[3.9] Physical Conversion Bowyer | Wander [TS/LA/IS + Barrage] [KB + Power Siphon] [All Content]

Hi, I have some question regarding the choise of "Pathfinder", "Deadeye" or "Raider" since I´m new here. How do I choose one or the other? Is there a Faq or guide to read about it? I figure something similar would happen with other classes of characters.
Any news on the update for gloves about the bow conversion cold build ? Im trying to toy around on PoB with the phys to cold conversion but cant find anything that gives better DPS than hrimmsorow with crit.

Decided to drop some currency on the int stack wander, still got some more pieces to craft but I've linked what I have so far and was wondering if I'm getting the right pieces
Detrites#1189 님이 2020. 2. 6. 오전 9:05:48에 마지막으로 편집
Just reskilled my pathfinder to this build. Crafted most of the gear myself:

The rest I just bought
TrueEdge#0890 님이 2020. 2. 9. 오전 7:27:00에 마지막으로 편집

Can someone help with this? What to improve next
Pm me if any1 is selling the int stacking ci wander equipment full set in standard. Would love to try it.
KS00#3682 님이 2020. 2. 13. 오후 11:45:06에 마지막으로 편집

feels good
For the Int Stacking Wander build, whats the best item level to craft as base.
I’ve been playing the Arborix + Voidfletcher version on Metamorph for a few days after not really being satisfied with other ranger builds I’ve poked at. It’s pretty fun and feels rather smooth, but I think I’d like to put Barrage on a second Arborix and weapon swap to switch attacks rather than using a different keybind. Plus side, this would give me a bonus 6L on my Loreweave to use for whatever I want. Any suggestions on good gems for this?

I considered maybe a 6L trap setup to add even more burst to the barrage+voidfletcher opener, or perhaps a totem/ballista with some useful debuff supports. Does this likely go down the right track?

Great buid tho.
i change a little bit for my playstyle.
kryptickaos#4788 님이 2020. 2. 19. 오전 11:08:48에 마지막으로 편집

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