[3.7] Cold Stacking Rain of Arrows Deadeye [Quick Clearspeed Starter]
" Congratulations on your Uber elder kill. I'm glad to hear it went well. Dash has made bossing for bow characters just that much easier, it's insane. Thanks for using the build and thank you for sharing you gear here, keep on rocking! |
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could you do a magic find version as a part of this guide?
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Playing something similar, cant afford a double damage cold stack bow, so I am just relying on +2 support and a double damage bow, but man the damage is nutty even at level 87, and with only 4k life survivablity really isnt that bad.
Using a crit hatred watchers eye too. |
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" I don't really play MF that much, so not sure about this one. On the other hand I've been thinking about trying to do some low map MF runs this league, so I might give a try once I get down to it. Anyhow, it's not going to be anytime soon. Until then I'm pretty sure that taking as many jewel slots on your tree and copying Tornado Shot MF builds should do the job. |
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Cool! I'm playing a damage focused Tornado Shot this league as well and it's been a blast so far. If you want to, you can check my take on it on my profile. Character's name is HighChanceOfTornadoes.
Good luck and cheers mate! |
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I've been playing this build in SC Legion and it's been great so far.
Thoughts on running Cold Pen over Hypothermia? Path of Lag: youtube.com/watch?v=RY2_pXesq1o
It's dangerous to go alone! Take this: pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1503932 |
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" I'm glad to hear you're having fun! Regarding the Cold Penetration gem: I'm getting slightly smaller numbers over Hypothermia in PoB. With Hypothermia you also have the chance to Freeze and your Chill is stronger which helps you with survivability. On the other hand I can imagine that using Cold Penetration could be a bit more reliable on endgame bosses. You can certainly try it out and see for yourself, but in my opinion Hypothermia comes across as the better option. |
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Hi man this build looks pretty interesting but tell me if u stack flat cold dmg why you don't use Hyrri's Ire and why you got 2 curses with curse on hit if no passive or no neck mode for additional curse?
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" Hi, it's all written in the guide! :) Hyrri's Ire is certainly a solid option, but since the rest of our gear is damage oriented (aside from helmet) we kind of do want to take a more defensive option for our chest piece. Capping your resistances with it is a hell as well. It's most likely even the best option for maximizing your damage. It just poses a bit of an issue in the general structure. For curses we use two of them becase each is triggered for different scenario. Assassin's Mark is triggered by Herald of Ice when clearing a map and Projectile Weakness is triggered by Frost Bomb when facing a boss. Hence we don't need the "Can apply an additional curse" affix. I hope I've properly answered both of your questions. Cheers! |
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just wondering if the dex nodes near ranger are worth taking
duabijitelur#2717 님이 2019. 7. 8. 오전 2:06:45에 마지막으로 편집
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