[3.6] Winter Orb CWC Ice Spears. 8.6k hp ,slayer leech, 9.8-10.7 mil dps ,Depth 749, easy Uber Elder

Is there any way to generate endurance charges without warlord's mark? If not I'm guessing I should drop projectile weakness or just play with base duration of immortal call.
enduring cry could be an option.
i was using the cwdt/immortal call combo only to trigger the leech buff from my pantheon.
Hi, I'm a little confused as to the minion increased damage nodes, I've messed around with them and they don't seem to apply health/damage to winter orb/ice spear (as it alludes to on forums) why do we take them? (in reference to the node cluster with righteous army)
anyone have a staff they want to sell?

Also have a question... how is two curses working on this build? warlord's mark and projectile weakness?


xmishimax 님이 작성:
anyone have a staff they want to sell?

Also have a question... how is two curses working on this build? warlord's mark and projectile weakness?


It doesn't, if you noticed the OP is using 2 opal rings without warlords mark. If you use a warlords mark ring, drop projectile weakness for wave of conviction.

Selling my old items above if anyone interested. :)
Jaybum#0098 님이 2019. 5. 2. 오후 4:35:09에 마지막으로 편집
What do you get from Wave of conviction? Fire and lightning exposure don't help us.
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Gannicus, God of the Arena – Deathless Uber Elder for Everyone
Aias_o_Telamonios 님이 작성:
What do you get from Wave of conviction? Fire and lightning exposure don't help us.

Our build deals no fire or lightning damage so you wont have any lightning or fire exposure. With herald of ice, we add damage to wave of conviction, cold damage specifically so you will always get cold exposure.
your build is great.

I copied your build here but I don't have as much damage as you do. Look at my build and what to improve thanks.


spajjons 님이 작성:
your build is great.

I copied your build here but I don't have as much damage as you do. Look at my build and what to improve thanks.


First thing would be change the craft on your ring, elemental damage with attack skills does nothing for this build. The bigger issue is your spread of currency, your boots are like 1c while the rest of your build is more.
choices of pantheon anyone?

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