[3.9] Gryph's CI Vortex + Coldsnap Trickster || Uber Elder+Everything Else

Thanks, with witchfire, lvl21 vortex and Heart of Ice it bumps up my DOT by over a 100k.
Cold REs on helmet will be difficult, I guess I have to selfcraft it, otherwise it will be expensive as hell to buy it with the same ES value as my current one (or I have to reblaance my res, as I need more fire res... maybe I will go this route :).
why isnt rime gaze best in slot? i checked it in pob against an all t1 hybris circlet and i gained like 400 es and 1.6k eva but lost 91k dps just on vortex
I'm still gearing up (only 5k ES) but I ran into an ele reflect map that caused me more pain than expected. Is there some skill in particular that causes reflect issues, or is it always going to hurt until I get more ES?
fnurt 님이 작성:
I'm still gearing up (only 5k ES) but I ran into an ele reflect map that caused me more pain than expected. Is there some skill in particular that causes reflect issues, or is it always going to hurt until I get more ES?

Use this one in your left ring slot (replacing mark of the shaper) and you will have zero issues with reflect.

Be careful because shock effects (like shocking ground for example) are calculated in a way that removes your reflect immunity, so you have to pay attention to the ele reflect + shocking ground combo maps.
djnat 님이 2020. 1. 12. 오후 7:27:39에 마지막으로 편집
with new mods 630k dps has been breached:
my character in msc;

i d suggest you to look for suffix dot multiplier and prefix cold dot multiplier wands then leave 3 mods.
1 suffix and 2 prefixes.
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
JeffTheRevh 님이 작성:
why isnt rime gaze best in slot? i checked it in pob against an all t1 hybris circlet and i gained like 400 es and 1.6k eva but lost 91k dps just on vortex

Its not a bad item. But rare helmets usually fit better to the slot which gives more es and maybe some dps to our cold snap with hypothermia
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
you can have tempest shield as defensive item right? it doesnt fuck up with elemental equilibirum?
hwan 님이 작성:
you can have tempest shield as defensive item right? it doesnt fuck up with elemental equilibirum?

yea it doesnt but you can use ball lightning + es gain on hit watcher's eye and be immortal with it.
adding tempest shield would add 1 more skill to your que and delay your casting of ball light.
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
JeffTheRevh 님이 작성:
why isnt rime gaze best in slot? i checked it in pob against an all t1 hybris circlet and i gained like 400 es and 1.6k eva but lost 91k dps just on vortex

Because some players (including myself) prefer a 300+ ES helmet with -9 cold res to nearby enemies, ideally with a vortex enchantment, which increases vortex DPS where you really need it (i.e. against high resistance monsters) and gives a lot more ES when compared to Rime Gaze and more gear flexibility (you can have a free suffix on it to craft aspect of the spider like I did).
Hi :)

i have problems with red maps. i do no damage... :/

Can someone have a look on my character (PowPowPowski) and tell me why i am struggling? i know that im not fully equipped but it shouldnt be such a problem. What woul be upgrades that my charachter would benefit from?

PS: sorry for my english :)

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