[3.6] Winter Orb CWC Ice Spears. 8.6k hp ,slayer leech, 9.8-10.7 mil dps ,Depth 749, easy Uber Elder

Hi TheVengefulOne - Although the crafting intimidates me, I will be trying this as my league starter for 3.6. Please keep the updates coming!
Ziiyo 님이 작성:

We just got a unique item that is pretty much the whole slayer ascendancy.

This furthers my point in going Elementalist/X (I am prob going inquis)

Take a look at these bad boys!


I'm also going to try this build out in the new league! Will it be possible to do uber elder with a budget build?

Furthermore, can anyone confirm the above that its better to incorporate those gloves and go for elementalist ascension?

Yes and no. DPS gloves and Slayer gives same damage as those gloves and Scion INQ. And you prolly can squize more out of dps gloves still. Plus you are Scion for UI+2x meek
i wonder how rare/expensive those gloves will be, hopefully not as rare as Atziri's Acuity
adddemon 님이 2019. 3. 8. 오전 9:14:59에 마지막으로 편집
The new Infused Channeling support looks great. I'm thinking of using that instead of empower. Especially at league start.
From League Starter to Shaper – Cheap, Tanky, Fast and Fun Physical ST – Very Detailed Guide

Gannicus, God of the Arena – Deathless Uber Elder for Everyone
Aias_o_Telamonios 님이 작성:
The new Infused Channeling support looks great. I'm thinking of using that instead of empower. Especially at league start.

Take note that Infused Channeling won't scale the dmg of ice spears which is the main source of our damage since it doesn't have a channeling tag.

That said it should be a good option for a gem swap for mapping along with other stuff like increased duration
TheVengefulOne 님이 2019. 3. 8. 오후 2:22:47에 마지막으로 편집
Running this build for my league starter. Looking forward to the leveling guide!
Also trying this as my league starter =). i usually generate a ton of currency so this looks amazing! leveling guide would definitly be nice but might already be lte for it!

hopefully some of these items wont be to hard to come by!
This build looks great! Would love to use this, but since I am a new player, I am not sure how to go about leveling this character.

It would be awesome if someone can give a basic outline or hint on what gems and items I should start out with? It doesn't have to be detailed but just to get me started in the beginning levels would be great.

Thanks in advance!

xmishimax 님이 작성:
This build looks great! Would love to use this, but since I am a new player, I am not sure how to go about leveling this character.

It would be awesome if someone can give a basic outline or hint on what gems and items I should start out with? It doesn't have to be detailed but just to get me started in the beginning levels would be great.

Thanks in advance!

It isn't much but I have added a rather short leveling at the start of the guide (right after build overview).

I hope it helps!
TheVengefulOne 님이 2019. 3. 8. 오후 9:46:27에 마지막으로 편집

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