{3.10} Speaker for the Dead | The Mass Minion Summoner | League Starter, Leveling Guide 💀
" already solved it, bought the oils and dropped a 5% life passive, anointed golem commander, used the point to allocate sacrafice again. I'm also at 60% of lvl 95 so I can get my life node back when I level. FutureFear#3386 님이 2019. 9. 19. 오후 5:11:36에 마지막으로 편집
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Hi Hercanic and guys
Thanks for the best guide. Quick question. which do you prefer meat shield or minion life or empower for raise zombies who sometimes die quick. i took passives which gives some more minion survivability already. but in blight lane, zombies disappear quick sometimes. I am gonna try to use meat shield. If someone already tried, I glad to hear. |
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" Never had that issue so far with zombies dying, even though I'm playing with Feeding frenzy & empower on them (+ an awesome +1 & 3 supports wep). (my zombies have 60K+ life) I took the liberty to check out your character to find what could be the problem and noticed your unending hunger won't work in the spot it's in, it needs atleast 40 intelligence in radius (allocated intelligence that is). You might want to relocate it... it only affects your spectre, but it's quite a damage boost and could take alot of agro away from zombies, because your spectre can kill faster once it works... Not sure why you have precision in your ring, but it seems useless, replace it with something more usefull I'd say, plenty of option to be found here -> always welcome to check out my blight character, it could help ALOT DPS wise, and building/maxing out the build for end game. If they still die after you fixed unending hunger there might be some other issue, I overlooked. FutureFear#3386 님이 2019. 9. 19. 오후 5:59:47에 마지막으로 편집
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Hey, I was wondering about a chest armor. Should I prio life or ES on it? Also about the carrion golem. If you go for golem commander, do you get the buff twice when you have two of them active? Hungering loop setup seems really interesting, and if it actually gives you 4M DPS with single golem, that is huge. How do you calculate your DPS in POB? E: Is it really worth grinding for +1 spectre chest? E2: I also noticed that you don't have Fortify on your boots. How is your survavibility and eHP with this setup? Jespetin#4188 님이 2019. 9. 19. 오후 6:18:24에 마지막으로 편집
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" My current chest is far from what I'm going for but decent enough for now. I aimed for high life and "some" ES and my resist, due to loss of resists on my belt. Still the "perfect" chest would be a destroyer regilia with +1 spectre, high life, high ES & resists OR an elder destroyer regilia with +1 to support gems and ofcourse life, ES & resists. Still this is more like I want, then I need... any other decent 6 link will do just fine aswell. Note: Expect to pay several exalted for such chests!! I'm not 100% sure if I get everything twice with two carion golems, but I do notice the difference between one and two for sure. I'm still testing it, and sadly POB doesn't let me set an amount of how many i've summoned and can't calculate the DPS of both it seems. (unless i've missed it) How do I calculate in POB, I first setup the configuration to closly match a shaper fight, then take my calculator and start counting the dmg shown on every skill/minion and multiply it by the number(s) I can summon of that minion... then add them all and voila a total of my DPS. (plenty of tutorials and info on POB out there) The DPS amount is ofcourse with my current gear, it's going to be different for everyone, since I have quite a decent weapon & helmet for my zombies & skeletons it's going to scale ALOT higher ofcourse. Then again even it's only 2M or 1M it's still alot and worth considering. Why no fortify you wonder, wel I'v said it manny times by now, I'm using bone armour as a "potion" so it's kind of my fortify... Another reason is I might go for "the stampede" boots once I can cover the resists on a new chest, ring or amulet... So far I haven't had too manny issues surviving and i'm not an HC player so if I die, I die and lose some exp, no big deal. But since bone armour and my blood of karui potion saves the day most of the time it's quite rare to die anyway. I guess alot also depends how good you understand path of exiles mechanics, when and where to dodge and stand to stay alive, certainly with uber elder. |
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" Thank you for the answers! I am currently looking for Fortify boots, but yeah.. the resists. :P Also just downed Shaper with no issues so I guess I am doing okay. |
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What would you guys rather use right now? I bought the claw a while ago and just had the mace drop, any idea of prices for either? |
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I believe you do not get doubled carrion golem buffs if you have two summoned.
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Anyone using the Hungry loop? My gems for specter just hit their point to lvl to 20 and im debating on adding them to a ring or not so i could put something else in my chest or get another minion like animate guardian or buff my Carrion golem?
what are your thoughts? zombies and skellies are already in psudo 6/5 link wep and helm so they are out. |
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@ everyone:
I noticed Holy Relic has been stealth-buffed. It has a 0.25 sec cooldown now instead of 0.5. If I were to put it in a Hungry Loop in my Triad Grip build, I could get it up to 2M DPS. Pretty crazy. Speaking of crazy, I ran the numbers on what my Triad Grip build can eventually achieve. And yeah, it's insane. 4-5M Zombies, 10-11M Skeletons, over 20M Vaal Skeletons, 1M Phantasms, 750k Frost Sentinels. I'll release the pastebin when I get far enough along and record some video. Competition on gear is already pretty high right now, so I don't want to make it worse just yet. =o) @ FutureFear: " The Intelligence does NOT need to be allocated. As long as there is at least 40 INT within the jewel's radius, regardless whether it's been taken or not, Unending Hunger will work. Threshold jewels were changed to work this way quite a while ago. " Golem buffs do not stack. Hercanic#3982 님이 2019. 9. 19. 오후 10:54:18에 마지막으로 편집
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