[3.5] Ascendant - Storm Brand build (Budget, Good clear speed, Easy to kill boss, Very Safe)

I dont see, how leech HP?
i have warlord mark
Lalkomatron 님이 2019. 2. 19. 오전 5:46:57에 마지막으로 편집

I dont see, how leech HP?
i have warlord mark

when ur storm brand hit enemy u leech. all simply. but if enemy hexproof...u dont leech
thx for build bro!! yesterday was kill uber elder three times!! first build that do it!! amazing!
pureWrath 님이 2019. 2. 19. 오전 8:37:47에 마지막으로 편집
Hi there,

thanks for the build!

You said Shimmeron is pretty mandatory to use this build as a leaguestarter. Shimmeron Was 100chaos the first 3-5 days of betrayal.

How is this build doing on day 1/2 with realy small budget ? The mark ring is 2 chaos so thats not the problem.
If leveling with rares on the first days: which stats should i prioritize?
If leveling with rares on the first days: which stats should i prioritize?

i think its usual spellcaster so u need %spell damage, flat spell damage, critical for spells, lightning damage
How do we deal with mana on this build i have now 980 mana but i run out pretty fast
Hi is there any information on leveling this as a league starter? Is it even possible?
Hi, will it still be viable after this Slayer leech nerf ? Any other option ? Was planning to do it as league starter as I completely destroyed the game previous league with it (and thx again !) but it looks like Storm Brand will be hit hard and Slayer has been so... I'm lost !
Dge4Dge 님이 작성:
Hi, will it still be viable after this Slayer leech nerf ? Any other option ? Was planning to do it as league starter as I completely destroyed the game previous league with it (and thx again !) but it looks like Storm Brand will be hit hard and Slayer has been so... I'm lost !

I´am right there with you. The brand nerf might still be ok (we will see tomorrow) but the leech nerf seems like it is too much..
It seems that the nerf is big, both on Strom Brand and leech. What do you think is worth going to? Build is not cheap, although maybe Atfiri's Acuity may not be so expensive after leech nerf.

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