{3.10} Speaker for the Dead | The Mass Minion Summoner | League Starter, Leveling Guide 💀

Mr. @hercanic, do you think slave drivers are any good?
gaucetank12345#0686 님이 2019. 9. 17. 오전 4:34:00에 마지막으로 편집
@ gaucetank12345:
gaucetank12345 님이 작성:
Mr. @hercanic, do you think slave drivers are any good?

You can certainly give them a whirl, we're flexible enough to accommodate.

I approach our minions with the mindset of Division of Roles. People tend to get caught up in maximizing damage that they forget how important coverage, defense, mobility, utility, and adaptability can be.

Slave Drivers are powerful, but have limited coverage. We already solve our bossing with Skeletons. Map clear is where we spend most of our playtime, and most trash monsters don't have more than 20k life. Clear doesn't need power, it needs coverage and speed. So why not make it the best it can be? We have our Barrage in Skeletons, so we just need our Tornado Shot. Spectres with Unending Hunger are perfect for this task.
Thanks I will try to fix my gear.
So herald of agony is not needed in this build? I currently have this gem in my boots if that makes any difference.
@ mroz3:
mroz3 님이 작성:
Thanks I will try to fix my gear.
So herald of agony is not needed in this build? I currently have this gem in my boots if that makes any difference.

Did you see the 3.8 Update link at the top of the first post?
Hercanic#3982 님이 2019. 9. 17. 오전 5:07:01에 마지막으로 편집
I just want to start with an frost sentinel / solar guard as aoe damage dealer, zombies as tank, carrion golem as life buffer, skells as single damage dealer...

Is that recommended or too many minions?

That's pretty much exactly what this build is all about: unleashing multiple types of minions, most of which are 5-6L.

And is it recommended to use vis mortis / bones of ullr in combination with necromantic aegis?

We use none of these.

Is this skilltree completely working with any kind of minions?

Pretty much, yes.[/quote]

Hej @Hercanic,

thanks for quick response!

OK - so I CAN use all of the minions, but I´m not in need of? So it will work with some tweaks on equipment, that only spectres + zombie work?

May I ask WHY we don´t use necromantic aegis? :)

OK, will just look into it then, thanks!
Hercanic 님이 작성:
@ mroz3:
mroz3 님이 작성:
Thanks I will try to fix my gear.
So herald of agony is not needed in this build? I currently have this gem in my boots if that makes any difference.

Did you see the 3.8 Update link at the top of the first post?

now i did thanks :D

could you give an advice on my gear in way to improve dps and keep surviablity.also if there is anything wrong with it, i mainly focusing on UBER ELDER and clearing maps quick to redo it and delve when i have sulphite.

i am using ES shield/gloves atm for more ES.fire/lightning damage on claw to proc EE through Cyclone.will change shield sockets to immortal call maybe unless there is something better.

any suggestions are appreciated am struggling against uber elder since screen is always clustered with minions, its hard to keep track of everything ,so i thought more dps will shorten the fight.

@ Insane_Goat:
Full Post
Insane_Goat 님이 작성:
Hi guys,

I am hoping to get some help and guidance. (I am relatively new to POE - Started last league) I still don't really know what is good and what is not and what works and all but have a basic understanding and read this thread and many more. Absolutely loving this build and it is done well, but being new I look at the guide not knowing much and try get close to it and find those items and I get thrown off when OP is using a different build when I am still trying to understand the main one and everyone trying different stuff.

So I am still trying to follow the main guide for 3.8.
Please can you guys advice and give me guidance on my build so far.
So far EVERYTHING has been a breeze and super easy I am busy doing around tier 6 maps no problem. Queen of Vaal is not to difficult just need to be quicker at dodging those fire circles. (haven't gone further in maps as trying to follow quest line and trying to farm a map. Racecourse) but!!!


Tried my first tier 3 blighted map and was fun until last wave, I had towers down game got a bit laggy but managed but I just could not keep them off with towers spread and upgraded I could not keep up. and failed.. Which sucks as there is so much loot wasted.. Then learn a bit about strategies with the towers and all and I got my second blighted map a tier 6 (which I have been clearing easily) but this Blighted one just could not cope about 3/4 way through getting over run. Is there something in the build missing. I don't feel strong enough.

Need advice and then guidance and the way forward on my build.
Sorry for long post, but you guys are really helpful and I am sure you can help.

P.S I am aware of my low resistance and need to up it - I bone barrier does help with the resistance. But I am not sure where I should get more res on and what to try craft etc etc.


Crafted my body Armour with a prophecy for 5 links and then a lucky roll. I have can craft multi mod but don't have 2 ex. Not sure what else to do to my body either or what to aim for. It seems decent.

I get thrown off when OP is using a different build

I can't give good advice if I haven't fully tested the new stuff. =o)

I could not keep up. and failed..

Use Melee Splash on Skeletons during Blight encounters. It can provide exponential damage. I talk about this in "Trouble/crashing in Blight maps" of the mini-FAQ. I also highly recommend Feeding Frenzy over Minion Speed for Skeletons. Their Dash is just so good.

You don't need Wraithlord, Bones of Ullr, or Kalisa's Grace.

You'll also want an Shaper/Elder-influenced weapon that gives a lot of support affixes to your Zombies.

I'd only use Empower when your weapon has at least +1. Right now, all it's giving is one level, which is worth ~10% more damage and life. Eventually, when you can get a +1 weapon and craft +2 Supports and can afford a L4 Empower, all together this will add +7 levels, which is quite a big difference and beats out any other support gem you could use. But if it's only granting one level? Other supports would be better, for the time being.

Thank you so much.
[quote]I can't give good advice if I haven't fully tested the new stuff. =o)[/quote]
I appreciate this reply so much xD You legend

Melee splash got it. So just switch between that and splash for blighted maps. When I eventually find another.

You don't need Wraithlord, Bones of Ullr, or Kalisa's Grace.

So what should I try to look for. I suck at farming currency.. still new so haven't found anything better yet. I have your guide printed next to me while gaming so looking for those items on your build but yeah no luck.

You'll also want an Shaper/Elder-influenced weapon that gives a lot of support affixes to your Zombies.

I am looking patiently for a good claw and hubris. I have some in a "Possible Craft Tab" but Unless I pick up something decent I don't want to waste my little currency on the low level Items.. when I start finding shaper and elder stuff then I will try craft.. I haven't encountered the elder still trying to get this one map to progress with shaper story..

I'd only use Empower when your weapon has at least +1. Right now, all it's giving is one level, which is worth ~10% more damage and life. Eventually, when you can get a +1 weapon and craft +2 Supports and can afford a L4 Empower, all together this will add +7 levels, which is quite a big difference and beats out any other support gem you could use. But if it's only granting one level? Other supports would be better, for the time being.

So what should I use in place of empower while I level it up in second weapon slot. (I have some gems leveling in second weapon slot like melee splash and IFS)

Est. Legion League
Noob trying my best to learn
Insane_Goat#5544 님이 2019. 9. 17. 오전 7:11:13에 마지막으로 편집
Hercanic 님이 작성:
@ anderalw:

Does skitter bot+bone chill support have to be unlink with generosity+hatred. Btw what's the purpose of skitterbot?

Bonechill has no effect on Hatred, and Generosity has no effect on Skitterbots. The sockets are only unlinked by chance. That's just how they rolled, and I didn't need to waste any more fusings for a 4L.

What are the main advantages of using skitterbots with this build?
Insane_Goat 님이 작성:
So what should I use in place of empower while I level it up in second weapon slot. (I have some gems leveling in second weapon slot like melee splash and IFS)

Until you have a +1 claw and a good empower, the best is most likely minion damage + feeding frenzy for your zombies in the claw.

As for the claw itself, there's a few not very expensive which could be a good boost: essentially until you target the rare and expensive +1 gem + maim + other support + support gem level craft, you can go with any claw giving you two useful supports for your zombies (like faster attacks, elemental damage, etc.). Just be careful with mods that could give you unwanted elemental damage (like %phys as extra cold)

For wraithlord replacement (it's still good and useful obviously): any helm with at least +2 minions and other good stats (ideally +3 minion and minion damage support, but that's expensive).

For the boots, you'll be better most likely with boots giving fortify support and more movement speed / life / resists than what bones give. The +1 spectre level is nice but probably not worth it enough to use bones in that build (but the expensive end target will probably be a pair of boots with 35% ms, fortify, +1 spectre level, high life / % life).

For the same reasons, endgame for rich people, a good +1 max spectre chest will be really great, but until then just look for a good ES base with high ES and ideally also a high life bonus, as life gives you both direct EHP increase (obviously) and indirect EHP increase through spirit offering, as with more life you'll gain more ES from spirit offering.
Gorkk#7902 님이 2019. 9. 17. 오전 6:30:09에 마지막으로 편집

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