[3.9] A.B. No More Vaal Pact 100% spell suppression // 50% - 50% block // 20m+ DPS

LordSuk 님이 작성:
can you help me on the build, because there is no survival rate, no normal DPS

first u must put your account free i cant see ur char right now
Anal_Bleeding 님이 작성:
LordSuk 님이 작성:
can you help me on the build, because there is no survival rate, no normal DPS

first u must put your account free i cant see ur char right now

I opened an account
LordSuk 님이 작성:
Anal_Bleeding 님이 작성:
LordSuk 님이 작성:
can you help me on the build, because there is no survival rate, no normal DPS

first u must put your account free i cant see ur char right now

I opened an account

first, if you wanna lvl up more easily u shoul use starkonja or rare helm. abyssus isnt for survivability.

As i said lot of times if you dont have "hit cant be evaded" on swords u must "waste" some point to get accuracy on tree.
In gear/pob section there is a variant without hit cant be evaded

2 socket tombfist are more damage and life

carnage ammy is a good cheap option, if you wanna more life, dps and leech rate u must get a rare one.

same for belt , you need life recovery on hit if u wanna more leech and regen

i cant see any jew on ur tree, maybe you have remve it.

on lvl 88 you should be able to do uber lab (no abyssus for labs OFC)
what ammy its better in ur opinion?:


i dont know the difference between the more life leech mods, 1 is maximun ant he other dont :S

thanks in advance ;)
Pelanganos 님이 작성:
what ammy its better in ur opinion?:


i dont know the difference between the more life leech mods, 1 is maximun ant he other dont :S

thanks in advance ;)

Maximum total recovery work better (25% max) then carnage

u can divine it or try to get a better ammy like this

Hello ! I looked into this build and I have to ask if remains the same for 3.8 blight league .I want to start with it (I know I know it might be a bit rough but I like to challange myself and get the build from scrap to GG).
I played all kind of reaves/bf but not scion :(
Greedss 님이 작성:
Hello ! I looked into this build and I have to ask if remains the same for 3.8 blight league .I want to start with it (I know I know it might be a bit rough but I like to challange myself and get the build from scrap to GG).
I played all kind of reaves/bf but not scion :(

there isnt yet a patch note for 3.8

they talked about summoner and assasin

we must wait some days to see the full patch note
Looking at the PoB links in the app, it looks like the center isn't connected to the majority? Is there maybe a change to PoB?
AR_FA 님이 작성:
Looking at the PoB links in the app, it looks like the center isn't connected to the majority? Is there maybe a change to PoB?

This is because you take the scion ascendancy, where you can start from the duelist area, if you look closely, you will see it. That is if I understood you correctly.
Expertas 님이 2019. 9. 4. 오전 12:46:27에 마지막으로 편집
Expertas 님이 작성:
AR_FA 님이 작성:
Looking at the PoB links in the app, it looks like the center isn't connected to the majority? Is there maybe a change to PoB?

This is because you take the scion ascendancy, where you can start from the duelist area, if you look closely, you will see it.

Ah, that makes sense! Thanks, I've not played the Scion yet, so I don't know much about the Ascendancy for it.

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