[3.10] 🐉 Dragon's Breath Elementalist - Incinerate

TorsteinTheFallen 님이 작성:
Grixzen 님이 작성:
it seems that the PoB link is still for 3.7, just pointing it out

Just checked again, everything is good and 3.8 tree on both pastebins.

weird, I will try again, last time I imported it I got the "this is a 3.7 version"

thanks anyways for the guide
I'm not able to import either pastebin in PoB. I even reinstalled to ensure I was on the latest but I always get this error.

lizard455 님이 작성:
I'm not able to import either pastebin in PoB. I even reinstalled to ensure I was on the latest but I always get this error.

check that you are copying the link properly that usually happens when you miss a letter
hey, i've got a 6L Judgement Staff.

Why shouldnt we use those? They have the same attribute stats and even more crit chance.

Also have a +2 fire gems craft on it :/
Grixzen 님이 작성:
lizard455 님이 작성:
I'm not able to import either pastebin in PoB. I even reinstalled to ensure I was on the latest but I always get this error.

check that you are copying the link properly that usually happens when you miss a letter

Nevermind, found the problem. I was trying to import it as a tree instead of a build.
Camatoo 님이 작성:
hey, i've got a 6L Judgement Staff.

Why shouldnt we use those? They have the same attribute stats and even more crit chance.

Also have a +2 fire gems craft on it :/

Because it's a war staff. War staves can't roll caster mods...

They are for attack builds.
TorsteinTheFallen#1295 님이 2019. 9. 7. 오후 2:13:20에 마지막으로 편집
If you mean crafting stuff on a Staff, i just checked it with crafting every single suffix/prefix mentioned in the details. (expect the 2ex craft)

Everything is still a spell related craft.

Camatoo 님이 작성:
If you mean crafting stuff on a Staff, i just checked it with crafting every single suffix/prefix mentioned in the details. (expect the 2ex craft)

Everything is still a spell related craft.

in 3.8 stuff like daggers and staves got separated in 2 new bases

staves got "staff", spell related can roll spell mods

and warstaff, physical based can only roll physical mods

same for daggers that got dagger and rune daggers same principles

if you see the base of the one you are posting its base is not "staff" it's warstaff that means it's a physical staff bad for spell casting
but why?

If i can craft spell modifier on it, it shouldnt matter.
Or it is still a "old" staff, since i got it in legion, means its now legacy

Dont get me wrong, i dont say you are wrong, i just want to make sure before i burn 2ex on a staff.
Camatoo#7023 님이 2019. 9. 8. 오전 7:18:09에 마지막으로 편집
Camatoo 님이 작성:
but why?

If i can craft spell modifier on it, it shouldnt matter.
Or it is still a "old" staff, since i got it in legion, means its now legacy

Dont get me wrong, i dont say you are wrong, i just want to make sure before i burn 2ex on a staff.

Hm, this is a puzzle rly.

They said you can't roll caster mods on war staves but apparently you can craft them. :/
Kinda stupid...
I guess war staves are ok. You can craft caster mods but you can't roll them.

Keep me posted pls, i don't have much time to play in next few days cause of work but ill keep the guide updated.
TorsteinTheFallen#1295 님이 2019. 9. 8. 오전 7:27:37에 마지막으로 편집

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