since this build is primarily based on cold damage why are you using Wrath rather than Hatred? Does it pull ahead in dps? Thanks for the clarification.
ImCliff 님이 작성:
Since this build is primarily based on cold damage why are you using Wrath rather than Hatred? Does it pull ahead in dps? Thanks for the clarification.

Hatred gives cold damage based on your Phys damage. Wrath gives huge flat lightning damage. Since we don't have much in the way of Phys damage, the cold damage we would get from hatred pales in comparison to the flat lightning damage provided by Wrath.
That being said, hatred is much better if you manage to get your hands on a 35 ex+ watcher's eye with some combination of flat crit/flat damage/cold pen. Hatred also saves you the trouble of budgeting for the int needed to use wrath and the corruptions that enable it.

There's also the alternative of stacking lightning damage instead of cold if you find a gg rare bow and opt out of using hopeshredder.
Junie 님이 2019. 2. 11. 오전 6:29:16에 마지막으로 편집
I would like ask you to help me choose proper Watcher's Eye...
What will be best two and three hatred nodes?
Have you try set up this build with two auras wrath and hatred?
Watcher's Eye 2x aura hatred&wrath coud be awsome... just mana reserved look tricky
Silveroak1 님이 2019. 2. 12. 오후 2:26:17에 마지막으로 편집
Can someone tell me what to do next?

Definitely my favorite build this league.

2 quick questions:

Does Blood Rage proc CWDT->IC? I never see it proc so I'm assuming it doesn't work anymore.

How do you deal with incursions? I feel like I need Phase Run to do them with all of the narrow doors.

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