[3.6] Indigon Winter Orb- Fast, Tanky, High Damage |Deathless U.Elder, T16 easy farm

It will get easier at higher levels with tons of cast speed. Basically, you channel to 10 stacks and then start moving, and frequently do a quick channel to get it back to 10 stacks. Hard to describe, but its very smooth.
Swapped to this build the other day and have been really enjoying. Very tanky and extremely fast clear speed. I still have a lot of upgrading to do on this character but already am flying through T15s / T16s.

Nice work.
citizenX 님이 작성:
It will get easier at higher levels with tons of cast speed. Basically, you channel to 10 stacks and then start moving, and frequently do a quick channel to get it back to 10 stacks. Hard to describe, but its very smooth.

ok cool
citizenX 님이 작성:
kartem4 님이 작성:
Hi! I like this build, around 200c was spent to this build. Clear speed is wonderful. Can u help me with DPS? How can i look for it in the pob? Ho much spell damage % i must add to indigon? Thx! And whats about herald of ice? I must ignore this aura to reach the higher pool of mana or not? And what can u say about my gear? Nicely gear to farm red maps? Ty a lot :)

In POB, edit your Indigon to add this: 1500% increased spell damage

Herald of Ice is necessary, yes, it greatly aids clear speed especially.
Hatred, however is not a part of the build, drop that.

> 20/20 all your Worb support gems, this is cheap.
> Your wands can be improved. One has an open spot. Increased Cold damage on other is almost useless, use the one with "Gain % of Non-Chaos damage as extra chaos damage".
> You need an Immortal call setup, and lots of other gem setups, see OP
> 20q all your flasks
> Do you have an open prefix on your belt? If yes, then craft Flask effect there, and drop your Conquerors Potency jewel.
> Get boots with 2% Life/Mana regen on hit enchant... this is a must for build
> Get Elder warlords mark on hit ring
> Drop those projectile damage nodes, 46% damage is nothing when Indigon is giving you 1000-1500%... Get more jewel spots, or life

Ty very much! Now have 450k shaper dmg, if i get "trigger gems when cast spell" on wand (then use frost bomb, cold snap, bonehill), i will get 561k shaper dmg, not so huge.but can clear red maps with this dmg.. then need to get enchant, with this enchant i will have 1500 mana regen from 900.. huge boost.
kartem4#1698 님이 2019. 4. 16. 오후 12:27:18에 마지막으로 편집
kartem4 님이 작성:
then need to get enchant, with this enchant i will have 1500 mana regen from 900.. huge boost.

Exactly. Don't forget to rip through Delves too, this build is fast on them, and that can fund your upgrades quickly (2c recipe, fossils, 6S, currency drops, etc).
citizenX 님이 작성:
kartem4 님이 작성:
then need to get enchant, with this enchant i will have 1500 mana regen from 900.. huge boost.

Exactly. Don't forget to rip through Delves too, this build is fast on them, and that can fund your upgrades quickly (2c recipe, fossils, 6S, currency drops, etc).

2c recipe? Did I miss something? 🤔😄
I only know the normal 1c recipe and I am not sure if actually worth it (I never do it)

Just curious if I miss something
rossko 님이 작성:
citizenX 님이 작성:
kartem4 님이 작성:
then need to get enchant, with this enchant i will have 1500 mana regen from 900.. huge boost.

Exactly. Don't forget to rip through Delves too, this build is fast on them, and that can fund your upgrades quickly (2c recipe, fossils, 6S, currency drops, etc).

2c recipe? Did I miss something? 🤔😄
I only know the normal 1c recipe and I am not sure if actually worth it (I never do it)

Just curious if I miss something

Yeah it's the unidentified version, it give 2c
Elf_97#7231 님이 2019. 4. 16. 오후 5:29:24에 마지막으로 편집
rossko 님이 작성:
2c recipe? Did I miss something? 🤔😄
I only know the normal 1c recipe and I am not sure if actually worth it (I never do it)

All items un-id'd.
60 to 74, all unidentified OR all 20% quality

Made about 30ex on that this league. Make 2 dump tabs... first is for jewelry, any level. When you have a shit ton of rings/amulets, go run low-level delves (depth 40-45 or so), and load up the second (and even third) dump tab with armor, weapons.

Tips on how to do 2c recipe efficiently:

Edit: Note, there is currently ZERO reason to not do 2c recipe with your rares. Regular rares that are valuable are statistically non-existent, only shaper/elder bases really matter anymore.
citizenX#5250 님이 2019. 4. 16. 오후 11:22:14에 마지막으로 편집
I switched to this character from my TS Deadeye in the hopes that I could kill bosses in nexus easier while still maintaining high clear speed in T16s. I've really been liking the build! As the OP says, there's a great balance in place. I originally cheaped out on the weapons and used Sceptres instead of Profane Wand, but that was a mistake. The additional cast speed from the wands is HUGE, and cast speed in general really makes this build go from zero to hero in terms of clear speed IMO. Right now, T16s, i83 Nexus, and deep Delve bosses are easy and I can clear almost as quickly as my TS Deadeye (without Headhunter). That being said, I've always had a lot of investment in the character. Currently I'm unable to maintain RF comfortably, likely due to a resist balance that isn't ideal and a different boot enchant, but I'm okay with that.

Thanks for the great build! My gear below.

TheDaykun#4051 님이 2019. 4. 17. 오전 2:13:41에 마지막으로 편집
You are welcome! I am glad people are enjoying the build so at least I didnt waste time writing the guide. I advertised this more as a boss killer but in truth the map clear speed can be as good as other speed builds if you build right for it. If you can afford the life drop then go for both Dark arts and Mental rapidity. The combined 43% cast speed and 50% mana regen makes clearing even crazier. I have also stopped using onslaught with HOI and in place culling strike (same mana multiplier, better clearing) and an abyss jewel with onslaught on kill. I personally find this setup better now.
desmondk07#5285 님이 2019. 4. 17. 오전 6:02:22에 마지막으로 편집

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