Lets Theorycraft a Pathfinder Queen of the Forest Winters Orb build

So, I wanted to try and come up with a PathFinder Queen of the Forest Winters Orb build, I wanted this mainly for quick mapping, now I attempted to come up with a build for it although I got carried away, I scrapped the build due to the low health pool. Is running Queen of the forest and juggling Winters Orb possible? Is anyone up for a challenge to try and come up with something viable? I generally play around with Necro, Ele, Jugg, and recently Aura Builds, so Pathfinder is new to me when theorycrafting.

I am curious to the idea of this.
Just a small town girl, living in a lonely world.

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마지막 추천 2019. 1. 5. 오후 11:16:52
heya lionexx, yes i am makeing a winter orb now lvl 50+ so far went deadeye tho, but she seem's good, you can take a look at her tree, click my name and look for brightwell
Life sucks; but damn i'm havin a ball doin it.

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