UNKILLABLE 21k Energy Shield / 3.8mil Shaper DPS / 2 minute Uber kill / Celestial Bob Agony Crawler

b0redom 님이 작성:
assuming the bow's iLvl is high enough(81).

Isnt ilvl 80 enough for 20VP? Or is there another reason to start with a ilvl81 Bow?
Is the crawler influenced by accuracy?
H3avyM3tal#0791 님이 2019. 1. 8. 오전 11:40:58에 마지막으로 편집
H3avyM3tal 님이 작성:
Is the crawler influenced by accuracy?

Accuracy on your gear? no, but any minion accuracy nodes or accuracy that specifically states it applies to minions helps a lot!
IGN: Raise_Ur_Donger
Loving the build!, managed to assemble a pleb set but I seem to be missing a chunk of damage. Would someone mind looking at my pob https://pastebin.com/PsdGthBK and if they can spot anything I have missed?
Since i just got to level 100 with the build im looking to sell all my gear, prefer to let it go as 1 set :) - Thanks alot for making it happen and being able to get so much help from you ingame!


Other gems are 20/20 or lower level as needed in the build

PM offers, dont spam this lovely thread :)

Best Regards
IGN: Iznogood / IceIce_bby
FatKidsLag_IRL 님이 작성:
Went ahead and dropped some ex to divine this puppy up over 900 ES and 40+ Light Res:

I need to increase the ES on my new 6L Vaal Regalia body armor. I have ~ 30 dense fossils and some ex to spend. Is it better to purchase more dense fossils and keep spamming to hit a higher ES? Or to use Divine orbs to reroll?

If using divine, at what point do I switch from fossil to divine. e.g. what tier level prefixes do I need first? Or once I have any + max ES/+ increased ES %/resist can I start?
BrianHVB 님이 작성:

I need to increase the ES on my new 6L Vaal Regalia body armor. I have ~ 30 dense fossils and some ex to spend. Is it better to purchase more dense fossils and keep spamming to hit a higher ES? Or to use Divine orbs to reroll?

If using divine, at what point do I switch from fossil to divine. e.g. what tier level prefixes do I need first? Or once I have any + max ES/+ increased ES %/resist can I start?

If you hold down alt when you mouse over your item you will see how good your rolls are, for example if you have t1 flat es (resplendent) it will be from 91-100 es, if you rolled 91 you would want to divine that to try get it closer to the highest it can be, but you have to take your other rolls into account as well, cause its no point rolling for max flat es if you wreck all your other mods unless you have an affix free and you put on suff/pre cant be changed then you can target what mods you want to divine.

sylekta#7668 님이 2019. 1. 8. 오후 4:03:44에 마지막으로 편집

what should i do with this chest?

Little update on my Char, crafet a new Bow with lvl 20 vicious Projectiles and bought a new Belt. Hit know the 20k ES mark and got 20.150 ES.

Think I'm done with the Build, had great fun with it. Think now it's time to move on and sell my Stuff for a new Char
Just crafted this

Will need to get double aislinn for same prefix and a quality suffix, but 5% reservation is nice!

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