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demondied1 님이 작성:
I actually ended up dying twice sadly. One due to own mistake running into shaper balls and once cause I think I actually got frozen by elder? Ended up getting shaper slammed while frozen. Might swap to kaoms roots for the fight or swap a flask around.

Another option besides Kaom's Roots is to use a Dream Fragments ring to be immune to freeze/chill. I swapped out my Mark of the Elder ring for that fight and still had plenty of damage.
YT_HB 님이 2019. 2. 7. 오후 2:34:49에 마지막으로 편집
YT_HB 님이 작성:
demondied1 님이 작성:
I actually ended up dying twice sadly. One due to own mistake running into shaper balls and once cause I think I actually got frozen by elder? Ended up getting shaper slammed while frozen. Might swap to kaoms roots for the fight or swap a flask around.

Another option besides Kaom's Roots is to use a Dream Fragments ring to be immune to freeze/chill. I swapped out my Mark of the Elder ring for that fight and still had plenty of damage.

Ooh thats a good idea, I always forget that ring!
IGN: Raise_Ur_Donger
YT_HB 님이 작성:

Added to the OP.
Rewrote some details and structured the Video Section new.
Here's a couple Delve boss kill vids:

Kurgal: https://youtu.be/xDU2CHRLLMw
Ahuatotli: https://youtu.be/3L4EbMIZxo4

Still looking for another Aul. I forgot to record that fight when I first did it.
YT_HB 님이 2019. 2. 18. 오후 6:29:36에 마지막으로 편집
I didn't see RoA in your vids. Was wondering if you're just using it to map, or if there are other pros and cons, or if its just preference.
Cassiaus 님이 작성:
I didn't see RoA in your vids. Was wondering if you're just using it to map, or if there are other pros and cons, or if its just preference.

RoA is used against the (U)Elder Guardians - it says so in the OP as well.

Those Videos also show the complete map before the guardian useing RoA.
Cassiaus 님이 작성:
I didn't see RoA in your vids. Was wondering if you're just using it to map, or if there are other pros and cons, or if its just preference.

It's really just preference. I change between the 2 occasionally. Scourge Arrow definitely deals more damage while RoA does seem to have the faster clear - mainly because of the channeling required for SA. Because of that, RoA does feel a bit faster mapping. SA does a great job mapping as well though. In the early stages though, SA is the the way to go for bosses. RoA can be used for bosses as well but it just won't deal that huge amount of damage on one single pop to phase the boss.
YT_HB 님이 2019. 2. 19. 오후 12:09:29에 마지막으로 편집
Ty for this build...


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