{3.10} Speaker for the Dead | The Mass Minion Summoner | League Starter, Leveling Guide 💀

Jacob1618 님이 작성:
But we only have 3 slots one the claw.
So we need Empower lvl4 + Raise Zombie + Feeding frenzy.
We have no spot for Minion damage support.
Is that ok ?

Yep, that's why I said instead:

Hercanic 님이 작성:
If we instead use a L4 Empower with +1 and +2 Support craft, pushing Zombies to L30, then = 2.4M.
Hi Heranic,
First off, thanks for the build guide. This is my first summoner and I'm having an absolute (lightning) ball playing it.

My build is going very well, but i still have to fix my claw. Do you know of any guides on how to craft a claw with +1 socketed gems and maim? I'm trying to figure it out with poedb but i cant figure out if i need to use fossils or alt spam.

Secondly, you posted a list of gems that should be 21/20, 21/0 and 20/20 somewhere in this post. I've honestly gone back since page 160 and I can't seem to find it. Could you please post it again?

Thanks again
@ Tigytallpants:
Tigytallpants 님이 작성:
My build is going very well, but i still have to fix my claw. Do you know of any guides on how to craft a claw with +1 socketed gems and maim?

There should be something in the Trade & Craft section of the original guide... No, dammit, twice now I forgot to add that in. Okay, I had to do some digging but I managed to find the second time I posted about it. Here and here.

Also, as of the 3.8 build change we no longer need Herald of Agony. Zombies are proving to be more than satisfactory on their own now. This opens up our weapon to have many, many more Support mods that only benefit melee. We can also use either Elder or Shaper weapons, too, as both have strong options.

+1 is still really good when combined with the +2 Support craft and L4 Empower. We can get Zombies up to L30. At that level they'll have almost 100k life, 116% Slam cooldown (1.85 sec), hit like trucks, and give us 11 max Zombies.

Tigytallpants 님이 작성:
Secondly, you posted a list of gems that should be 21/20, 21/0 and 20/20 somewhere in this post. I've honestly gone back since page 160 and I can't seem to find it. Could you please post it again?

Gem Links & Gear Examples of the original guide listed the recommended level and quality for each gem. I have not done this for the 3.8 Update since various things are still undergoing testing.

I did answer one other person asking the same question a few ~dozen pages ago, basically just advising that they compare what is gained from one level @L21 vs. 20% quality. I'll eventually do this again, but haven't gotten around to it just yet.

THEJOK3RR 님이 작성:
Wondering if the shield can be changed to something else

Sure. Charity is just a big source of DPS, but it's entirely optional.

@ Singrave:
Singrave 님이 작성:
In my personal humble experience i don't see any benefits to use Holy Relic.
Maybe i move too slow or doing it wrong.

Minions are far tankier, so the value of its regen has dropped. On the other hand its nova can trigger twice as fast now, so it deals respectable clear damage around you.

I keep meaning to test whether Feeding Frenzy or Deathmark have any effect on its behavior.
Hercanic#3982 님이 2019. 9. 20. 오후 6:36:49에 마지막으로 편집
Jurvi 님이 작성:
Insane_Goat 님이 작성:
Hi Guys,

Will this mess up EE? Based of Hercanics build. It seems good just not sure about added DMG.

No, only your own damage applies EE.

I would try to go for jewels that have either +life or +ES in addition to damage stats though. Those flat added damage to minions are not that amazing really.

Thank you
Est. Legion League
Noob trying my best to learn
if i understand right, Holy Relic triggers only ON HIT - that means i need to hit with Cyclone?
If this, then no, i'd like to stay as far as possible from any danger at least for now, until i get any good 6L body armor instead of tabula rasa.
FutureFear 님이 작성:
petsh0p 님이 작성:
Hi Hercanic and guys
Thanks for the best guide.

Quick question.
which do you prefer meat shield or minion life or empower for raise zombies who sometimes die quick.
i took passives which gives some more minion survivability already. but in blight lane, zombies disappear quick sometimes.
I am gonna try to use meat shield. If someone already tried, I glad to hear.

Never had that issue so far with zombies dying, even though I'm playing with Feeding frenzy & empower on them (+ an awesome +1 & 3 supports wep). (my zombies have 60K+ life)

I took the liberty to check out your character to find what could be the problem and noticed your unending hunger won't work in the spot it's in, it needs atleast 40 intelligence in radius (allocated intelligence that is). You might want to relocate it... it only affects your spectre, but it's quite a damage boost and could take alot of agro away from zombies, because your spectre can kill faster once it works...

Not sure why you have precision in your ring, but it seems useless, replace it with something more usefull I'd say, plenty of option to be found here -> always welcome to check out my blight character, it could help ALOT DPS wise, and building/maxing out the build for end game.

If they still die after you fixed unending hunger there might be some other issue, I overlooked.

@Future Fear
Thanks for reply. I checked your character. i found many differeces between yours and mine. i'm gonna try something new. thanks a lot.
about precision, i'd go carrion golem on it and skeletons will have more dmg.
Hercanic 님이 작성:
@ Tigytallpants:
Tigytallpants 님이 작성:
My build is going very well, but i still have to fix my claw. Do you know of any guides on how to craft a claw with +1 socketed gems and maim?

There should be something in the Trade & Craft section of the original guide... No, dammit, twice now I forgot to add that in. Okay, I had to do some digging but I managed to find the second time I posted about it. Here and here.

Also, as of the 3.8 build change we no longer need Herald of Agony. Zombies are proving to be more than satisfactory on their own now. This opens up our weapon to have many, many more Support mods that only benefit melee. We can also use either Elder or Shaper weapons, too, as both have strong options.

+1 is still really good when combined with the +2 Support craft and L4 Empower. We can get Zombies up to L30. At that level they'll have almost 100k life, 116% Slam cooldown (1.85 sec), hit like trucks, and give us 11 max Zombies.

Tigytallpants 님이 작성:
Secondly, you posted a list of gems that should be 21/20, 21/0 and 20/20 somewhere in this post. I've honestly gone back since page 160 and I can't seem to find it. Could you please post it again?

Gem Links & Gear Examples of the original guide listed the recommended level and quality for each gem. I have not done this for the 3.8 Update since various things are still undergoing testing.

I did answer one other person asking the same question a few ~dozen pages ago, basically just advising that they compare what is gained from one level @L21 vs. 20% quality. I'll eventually do this again, but haven't gotten around to it just yet.

THEJOK3RR 님이 작성:
Wondering if the shield can be changed to something else

Sure. Charity is just a big source of DPS, but it's entirely optional.

@ Singrave:
Singrave 님이 작성:
In my personal humble experience i don't see any benefits to use Holy Relic.
Maybe i move too slow or doing it wrong.

Minions are far tankier, so the value of its regen has dropped. On the other hand its nova can trigger twice as fast now, so it deals respectable clear damage around you.

I keep meaning to test whether Feeding Frenzy or Deathmark have any effect on its behavior.

Dear Sir,

May I know if the elemental damage support on the weapon benifits our built? Should we try to get that mod on the weapon as well?
May I know what is your current HP and ES is at?
First post on forums goes to you. First time killing shaper ever for me and it's thanks to you and this awesome guide!
@ Singrave:
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Singrave 님이 작성:
if i understand right, Holy Relic triggers only ON HIT - that means i need to hit with Cyclone?
If this, then no, i'd like to stay as far as possible from any danger at least for now, until i get any good 6L body armor instead of tabula rasa.
Holy Relic triggers only ON HIT - that means i need to hit with Cyclone?

If you're Cycloning through monsters, Holy Relic will constantly trigger. It'll clear trash in your wake on top of giving you the same regen as a Stone Golem without taking up a golem slot.

You can also hit with ranged attacks, like Blade Flurry or Charged Dash, to keep your distance. Monsters that get close will then be met with nova blasts.

I find the constant mobility of Cyclone avoids most damage, though, and Spirit Offering nullifies anything that does happen to hit. There are, of course, certain map bosses and Legion rares you do want to be cautious of if your eHP isn't above ~9-10k.

In any case, Holy Relic is optional. I only have it in my Cold Triad Grip at the moment because the Animated Guardian Hungry Loop isn't ready yet.

@ sengson3rd:
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sengson3rd 님이 작성:
Dear Sir,

May I know if the elemental damage support on the weapon benifits our built? Should we try to get that mod on the weapon as well?
May I know what is your current HP and ES is at?
elemental damage support

If you're doing a full elemental conversion build, like my Cold Triad Grip variant, then the Elemental Damage with Attacks Support (EDWA) is a pure 54% MORE damage multiplier. Very strong.

If you are not converting, then only Hatred is providing our attack minions with elemental damage. Since it only makes up around a third of our damage, EDWA is likewise reduced to a third. 54% * ~0.3 = 16%. In this case, EDWA is a small damage bonus. It's still worth something, so if you happen to have it, great, but don't go out of your way to get it. Since it's nowhere near as good without conversion.

May I know what is your current HP and ES is at?

In Blight my gear is still pretty crap, so I only have 5k life and 1.5k ES. Spirit Offering brings ES up to 2.8k.

Since I'm using Triad Grip, I'm losing life on my glove slot. And if I go NA, I'll lose the life on my shield. Even so, I should still be able to hit 6k and 3-4k life/es with good gear.

@ mmastrocinque:
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mmastrocinque 님이 작성:
First post on forums goes to you. First time killing shaper ever for me and it's thanks to you and this awesome guide!
First time killing shaper ever for me and it's thanks to you and this awesome guide!

Awesome! Congrats! =oD
Hercanic#3982 님이 2019. 9. 21. 오전 4:51:44에 마지막으로 편집
@ everyone:
Two neat tricks!

1a. Phase Run set on your Left Click will constantly trigger without interrupting your movement. I am considering implementing this in my Triad Grip variant, since I am also considering taking Necromantic Aegis. Frenzy Charge generation is just a little too spotty with only Cyclone for my tastes. Ball Lightning was really pulling its weight, so it's sad I cannot use my CwC setup without splitting the elemental conversion. While NA means losing all the defensive benefits of my shield, it'll give Skitterbots 20% increased AOE as well as Power Charges to all minions. With a Kingmaker Animated Guardian granting +50% crit multi to allies, Power Charges would add a lot more damage to clear on top of way more freezing.

1b. I can theoretically chain Blade Vortex (EE application) -> Smoke Mine -> L7/Q20 Phase Run + L4 Enhance -> Quicksilver of Adrenaline Flask -> Silver Flask = 29 + 33 + 10 + 12 + 40 + 30 + 20 = 174% movement speed. Throw in 35% movespeed boots with 10% enchant for 313% total movespeed. But that'd take 6 piano button presses every 5-7 seconds to maintain. =o\

2. If you can't use Fortify, like me currently, and don't have an Animated Guardian with Kingmaker, also like me, and you don't want to do the weapon swap + Vigilant Strike + The Vigil jewel combo for ~30-second Fortify, again just like me, then there's still hope! You can anoint your amulet with Hardened Scars (Gold, Black, Teal), then use a Hybrid flask with either the Enduring or Foreboding prefix, and you will gain Fortify for the full duration of the flask regardless of having full life and/or mana. Then use Hillock for 26% flask quality to increase the 5 second duration to 6.3. Then craft Flask Duration on your belt or use The Retch for 60% increased flask effect duration and 15% increased movement speed during any flask effect. That'd give 10 seconds of Fortify, with 2 sips per Hybrid flask.

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FutureFear 님이 작성:
Thanks for clearing that up, not sure when they changed the threshold jewels but I probably missed it.

That golems do not stack I pritty much assumed they didn't, still 2 = beter then one I guess. Just trying a few things out, I do have the currency for it so, why not...

Looking forward to your new build! If you need help (ingame) with gear, leveling skills, currency,... for testing purpose always happy to help out :)
FutureFear 님이 작성:
If you need help (ingame) with gear, leveling skills, currency,... for testing purpose always happy to help out :)

In all honestly, I would really appreciate that. I'm not attached to my personal progress, and working up to endgame means less time rewriting the guide and capturing endgame video of the build in its reasonably ideal form.

For anyone who wishes to donate, lend, or assist in any way, whether in Blight League or Standard League, please first send me a PM and we can make arrangements from there. I tend to get a lot of random ingame Friend Requests from fans of the build, so I have no idea who is who.

Depending on how many offers come up, I'll update this post with any specifics on ideal gear and such.

As an aside, in all this time, I've only had one person donate something, completely out of the blue, which prompted me to create the new Special Thanks category in the Cenotaph.
Hercanic#3982 님이 2019. 9. 21. 오전 5:12:02에 마지막으로 편집

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