[3.24] 🗡The Nightblade🗡 Unholy Might : 100% phys converted to chaos

Thanks for the clarification on my former question.

Got to level 72 on console and it's a ton of fun, buuuut...

Could we exclude the poison somehow ? I know it's a vital part of the build, but pure, PURE phys would lighten the load on the ol' PS4

As a wise man making builds once said - "You can defeat PoE, but you cannot defeat Mathematics"
Make Bladefall Great Again!
Impirias 님이 작성:
Could we exclude the poison somehow ? I know it's a vital part of the build, but pure, PURE phys would lighten the load on the ol' PS4

Well, I've made a simulation with PoB. If you go pure phys, expect to lose 1/3 of DPS. You'd get ~4M top, down from 6M and more.
I think you won't feel it before Guardians and Shaper, though.
You will also lose the regen give by killing poisoned enemies, but you will gain Culling strike in the Ascendancy.

All in all, a pure phys version would probably work better with Slayer or Champion.


I also noticed a mistake in the current PoB version : Pride wasn't ticked.
Now it says more than 7M DPS on release with flasks, wow !

New link :
Rahsaan's Workshop, a post to showcase a dozen of my home-made builds : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3432443
Hey, thanks for this build. I am fairly new to the game and I am enjoying the game with your build so far!
Little Q. What do you think about punishment instead of poacher's mark? (Because I don't have the ring with poacher's mark)
Punishment is a spell that curses all targets in an area, causing them to grant the Punisher buff to others they hit with melee attacks. Punisher grants more melee physical damage and increased attack speed.

Thanks !
I thought this build lacked some demos.
I've just learnt how to record and upload videos on Youtube, so I'm going to do a small series.

#1 : T11 Colonnade, quick boss kill.

Enjoy !
Rahsaan's Workshop, a post to showcase a dozen of my home-made builds : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3432443
rahsaan 님이 2019. 6. 15. 오후 12:15:58에 마지막으로 편집
Two new videos :

#2 : T14 Dark Forest, Abyss.
#3 : T14 Dark Forest, boss killed in under 2 sec. The Great Wolf will remember you, Cursed King.
Rahsaan's Workshop, a post to showcase a dozen of my home-made builds : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3432443
Hello, just wanted to thank you for this guide, it is really complete. I started the league with this and it's a lot of fun, I love the mobility and the added poison to BF, the health bars just melt ! And every question I had have an answer is this guide. I'm still not that effective against Legions ( just started maps ) but my build can still improve a lot.

Thank you again ! :D
why adders touch but no fatal toxins? overkill?

Thanks for the build!
Im the news player for poe ,y love the build !
Thx everyone for your kind msg :)

SMRonan 님이 작성:
why adders touch but no fatal toxins? overkill?


Well, we have almost 100% chance to poison without this cluster, if we believe PoB.
And our poison doesn't do much dmg, even with Fatal Toxins. There are lot better options on the tree.
Poison is used indirectly with the Ascendancy to get chaos dmg, crit chance and regen.
Rahsaan's Workshop, a post to showcase a dozen of my home-made builds : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3432443
Hey, I was wondering how do you sustain mana in that PoB budget version you posted? I couldn't see any mana leech from anywhere, is that a mistake or?

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