[3.8] DoomHerald | All Content | Millions+ DPS MirageArcher | 7k+ Life | 600+ Delves | 5-Link only

Decided to drop Slayer.
Took Deadeye.

Sadly, SA didn't works as I expected (doubles spore pods), but it's fine.
+2 pierce for 2nd stage, bit better damage for distant targets (not so big loss from PB), bleed not so scary.

Other possible and, probably, better options:
Raider. Frenzy charges on hit uniquees and Onslaught on full frenzy. Sounds great, but I'm pretty sure, that Mirage wouldn't grant us frenzy charges. That perfect GGG mechanic - Mirage is not minion, but attack, and still no leech for us and no buffs us ><. 20% increased attack, +10% MS.
Pathfinder. Better penetration (+6%) and free 3 flask charges every 3 sec. +10% MS and Aspd under flasks.
(All rangers: +7% MS with Pure talent)
Inquisitor. Possibly, most DPS option. +30% crit multi, +6% elem penetration (even +5% more with Pure talent jewel), conc. ground (more incoming crits to enemies, but not sure if Mirage can create conc.ground), nearby enemies take 10% increased elem dmg (good for our PB). +20 free Int - makes gearing bit easier. But tree must stay connected to Scion area, since we can't start from Ranger.

What useful Slayer has? Leech - 50% reduced. Reduced, compared to any character, not to pure Slayer! Basically, Scion-Slayer would leech 2 times less than, i.e. pure Ranger or Assassin, even fresh Scion! Lol, we are running Lab, take Slayer asc. and our leech becomes worse. GGG logic...
Leech not removed at full life? That 2 seconds - we don't need it, since we lost dmg increase while leech.
+30% area of AOE? Irrelevant for Scourge.
Phys reflect immune? We deal 0 phys dmg with Scourge.
Culling strike. Yes, this was great. For Slayer, because 20% threshold - but we have usual 10%. And I've found a solution: Since I'm poor (or greed, lol) and using 1-abyss gear, I've put Culling strike support to golems. Works fine.

Continue leveling, 72 atm. Collecting tombfists to corrupt... Untill that, running with Frostbite on hit ring - they are fairly cheap.
Auctioneer House - just MUST be here! Most of sellers do not reply, not even talking about AFKers and offliners!
SilverWF 님이 2019. 3. 25. 오후 7:27:02에 마지막으로 편집
Slayer is still a valid and strong ascendancy. And Elementalist I wouldn't change ether. More or less 20% MORE damage. The golems are w/e though
DamageIncorporated 님이 작성:
Slayer is still a valid and strong ascendancy.

What's useful there? 2,5 seconds of leech on full life?

And Elementalist I wouldn't change ether. More or less 20% MORE damage. The golems are w/e though

Np doubt, Elem is fine (even OP) asc.

Just check by yourself https://pastebin.com/6tVHVUvf
Tree has 3 different options: default with Slayer, Rangers (choose any) and Inquisitor.
Auctioneer House - just MUST be here! Most of sellers do not reply, not even talking about AFKers and offliners!
SilverWF 님이 2019. 3. 25. 오후 9:17:41에 마지막으로 편집
SilverWF 님이 작성:
DamageIncorporated 님이 작성:
Slayer is still a valid and strong ascendancy.

What's useful there? 2,5 seconds of leech on full life?

You really don't realize how long 2.5 seconds is in game? It's always amusing to see people say the build needs changes while they're still in the process of leveling their character.
YT_HB 님이 2019. 3. 25. 오후 10:07:58에 마지막으로 편집
YT_HB 님이 작성:
SilverWF 님이 작성:
DamageIncorporated 님이 작성:
Slayer is still a valid and strong ascendancy.

What's useful there? 2,5 seconds of leech on full life?

You really don't realize how long 2.5 seconds is in game? It's always amusing to see people say the build needs changes while they're still in the process of leveling their character.

Simple: What it gives to you?
Just possibility to heal up a little if you got hit in 2,5 seconds after getting to full life?
Auctioneer House - just MUST be here! Most of sellers do not reply, not even talking about AFKers and offliners!
SilverWF 님이 2019. 3. 25. 오후 10:57:22에 마지막으로 편집
SilverWF 님이 작성:
DamageIncorporated 님이 작성:
Slayer is still a valid and strong ascendancy.

What's useful there? 2,5 seconds of leech on full life?

We playing the same game? Yes that leech.
i have never been a real fan of bow builds becoz they take a lot of work to get to end game levels.

but i am digging this build as i decided to take a chance (and since i have half the gear lying around not selling).

just a quick question: i don't have any physical damage jewels so i used elemental damage ones instead, is it a lot of difference?
Dezzo79 님이 작성:

just a quick question: i don't have any physical damage jewels so i used elemental damage ones instead, is it a lot of difference?

uh...ya. Big difference. Wrong jewels, flat out.
Point noted. Swapped out the gems and saw a noticable difference.

Hi, thx for the build. Builds clear speed and single target damage is amazing. At this moment my level is not much high (81) but damage hit hard :d . Im using 3 lvl enlighten on heralds its not a problem right? Btw Any advice for build?


I know belts life is bare :D

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