[3.8] Lightning Scourge Deadeye - [Scourge/Lightning Arrow] [All Content] [1M+ DPS] [5.6K+ Life]

Toglem 님이 작성:
Ok thank you for the advices, I'll try it.

How is it now?

I played the V1 variant of this build with Shroud of the Lightless and had 0 problems with bossing up to Uber Elder.
Your right slot right could be a litte better (there is 0 benefit from Phys damage when using Tempest). Also your gems are not yet 20lvl and some of them could use the 20% quality as well to get a little more juice. (Added lightning and Crit chance).

E: Adding a video of Phoenix boss fight. No crazy modes, switched Wrath to Haste due to Temp Chains. :

T16 Phoenix boss fight

Overall damage from Scourge arrow on bosses will always feel "worse" or less powerfull than shooting Lightning arrow and one-shotting white/blue packs of monsters, but still, you should not have any problems with T10+ bosses.

You shoudl really try the V1 of the build without weapons swapping ;)

Posting below my gear:

Matrielx#4305 님이 2019. 10. 2. 오전 9:23:22에 마지막으로 편집
I started actually with the V1 and I thought it was the problem because it was the "cheap" version of this build. I guess I have enough damage to kill bosses but it feels kinda slow.

Which one is better between Inpulsa and Shroud ?

Thank you.
Toglem#2158 님이 2019. 10. 2. 오후 3:11:53에 마지막으로 편집
Toglem 님이 작성:
I started actually with the V1 and I thought it was the problem because it was the "cheap" version of this build. I guess I have enough damage to kill bosses but it feels kinda slow.

Which one is better between Inpulsa and Shroud ?

Thank you.

It all depends on your definition of "slow" :) Obviously there are builds that can one-shot bosses, but this one is not a boss killer focused.

Actually it not the "cheap" version of the build, it is just a bit different and mostly, doesn't require a weapon swap!

A 6 linked Inpulsa might be better (would need to check the exact DPS numbers) but for Bossing Shroud provides more defenses and utility. The fact that it is cheaper doesn't make it worse, as you get additional 1 abyss jewel ;)
What anointment would u use ?:)
ScorpG 님이 작성:
What anointment would u use ?:)

I went for True Strike as it probably gives biggest DPS boost. Posted few my ideas on the previous page.
hello and thanks for the build! I am having trouble on tier 13-16 especially with bosses. I still have to upgrade my jewels and get the helm enchantment but other than that i would appreciate any advice on what to upgrade as i have no clue what i could do.


thank you
Are you planning on updating the PoB with stages for the skill tree, so its easier to know in what order you should take the nodes?
is this build viable for 3.9 as starter ?? very want try it
karpena 님이 작성:
is this build viable for 3.9 as starter ?? very want try it

Should be, nothing major changed :)
Matrielx 님이 작성:
karpena 님이 작성:
is this build viable for 3.9 as starter ?? very want try it

Should be, nothing major changed :)

Nothing major? Lightning Arrow is MUCH better now...

Also, despite SA getting nerfed, the added flat chaos helps leveling and early endgame (a bit lower damage when maxed).

The real hit is Mirage Archer. I wouldn't say replace it after nerf, but it's going to have an effect for sure.
Ailuue#1776 님이 2019. 12. 11. 오후 11:29:05에 마지막으로 편집

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