[3.7] CI UltraBot (14 Auras + 2 curse + 30s fort + smite)

MystereQc 님이 작성:
What are the nerf are we talking about? The hatred?, it's doesnt really matter then much to me. And anger is buffed by alot it seems.

I just was playing ape :)
wondering how does the new 3.6 uniques "March of the Legion", "Mask of the Tribunal" and "Vixen's Entrapment" bring any changes to this build?
Krueladin 님이 작성:
wondering how does the new 3.6 uniques "March of the Legion", "Mask of the Tribunal" and "Vixen's Entrapment" bring any changes to this build?

The mask has some major potential from what I'm seeing on my low level setup already. Combined with the benefits of Shaper's Touch, I could see this being my end-game option for sure.

As for Vixen's Entrapment and March of the Legion, I saw substantially more beneficial outcomes when used in combination on a curse focused or pure curse bot. With 2 Deodre's Damnings, amulet corruption, chest craft (+1 curse from bench, not entirely sure if it still exists), Occ ascendancy and the tree, the gloves allowed for up to 7 curses to be cast using only Bane. Linking the curses to Blasphemy in the boots, accounting for the temporary mana reservation of the curses in the boots (keep in mind, the gloves also allowed us to forgo Bane entirely. As the gloves cast any socketed curses with any curse skill, Blasphemy did trigger it too!) The temporary, as we started referring to them as Bloodlust, can literally be spammed once you've regenerated the mana. For this build, I disliked them. For our curser, we very much liked them.

Edit- Yes, you can spam the Blasphemy curses socketed in the boots as if you were just manually cursing something. Particularly nice qol for bosses. For the map clearing, I suggest Bane.
Stay metal. Never settle.

Lips. Hips. Dips.

alecsub 님이 작성:
Krueladin 님이 작성:
wondering how does the new 3.6 uniques "March of the Legion", "Mask of the Tribunal" and "Vixen's Entrapment" bring any changes to this build?

The mask has some major potential from what I'm seeing on my low level setup already. Combined with the benefits of Shaper's Touch, I could see this being my end-game option for sure.

As for Vixen's Entrapment and March of the Legion, I saw substantially more beneficial outcomes when used in combination on a curse focused or pure curse bot. With 2 Deodre's Damnings, amulet corruption, chest craft (+1 curse from bench, not entirely sure if it still exists), Occ ascendancy and the tree, the gloves allowed for up to 7 curses to be cast using only Bane. Linking the curses to Blasphemy in the boots, accounting for the temporary mana reservation of the curses in the boots (keep in mind, the gloves also allowed us to forgo Bane entirely. As the gloves cast any socketed curses with any curse skill, Blasphemy did trigger it too!) The temporary, as we started referring to them as Bloodlust, can literally be spammed once you've regenerated the mana. For this build, I disliked them. For our curser, we very much liked them.

Edit- Yes, you can spam the Blasphemy curses socketed in the boots as if you were just manually cursing something. Particularly nice qol for bosses. For the map clearing, I suggest Bane.

Using it with a cursebot is a very good idea yes, https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2245226
heres my cursebot, which is far more insane than this build in terms of concepts but I'm quite proud of it

I dont know where to go now


I would love to add vitality, temp chain blashemy and aspect of spider.

After some test in pob i dont know if its worth to invest in both spider and tempchain (loved that combo on my cursebot from betreyal)

I though about vitality becouse my ag is dying (wanted to use ag with new kingmaker 50%crit multi + fortyfity)

Or maybe invest in +2 armor and wait for mask of the tribunal version
I'm usually online at 18 gmt +1
sielma 님이 작성:

I dont know where to go now


I would love to add vitality, temp chain blashemy and aspect of spider.

After some test in pob i dont know if its worth to invest in both spider and tempchain (loved that combo on my cursebot from betreyal)

I though about vitality becouse my ag is dying (wanted to use ag with new kingmaker 50%crit multi + fortyfity)

Or maybe invest in +2 armor and wait for mask of the tribunal version

Long Post ahead.
Multiple things can be adjusted here:

1: Remove the 21/0 Discipline & 20/0 Vaal Discipline. Get a 20 quality Vaal Discipline.
1.5: You can repeat step 1 for all of your auras. having more/inc AoE for free matters! DO NOT GRAB ANY INCREASED AOE FROM YOUR TREE, HOWEVER - THE GEMS & GEAR WILL GIVE YOU WHAT YOu'LL NEED.

2: Recolor your Victario's to BBBRRG (in any order). You may also stop trying to get the 6 link IF YOU SO CHOOSE. Keep your Empower in one of your stash tabs, it's useful on other builds. Auras: Malevolence/Zealotry/Wrath/Anger/Vitality/Hatred
2.5: Corruption you'll be aiming for on Victario's (T3 Corruption Chamber in Temple): +2 AoE/+2 Aura

3: Recolor your shield to GGR. Auras: Haste/Grace/Determination

4: 4-link your Alphas.

5: Drop ALL curses. You don't need 'em, let a curse bot run them instead since they get all the curse goodies. :)
Gems to run in Skyforths: Clarity/Portal/Dread Banner/Level ONE 20q Flame Dash (Flame dash is optional - if you can afford to burn the mana, sure, go for it, but I cannot. At least with the setup I have.)

6: Replace Bottled Faith with a jade flask. On a Scion, you DO NOT need a Basalt Flask AT ALL (you're already capped on PDR.)
Replace Silver Flask for a Quartz.

7: Remove Phase run ENTIRELY. You don't need it. You'll also have to swap your weapon for a 1 handed Sword in order to run Smite (Smite-Faster Attacks-Generosity)

8: You aren't a witch, stop wasting currency on your Animate Guardian. He's not tanky enough even WITH a Kaom's Heart.

9: IF you can afford it, get a Shavronne's Revelation. PREFERRABLY one that's Uncorrupted! (Optional)

10: Replace Bated Breath with a Crystal Belt w/ T1 ES.

Here's all the gear I use:


You will need 12 1% reduced reservation Jewels in order to run this build, three of which MUST be: Energy from Within, Conqueror's Efficiency, & Conqueror's Potency. You will be capped to a level 5! Clarity.

If you can get an Envy-infused Aul's Uprising, DO so. United in Dream cannot be used here as you need BOTH a rare SWORD & Shield with the mods listed here:

Shield: Socketed Gems have 15% reduced Mana Reservation
Sword: Auras from your Skills give 2% increased damage to you and Allies.
I am emotionally & mentally drained through the sharking waters.
bvanharjr 님이 작성:
sielma 님이 작성:

I dont know where to go now


I would love to add vitality, temp chain blashemy and aspect of spider.

After some test in pob i dont know if its worth to invest in both spider and tempchain (loved that combo on my cursebot from betreyal)

I though about vitality becouse my ag is dying (wanted to use ag with new kingmaker 50%crit multi + fortyfity)

Or maybe invest in +2 armor and wait for mask of the tribunal version

Long Post ahead.
Multiple things can be adjusted here:

1: Remove the 21/0 Discipline & 20/0 Vaal Discipline. Get a 20 quality Vaal Discipline.
1.5: You can repeat step 1 for all of your auras. having more/inc AoE for free matters! DO NOT GRAB ANY INCREASED AOE FROM YOUR TREE, HOWEVER - THE GEMS & GEAR WILL GIVE YOU WHAT YOu'LL NEED.

2: Recolor your Victario's to BBBRRG (in any order). You may also stop trying to get the 6 link IF YOU SO CHOOSE. Keep your Empower in one of your stash tabs, it's useful on other builds. Auras: Malevolence/Zealotry/Wrath/Anger/Vitality/Hatred
2.5: Corruption you'll be aiming for on Victario's (T3 Corruption Chamber in Temple): +2 AoE/+2 Aura

3: Recolor your shield to GGR. Auras: Haste/Grace/Determination

4: 4-link your Alphas.

5: Drop ALL curses. You don't need 'em, let a curse bot run them instead since they get all the curse goodies. :)
Gems to run in Skyforths: Clarity/Portal/Dread Banner/Level ONE 20q Flame Dash (Flame dash is optional - if you can afford to burn the mana, sure, go for it, but I cannot. At least with the setup I have.)

6: Replace Bottled Faith with a jade flask. On a Scion, you DO NOT need a Basalt Flask AT ALL (you're already capped on PDR.)
Replace Silver Flask for a Quartz.

7: Remove Phase run ENTIRELY. You don't need it. You'll also have to swap your weapon for a 1 handed Sword in order to run Smite (Smite-Faster Attacks-Generosity)

8: You aren't a witch, stop wasting currency on your Animate Guardian. He's not tanky enough even WITH a Kaom's Heart.

9: IF you can afford it, get a Shavronne's Revelation. PREFERRABLY one that's Uncorrupted! (Optional)

10: Replace Bated Breath with a Crystal Belt w/ T1 ES.

Here's all the gear I use:


You will need 12 1% reduced reservation Jewels in order to run this build, three of which MUST be: Energy from Within, Conqueror's Efficiency, & Conqueror's Potency. You will be capped to a level 5! Clarity.

If you can get an Envy-infused Aul's Uprising, DO so. United in Dream cannot be used here as you need BOTH a rare SWORD & Shield with the mods listed here:

Shield: Socketed Gems have 15% reduced Mana Reservation
Sword: Auras from your Skills give 2% increased damage to you and Allies.

Regarding some of your recommendations

2: I disagree, empowering your main damage auras is totally worth it and pretty much mandatory in an optimized aurabot.

4: wtf how does a 4l help in any way? There are no support gems in there.

6: you're not "capped on physical dmg reduction" just because you have a lot of armor, a basalt will still help especially against high physical hits.

7: I've used shield charge for a long time too, but having tried a good phase run setup this league I have to admit that phase run is superior. First, you don't need any investment into attack speed on your weapon. Which means that you are free to choose a base with a good implicit without caring for the base attack speed like 6% dodge chance. Then, it paths so much smoother in layouts that are not open so you don't get stuck against a little pebble and you can change direction instantly if your carry is taking another direction instead of having to wait for the whole shield charge animation to finish which takes you further from your carry who is already moving away. Also, it gives you reduced visibility which is a good defensive bonus on top of that.

8: My AG has only died once this league and it was only because it was a 6 players hp Minotaur where everyone also died leaving me alone. Also your own setup boasts a 4l +1 animated guardian setup, so why are you contradicting your own advice to not invest in the AG?

The rest is fair advice though. I strongly agree wih you on the subject of leaving curses to the cursebots.

EDIT: LOL why are you using Chayula if you already have Skyforth to manage stun issues? Missing out on 5% reduced mana and some energy shield
Austhern 님이 2019. 3. 25. 오전 9:29:43에 마지막으로 편집
Hello, im playing your build this league https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/JinszkieletoczikiN/characters character is called JinBott.

Can you check my profile and maybe give me some tips what can i change? I already have all auras+2curses with CI.

Btw. Don't look at flasks it's in progress xD

What flasks should i play after nerf on resist flasks?
JinszkieletoczikiN 님이 2019. 3. 25. 오전 9:42:44에 마지막으로 편집
Austhern 님이 작성:
bvanharjr 님이 작성:
sielma 님이 작성:

because I'm dumb, had no currency (or a better amulet at that time) & yeah.

Brine King's 2s Stun immunity isn't even needed.

As for the aura setup I was using then.... that's changing for the better. :>

Edited to fix sloppy BBCode
I am emotionally & mentally drained through the sharking waters.
bvanharjr 님이 2019. 3. 31. 오전 6:34:47에 마지막으로 편집
Hey there, this is a really nice build. I've taken it and made it a little bit "my own", namely switching it to a witch.

I just had a question, and a comment.

Firstly, the comment.

At the top of the guide you say that that sword is giving off 26% increased damage I'm pretty sure that's wrong. The necromancer ascendancy gives 3% increased attack/cast speed per aura, and that is affected by aura effectiveness, so I assume the sword's mod is too. Assuming you have all the aura effectiveness, that would put it at 44% increased damage.

Secondly, my question.

In your screenshot you have 88/88/91 resists, and I was wondering if you could tell me how you managed that? Purities only go up to 84, and I don't see max res on your gear, and the PoB doesn't show it, so is it from a party mate some how? If so, what is it?

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