[3.5] (This is a bad league starter) Lancing Steel + Shattering Steel - Deadeye - League Starter

phexifa 님이 작성:
going good so far, but volley does nothing with shattering steel?

Yeah, I just discovered this. I'm doing SS+Onslaught+Poison right now in Act 2. SS has an awful lot of projectiles already, not sure Volley is really worthwhile anyhow.
got a 3 link ewars now :-) going good so far, damage on shattering still feels a bit low, but lancing feels even worse O.O
phexifa 님이 작성:
got a 3 link ewars now :-) going good so far, damage on shattering still feels a bit low, but lancing feels even worse O.O

hmmm lol yea im not sure until i try
Hollyphantom#4741 님이 2018. 12. 7. 오후 4:25:56에 마지막으로 편집
I'm doing more damage with toxic rain despite almost all damage passives helping shattering steel...
The sad thing is, I have to facetank bosses to deal damage with shattering steel. If I stand to far away and only hit or shotgun one projectile it deals no damage xD
I feel like the skill...looks bad which I can bare but the damage is just so painfully mediocre that I feel like I'm playing it just for being a new skill.
ign PhysicalActivity
Do you guys think volley not working for shattering steel is oversight on devs part? I see no reason why it shouldn't work
for single target it feels even worse than autoattacks, sadly
storm brand does more dmg then my steel, maybe steel gets better with the unique weapons
so far i feel like Lancing steel lack damage in single target while leveling, anyone else has this problem? #feelsbad

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