[3.6] Arborix Voidfletcher ScourgeArrow / all content / videos / 3.6 guide fully updated

Any questions are welcome. please feel free to ask :)
I'm constantly updating this guide

3.6 changes
Our defence is nerfed so hard

I still think that "Life leech effects are not removed at full life" is not so bad compared to other defence mechanic like life regen or mom. but there's a HUGE gap with previous version.

Until 3.5, we had no other choice but to choose scion-slayer node because it's so broken. in 3.6, we can also look around scion-elementalist, scion-inquisitor or other thing.

Our damage is fine. although tombfist is slightly nerfed, it's not that big. on the other hands, hatred change is obviously a buff for us(yeah, this is a pretty big buff). there are no other changes related to this build. scourge arrow, point blank, voidfletcher, arborix all of these have not changed.

Q. is your scourge arrow build good for a league starter? also, could you add some leveling tips for a new league?

A. nah. it's bad for league starter

our damage is based on arborix, voidfletcher, hyrri's ire which are not that cheap at very first week

and tbh, I'm not good at leveling character
so I can't tell you specific tip that I don't even know XD

maybe some video like this can help https://www.twitch.tv/videos/387491316
this is a SSFHC speed run video

there are many other fresh ssf act 10 videos

void shot mechanic


pob, bandits, pantheon
pob : https://pastebin.com/pq7aiEUs

this pastebin does not working properly in latest pob since passive tree has changed in 3.6. here is original 3.5 passive tree https://i.imgur.com/3loDAAk.png

bandits : kill all

pantheon :

Major : I recommend "soul of the brine king"
The other three pantheons are good, of course. however this pantheon is useful not only for general situation, but also for endgame boss. because we don't have stun immunity or any stun avoidance either

Minor : whatever you like

pob(modified version of 3.5) : https://pastebin.com/CKV1q7VN

pob(jugg+raider version, my current 3.6 character) : https://pastebin.com/YPrbhccR
note: the passive node alone lacks int. you need to get int from other gears like accessories or jewel

* changes in 3.6

- dropped scion-slayer and picked scion-jugg
- invested some life regen node to compensate blood rage's degen. this build has a 4.1% life regen which is higher than blood rage's degen(4%)

bandits : kill all

pantheon :

Major : Soul Of Arakaali

"blood rage" + "cwdt - immortal call" + "soul of arakaali pantheon" setup is pretty good defense unless you die in one shot. currently I'm using "Regenerate 2% of Life and Mana per second if you were Hit Recently" boot enchantment to maximize this pantheon effect

gears, gems, jewels

additional pod enchantment + starkonja or any helmet you want

5l setup : drop power charge on critical or increased critical strikes

Q. Why coc-barrage setup?
A. I don't like classic barrage style

please note that this barrage setup is less important than scourge arrow setup
this setup requires 4 off-colour which can cost 700+ chromes and there's no big difference between 6-link and 5-link in barrage setup

off-colour guide
-if your bow isn't 6-linked yet

use jeweller's orb trick to get off-color first
jeweller's orb trick : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kXPc8IomRI

-if you already have 6-linked bow


use many chromes or try vorici's research safehouse bench

if you're rich, buy +1 arrow voidfletcher

hyrri's ire
5L setup : drop cold penetration

rare amulet
life + any mod you want
ex)gain extra chaos damage, increased damage while leeching, crit multi, cold damage with attacks...

rare ring
life, elemental resistance, cold damage with attacks

and I recommend +3 minimum frenzy charges setup (at amulet and each ring)
it makes the game very smooth

enchantment : whatever you want
budget version : 1 socket tombfist

rare stygian vise
life, cold damage with attacks, elemental resistance

rare boots
life, movement speed, elemental resistance
enchantment : whatever you want

unique jewels
watcher's eye hatred crit chance jewel is the way we should go
corrupted blood immunity is not essential but very useful

rare abyss jewels
life, cold flat(to attacks or to bow attacks) + any useful mod
don't forget that we need at least one murderous eye jewel(we're using tombfist)

* changes in 3.6

- aggressive curses are buffed and defensive curses are nerfed. so I dropped cwdt-enfeeble setup and decided to use projectile weakness in barrage-coc setup
- in 3.6 I go scion-jugg and scion-raider. so I don't use damage on full life support gem and increased damage while leeching mod

additional pod enchantment + starkonja or any helmet you want

5l setup : drop increased critical strikes

most quiver's corrupted mod are more helpful than original voidfletcher's implicit mod. because "arrows pierce an additional target" literally does nothing in this build. scourge arrow always pierce and voidshot always falls to the point where we aimed

best corrupted mod is "bow attacks fire an additional arrow"

other good options are
- gain (8~12)% of physical damage as extra elemental damage
- adds X to Y elemental damage to bow attack
- point blank

hyrri's ire
5L setup : drop cold penetration

rare amulet
life + any mod you want
ex)gain extra chaos damage, cold damage with attacks...
I recommend the same amulet base as mine. we need int

rare ring
life, elemental resistance, cold damage with attacks
I strongly recommend +3 minimum frenzy charges setup (at amulet and each ring)

enchantment for damage : trigger commandment of fury on hit
budget version : 1 socket tombfist

rare stygian vise
life, cold damage with attacks, elemental resistance

rare boots
life, movement speed, elemental resistance
frost bomb gem level must be at least 11. you should use frost bomb as hand cast, not as trigger

unique jewels
watcher's eye hatred crit chance jewel, 2 meek jewels and unnatural instinct

rare abyss jewels
life, cold flat(to attacks or to bow attacks) + any useful mod
need at least one murderous eye jewel for tombfist

unnatural instinct jewel is too expensive :(

1. respec these 3 points

2. allocate 3 points like this(also 3 spell damage points -> 3 attack speed points)
and put might of the meek jewel in that slot

you'll lose 16% movement speed, some life and damage

boss fight tip
- maintain frost bomb debuff at all times. it lasts 8.7 seconds

- if you have 5 void charges, try to use barrage at close range as much as possible. it deals huge damage

- you do not always have to gain maximum stages of scourge arrow. even if you don't gain maximum stages, your friend mirage archer will gain maximum stages and shoot it anyway
premiumgrape#1054 님이 2019. 5. 30. 오전 3:26:46에 마지막으로 편집
마지막 추천 2019. 5. 9. 오후 10:41:22
I was running a scion voidfletcher build this league as well and this one seems a lot more promising, great build. I never knew you could use scourge arrow like that for clearing.
Karriane 님이 작성:
I was running a scion voidfletcher build this league as well and this one seems a lot more promising, great build. I never knew you could use scourge arrow like that for clearing.


tbh when I started this build, I didn't think the clearing performance would be good.
but it's actually quite good, and I'm satisfied with it
is it not just as good defence + better dps to use chin sol and spec out of the iron reflexes?
even if you leave iron reflexes on its coming up more dps to use chin sol you dont need the +2 arrows and swapping in gmp for mapping is still more damage on my version anyway :)
FudgeADuck 님이 작성:
is it not just as good defence + better dps to use chin sol and spec out of the iron reflexes?
even if you leave iron reflexes on its coming up more dps to use chin sol you dont need the +2 arrows and swapping in gmp for mapping is still more damage on my version anyway :)

I chose arborix because I don't want to swap gems and I wanted to try something other bow than chin sol because I have used chin sol too much XD

on the other hand, whether we use dying sun or not, arborix will always have a higher expected voidshot damage than chin sol(current version). +2 arrows always helps us.

I think it's really hard to tell which bow is always better because there are so many variables. chin sol is still a good bow.

premiumgrape#1054 님이 2019. 2. 20. 오전 2:01:01에 마지막으로 편집
You don't list anywhere which ascendancies you went.
hey Man,

Great build i will most likely use this for my league starter however i have a question:

Q. Why coc-barrage setup?
A. I don't like classic barrage style

How CoC makes barrage different ? is it smoother to use like that ? (i don't see the reel diference between the standard barrage and this ?)
kDnX 님이 작성:
You don't list anywhere which ascendancies you went.

I picked scion(slayer + raider)
you can check out my passive tree
this guide will be updated after 3.6 patch notes
Soulferin0 님이 작성:
hey Man,

Great build i will most likely use this for my league starter however i have a question:

Q. Why coc-barrage setup?
A. I don't like classic barrage style

How CoC makes barrage different ? is it smoother to use like that ? (i don't see the reel diference between the standard barrage and this ?)

the biggest difference between coc-barrage fight and classic-barrage fight is that you don't have to fight long at close rage when you do coc-barrage setup. you just shoot one barrage and run away.

I think these two play styles are quite different. I felt much more comfortable using coc-barrage setup. (I did classic-barrage setup at first and then did coc-barrage setup later)
premiumgrape#1054 님이 2019. 3. 3. 오후 10:08:06에 마지막으로 편집
with the 3.6 changes you mentioned, is it still worth to stick to Scion instead of Ranger for example ?

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