[3.10] 🐉 Dragon's Breath Elementalist - Incinerate
" This is what I've done, I changed the area damage nodes to Frenetic to up my max Frenzy charges. Then I found/crafted these pieces: And I crafted a helm with 5% reduced mana reserved and -9 fire resist to nearby enemies both, so I can use enlighten lvl 3 and aspect of the spider now. And the +1 to minions just adds a level to skitterbots So I generate frenzy charges (endurance/power are a bonus sometimes) but this makes any boss fight with adds easy, metamorphs I burn down to their add phase to generate more frenzy charges and it becomes rather easy at that point. Only thing like someone else said is chaos resistance, I need more. Problem is the Sirus fight, no adds to kill. But next spawn I'll have the kill. Everyone is saying different things about which pantheons to use though. I don't ever get hit by the meteor, its stupid stuff like if you die you can't get back into the fight or having to die to phase him. But we'll see. The tip about flesh and stone for another herald might be good to try for sure. Good luck everyone, thanks for the build guide Torstein! |
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thats nice and all but i really don't have problems with thrash and metamorphs on t16 even with only 1 frenzy charge.
And you can't geenrate any frenzy on bosses like sirus. Thats a problem. So i would rather go for something more universal that gives flat dmg. |
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" What Awakening level tho? |
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" Sure - you just need some chaos res and change pantheon to solo enemy stuff. Well... transmition phases doesn't care about your build, they are just bullshit. Besides that fight was not that bad - i even could always survive meteor slam.. well on +0 tho. |
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So I've been working on a 6L warlord staff I know what mods it can roll, I did this just now, just not sure what the best way to proceed is Suggestions would be greatly appreciated and in advance thank you.
POB doesn't have the warlord mods in it yet, so I can't sim it very well either. |
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" Crafting a good staff is usually a pain, so brace yourself for a long trip. A good endgame, I assume, would be to keep imprinting until you augment +cast speed, then regal % fire dmg as extra chaos dmg, then multicraft Fire damage/chance to ignite and Critical strike chance for spells. Might take a toll on your patience though. Especially the Regaling part will be the most disheartening. Apos91#4728 님이 2020. 1. 4. 오전 8:05:49에 마지막으로 편집
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So persistence pays off. But that T2 roll makes me want to kill myself too. Won't give up on this slot yet. Apos91#4728 님이 2020. 1. 4. 오전 8:11:55에 마지막으로 편집
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" I'd be more than content to wear that.. that t2 wouldn't bother me at all :) can I ask how are you crafting these? frotzthedragon#0649 님이 2020. 1. 4. 오전 8:53:20에 마지막으로 편집
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" Searching for bases that have the proper life roll and enough T1 affixes to leave 1 prefix slot open after crafting(+1 fire gems and 10% fire pen are prefixes),annul the excess and non-T1 mods, then slam with a warlord's exalted orb. Necessary ilvl of 82, which is the minimum ilvl for the warlord mods to be T1. A single attempt is usually around 5-100c for the initial piece, 1-2 annuls and 2 ex for the warlord's orb. (obviously some attempts stop early at the annuling step) Sometimes I fill the slots by crafting aspect of the spider, but I do keep an eye open for the possibility of a 6 actual mods end-product. Although I might switch to strictly spell dmg instead of fire damage and slam with Hunter's Orb instead of Warlord's, since the end product ends up being more sellable that way. I still haven't managed to sell my previous crafts because they only fit literally a handful builds. This one and a couple chieftain ones. Apos91#4728 님이 2020. 1. 4. 오전 9:07:49에 마지막으로 편집
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" It was super easy to make op staff until this league, but multimod... It's a pain now like Apos said. With Regal you must have at least one usable mod. After multimod depending what you got after Regal options are -cast speed -spell damage + extra fire damage -double damage / double damage while focused -added fire to spells Crit does nothing for this build. You already proc EE easily. |
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