It affects only rain of arrow damage so it's not a problem. I used added fire damage instead of empower and you can put HoA gems in the skin of the loyal which always 6-linked and put your curses in 5-linked bow dropping one of curses. You still should be able to kill Uber Elder or do t16 maps.
글 작성자:dtx1212#46422019. 2. 23. 오전 1:00:38
dtx1212 님이 작성:
It affects only rain of arrow damage so it's not a problem. I used added fire damage instead of empower and you can put HoA gems in the skin of the loyal which always 6-linked and put your curses in 5-linked bow dropping one of curses. You still should be able to kill Uber Elder or do t16 maps.
ok mom,thx for ur help :O that nice to know! :C I was upset Asfuck after i saw "budget build - 35ex, weapon price - ~12ex". Now i feel a tad better.
Melanholic7#2425 님이 2019. 2. 23. 오전 1:36:04에 마지막으로 편집
글 작성자:Melanholic7#24252019. 2. 23. 오전 1:35:42
Melanholic7 님이 작성:
Iversithy 님이 작성:
Curious, is this viable as league starter? [...]
Ffs just nevermind, I'm stupid...
why nvm? cause i have same question. I mean like what if i have like 8-9k es and like a just +1 bow and no helm enchant? how good will it work?
He probably said nevermind because the guide says:
This build is a MIN/MAX version of another guide;
So if you're looking for league starter, start there. And then slowly transform that build into this one.
글 작성자:Wermine#14852019. 2. 23. 오전 3:05:02
Wermine 님이 작성:
Melanholic7 님이 작성:
Iversithy 님이 작성:
Curious, is this viable as league starter? [...]
Ffs just nevermind, I'm stupid...
why nvm? cause i have same question. I mean like what if i have like 8-9k es and like a just +1 bow and no helm enchant? how good will it work?
He probably said nevermind because the guide says:
This build is a MIN/MAX version of another guide;
So if you're looking for league starter, start there. And then slowly transform that build into this one.
oh. nvm then ;D ty
글 작성자:Melanholic7#24252019. 2. 23. 오전 3:51:24
DamageIncorporated 님이 작성:
Sign_Up 님이 작성:
Hello there....I was wondering any tip on how to kill the Pit of the Chimera Map boss?
You must be dying on smoke phase/s? Just run around, pop bleed flask. Other than that the fight is as easy as anything else.
I got Phase run with CWTD and it solved the problem. Already killed Uber Elder and Uber Atzeri. This build rocks!
글 작성자:Sign_Up#18792019. 2. 23. 오전 8:37:21
Uber elder down. First time I ever thought I ( might) be able to do it. Was relatively easy!
Are we supposed to activate hatred and dread banner? Because I have no mana left when I use those... I guess i'm missing something here...
글 작성자:Quid3#49362019. 2. 23. 오후 10:54:14
Quid3 님이 작성:
Are we supposed to activate hatred and dread banner? Because I have no mana left when I use those... I guess i'm missing something here...
The build needs ( needs) 30% reduced HoG mana reservation lab enchant, on top of reduced reservation tree nods, and Enlighten level 3.
글 작성자:Gordy#18032019. 2. 24. 오후 4:37:51
what does it mean to this build??? can add more auras??
IGN: Arcmaimed Statusblue#0233 님이 2019. 2. 24. 오후 5:06:06에 마지막으로 편집
글 작성자:Statusblue#02332019. 2. 24. 오후 5:03:09