[3.8] Yet another Poet's Pen Volatile Dead boss tank - 8-10k/s life leech rate - 1M+ shaper DPS

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KirowGod1337 님이 2019. 1. 8. 오후 3:42:59에 마지막으로 편집
How do we get the life leech? Does it only come from the warlord's mark cast on hit mod on the ring ?
Hello. What fossils need to use for craft the helmet?
senojit 님이 작성:
How do we get the life leech? Does it only come from the warlord's mark cast on hit mod on the ring ?

You can get leech from the Watcher's Eye jewel with "1-1.5% of Damage leeched as Life while affected by Vitality". Warlord's mark is another source of leech.

Bumbae 님이 작성:
Hello. What fossils need to use for craft the helmet?

I used Serrated + Pristine + Scorched
Mana cost mod seems to be fairly common. I'm using this for now:
Drunkprince 님이 작성:
any chance to have a video soon? i really want to see how this build works.. tnx

KirowGod1337 님이 작성:
Hi any uber elder videos?(

NOT MINE, I found a video that uses a build very similar to mine, it is not using bodyswap which can make the dodging easier: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfryQp-4Xpc

I decided to make an alt account to have a second atlas, so I can have a shaped atlas on my main account, I'm currently leveling a char on the alt, and I still need to convert a lot of maps to the new series.

TehHarness 님이 작성:
Can this facetank like last league or not quite?

It can't face tank as the Zerphi build, but it's probably still the easiest build for a 10-20 ex budget for player who have no experience about the Uber Elder fight so far.

Itar0 님이 작성:
Probably the most expensive item on the gear list is the watcher's eye or the shaped opal.

I'd like to emphasize that shaped opal ring is not required, you can get more resist on that ring slot and more damage elsewhere for example, I just worked with what I had on std.

senojit 님이 작성:
How do we get the life leech? Does it only come from the warlord's mark cast on hit mod on the ring ?

No, the main source is the watcher's eye Vitality mod 1.5% of damage leeched as life, warlords mark adds a little only bit for bosses (bosses have less curse effect so it is only 0.4% from warlord), and 0.6% from boots can add a little bit sometimes when you kill adds during the fight, but on it's own it's not reliable.

Bumbae 님이 작성:
Hello. What fossils need to use for craft the helmet?

First of all the mana cost craft is not required, it saves a support gem slot because you can use Blood Magic instead, but uses up a suffix slot on your helmet. I used Serrated+Pristine only for the craft.

Altough I recommend getting incursion or betrayal crafted mods instead that convert physical damage taken as elemental.
IGN: Márkusz
My builds: thread/1600072
( •_•)>⌐■-■
Márkusz 님이 2019. 1. 10. 오후 2:19:07에 마지막으로 편집
Márkusz builds always on top.
thx for this one i will try
Mirror service thread: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1743892
I'll try the build out :P Would just try to get the amu by crafting it with essence of Hysteria for 40% increased life leeched per second. It would work right?
TheStracharz 님이 작성:
I'll try the build out :P Would just try to get the amu by crafting it with essence of Hysteria for 40% increased life leeched per second. It would work right?

Not worth it, that stat only helps on how many hits you need to deal to reach your maximum rate, but with VD you reach it very easily, besides the max rate mod is rare, I usually find it in every 300-500 alts
IGN: Márkusz
My builds: thread/1600072
( •_•)>⌐■-■
I see thanks :) good to know now
Just as good as Zerphi's, if not better. I feel way tankier and it doesn't matter if I screw my flasks up.

Put the build together on about 5 exalts and 3 and a bit of that was my watcher's eye. Gear that went for several exalts last league was going for only a few chaos. The belt and helm I found are disgusting.

I didn't feel pressured for resists so instead of an expensive opal I used Mark of the Shaper, fraction of the cost and goes head to head with a 5-10 exalted opal.

Jewel's were also very cheap, which surprised me.

Feel free to take a look at PrivateSociety and make any suggestions, if I've screwed up or missed something.

Seriously considering how to insert Aspect of the Spider into the build. It would go very well on my belt instead of multimodding maybe. Might have to look and mana reservation nodes and an enlighten.
Scarecrow1990 님이 2019. 1. 13. 오전 7:48:19에 마지막으로 편집

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