[3.6] Scourge Arrow / Rain of Arrows Ascendant (All Content)

myle5001 님이 작성:
Beda_VARTA 님이 작성:
Did a very similar build to this changed up a little and went away from mark of the elder and assasins mark ring. This build is really strong even in 3.5

This is my gear and having about 2M shaper dps

This together with unnatural instinct, might of the meek x2 and 5 extra abyss jewels with life + lightning damage

Aside from resistances, I don't see a reason as to why you would want to use an Opal Ring like the one you have. You're missing out on a potential additional 4% more DPS while also not getting any life, which in my opinion you desperately need as you only have 5.5k of it.

You can get more DPS with much higher life in general.

The opal ring is for resistances to balance it out using wise oak, trying to craft a better one with no luck. Resistances is really hard to get with mark of the elder ring and a good assasins mark (IMO)
s0mosh 님이 작성:
Beda_VARTA 님이 작성:
Did a very similar build to this changed up a little and went away from mark of the elder and assasins mark ring. This build is really strong even in 3.5

This is my gear and having about 2M shaper dps

This together with unnatural instinct, might of the meek x2 and 5 extra abyss jewels with life + lightning damage

Why? Your rings don't offer any reasonable benefit over Mark of the Elder + assasin's mark. You're just loosing a huge chunk of damage imo. Or did I miss something?

My rings arent that great right now but i use these for resistances to cap out and even it for wise oak, the flat added lightning dmg against shocked enemy does add quite alot. I know that mark of the elder + assasin's mark might be higher dmg but we really don't need it. I'm trying to craft a opal ring with the following stats (NON-SHAPED):

Elemental damage with attacks
Flat lightning dmg
Whatever resist is missing
Then if there is space for it "Aspect of the Spider" which would be the main reason to go away from mark of the elder
Beda_VARTA#4570 님이 2019. 1. 16. 오전 7:06:11에 마지막으로 편집

Hi, would you mind looking over my character? I'm not struggling per se, but my DPS isn't where I'd like it to be at. Where do you think I should upgrade first? I know I need a new abyss jewel on the far left because the rolls are low, and the rest are 3 mods but I don't really have the funds to replace them all with 4 mods. I could switch to 2 abyssal socket Bubonics but I'd lose resist and I'm already slightly under cap for cold and lightning before switching. Any advice is appreciated, thanks.

Edit: Got some Bubonics, and got some new jewels. Was a pretty massive damage increase, but resists are terrible now.
Saf3tyhazard#3440 님이 2019. 1. 19. 오후 4:39:04에 마지막으로 편집
Saf3tyhazard 님이 작성:

Hi, would you mind looking over my character? I'm not struggling per se, but my DPS isn't where I'd like it to be at. Where do you think I should upgrade first? I know I need a new abyss jewel on the far left because the rolls are low, and the rest are 3 mods but I don't really have the funds to replace them all with 4 mods. I could switch to 2 abyssal socket Bubonics but I'd lose resist and I'm already slightly under cap for cold and lightning before switching. Any advice is appreciated, thanks.

Edit: Got some Bubonics, and got some new jewels. Was a pretty massive damage increase, but resists are terrible now.

I wouldnt play without capped resists, you wont be having fun at any endgame activity.

I didnt check your pob, but did you get a ghastly/hypnotic eye dedicated to resists somewhere?
With bubonics its a pretty good compromise between dmg and def imo.

Id also get some better ring setup going, a watchers eye, even one with only 1 good mod will also boost your overall effectiveness..
Since better dmg is reliant on jewels with this build and youre starving resistances, Id also reccomend a 2 socket lightpoacher, if your budget is sufficient enough to buy one.
s0mosh 님이 작성:
Saf3tyhazard 님이 작성:

Hi, would you mind looking over my character? I'm not struggling per se, but my DPS isn't where I'd like it to be at. Where do you think I should upgrade first? I know I need a new abyss jewel on the far left because the rolls are low, and the rest are 3 mods but I don't really have the funds to replace them all with 4 mods. I could switch to 2 abyssal socket Bubonics but I'd lose resist and I'm already slightly under cap for cold and lightning before switching. Any advice is appreciated, thanks.

Edit: Got some Bubonics, and got some new jewels. Was a pretty massive damage increase, but resists are terrible now.

I wouldnt play without capped resists, you wont be having fun at any endgame activity.

I didnt check your pob, but did you get a ghastly/hypnotic eye dedicated to resists somewhere?
With bubonics its a pretty good compromise between dmg and def imo.

Id also get some better ring setup going, a watchers eye, even one with only 1 good mod will also boost your overall effectiveness..
Since better dmg is reliant on jewels with this build and youre starving resistances, Id also reccomend a 2 socket lightpoacher, if your budget is sufficient enough to buy one.

I can afford one without the enchant, but my starkonja has the scourge arrow enchant. Should I just go with the lightpoacher and forgo the enchant for now then?

I'll definitely try out the ghastly/hypnotic combo, didn't think about that.

I've actually been doing okay in t16's with shit resists and I've downed shaper several times easily enough, about to start working on uber elder. Will cap resists before I do it though.
Saf3tyhazard#3440 님이 2019. 1. 19. 오후 8:19:48에 마지막으로 편집
Can somebody look over my character I feel like I might be missing some things, my damage is ok but for example I don't know if the extra chaos damage is the way to go but it seems to increase my tooltip dmg the most.

I guess I should focus on getting a better bow but thats not cheap.

thanks in advance!
Utini 님이 작성:
Can somebody look over my character I feel like I might be missing some things, my damage is ok but for example I don't know if the extra chaos damage is the way to go but it seems to increase my tooltip dmg the most.

I guess I should focus on getting a better bow but thats not cheap.

thanks in advance!

1. Dying Sun is pointless, you should use a Wise Oak even if your resistances aren't balanced (which they should be).

2. Finding a better bow than yours for cheap isn't hard at all. Here's a better one I found on the trade site for 50c. I replaced its original crafted prefix with Gain 22% of Non-Chaos Damage as Extra Chaos Damage and it gives a substantial DPS increase over your current bow: https://i.imgur.com/6ZQqlwT.png

3. Your quiver doesn't give an additional arrow, which improves the pattern of the spores, making it easier to shotgun with the thorn arrows.

4. You have a Searching Eye Jewel on your Tombfists rather than a Murderous Eye Jewel, meaning you're not intimidating enemies which is essentially a 10% more multiplier to your damage. This is very easy to fix.

5. You don't have an enchantment on your helmet.

Your Path of Building DPS isn't bad at all, but PoB doesn't take into account the improved shotgunning from having an additional arrow nor the helmet enchantment. Get those along with a better bow, socketing the right jewel into your Tombfists and balancing your resistances.

b5001#1384 님이 2019. 1. 20. 오후 12:19:11에 마지막으로 편집
Can someone maybe help me improving my gear? This is my actual stuff. I feel like that it's already kinda okayish but i'd like to get more out of it. I have trouble capping my res with this right now.

Treydez87#7006 님이 2019. 1. 22. 오전 11:00:10에 마지막으로 편집
hi folks .. its been a long time ago i played a bow build and i want to make a bow starter next league .. so i wont testing this leage a little bit.

im absolutely not sure .. if i will try this or the hopeshredder build.

whats more budget/better scaleing/more dps/more confortable/more survibility?

Hi! Just started to level this build!
Couldn't find which bandit choice you took?
I guess Alira? Or 2 points?

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