[3.5] Hopeshredder Scourge Arrow | Fast beefy Mapper | Deathless Uber Elder (5M+ Shaper DPS)

Azlayr 님이 작성:

First of all thanks for the guide. Killed everything the game has to offer with it but I'm still looking to optimize it a bit, can anyone recommend me an upgrade ? The last thing I see is a Wrath corrupted Mark of the Elder (bit expensive rn on BSC but it's planned).

I'm playing with War Banner and corrupted 1s Tombfists.

slam your abyss jewels and level 21 gems.
Dismig 님이 2019. 1. 8. 오후 9:32:14에 마지막으로 편집
What is better abyss jewel with life and cold attack and cold to bow attacks or life,cold attack and crit or attackspeed?

I know the helm slot is free to use but most of you guys use devotos is lightpoacher an avaible options with 2 abyss jewel?
xaiyx 님이 2019. 1. 9. 오전 1:46:40에 마지막으로 편집
Hi! Is War Banner so good? And how it works on bosses? Im playing with agro totem and frost bomb.
Level 85, just getting started with the build, still trying to get that wrath Mark of the Elder, so my jewels have stats right now I don't want, but really fun build so far.

What is good to drop to pick up phase acro? I am so used to playing with it lately I feel weird not having it.

Fullstep 님이 작성:
"Fixed a bug where Scourge Arrow didn't consume mana while channelling.
Reduced the mana cost of Scourge Arrow to be more in line with other channelled attack skills."

Hopefully this change doesn't force us to drop War Banner as we dont really have alot of unreserved mana.

Well the reduced mana might make up for it so we'd have to wait and see.
Would lightpoacher be an alternative for this build? or is it a waste of helmslot?
toddliestew 님이 작성:
Would lightpoacher be an alternative for this build? or is it a waste of helmslot?

Since this build relys on flat dmg stacking to improve deeps, I'd say a Lightpoacher (or even a Hale Negator, if you can afford the enchant) is BiS. 2 Abyssal Sockets can give you so much damage (if you have the right jewels), it doesn't really compare to ohter options.

Not to mention the strong regeneration from the spirit charges.
Killed my very 1st uber elder with this build v1. So easy, just dodge stuff and you fly like a mad man through the phases. Not clean kill tho, but that just experience.

So far build looks very good. War banner helps a lot against syndicate, you can oneshot them at t16 maps with no problem when banner is on the ground.

Anyone else that had no fucking idea this mod existed?
Erionn 님이 작성:

Anyone else that had no fucking idea this mod existed?

And +1 to min frenzy charges on rings/amulets

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