Im trying this build right now the i have is the Start DPS And movement speed
138% MS and 15k DPS i switch to windripper cause arborix slow me down AS F and it still the same DPS 15k is there a way too improve this ?
글 작성자:Legityz#76252019. 4. 11. 오전 8:34:37
Legityz 님이 작성:
Im trying this build right now the i have is the Start DPS And movement speed
138% MS and 15k DPS i switch to windripper cause arborix slow me down AS F and it still the same DPS 15k is there a way too improve this ?
All of your DPS comes from stolen mods from rare monsters and Soul Eater. Your tooltip in hideout doesn't matter much. Just play some maps.
Windripper scales really poorly with mods from rare monsters, so use Arborix. The most important stats on a bow for this build is PDPS, and maybe base attack speed.
Please message me on Discord from the MF Academy instead of PMing me on the forum. SodaPop9#3253 님이 2019. 4. 12. 오후 9:01:33에 마지막으로 편집
글 작성자:SodaPop9#32532019. 4. 12. 오후 8:59:52
Heyo, i am looking for an updated 3.7 version of this build.
Could someone help me please?
글 작성자:JeyHaze#11472019. 6. 21. 오후 1:51:37
SodaPop9 님이 작성:
How to Play:
1. Run a Beyond Map, Nemesis map, or any map with pack size if those aren't available.
2. Freeze and kill monsters so your Herald of Ice procs and curses on hit enemies with Temporal Chains which is then reflected back to you.
3. Kill a rare monster to gain Shaper's Presence
4. Fill Vaal Clarity Souls
IMPORTANT: You may accidently drop your Zerphis's Heart while doing step 5. This has happened to me many times. But with practice, you can do it in 3s without making mistakes. Practice in a safe place. However, I am not responsible for lost or stolen amulets.
5. While 2-4 are active and you're in a safe spot,
--A. Open your inventory
--B. Pickup Zerphi's Heart and equip it in the amulet slot
--C. Use Vaal Clarity
--D. Click the amulet slot again to equip Solstice Vigil
--E. Move Zerphi's Heart out of your inventory and re-activate Temporal Chains. Sometimes you can re-activate without moving Zerphi's out. Closing and re-opening your inventory also works, and so does doing step F first.
F. Place Zerphis heart back in your inventory
6. Kill things as fast as possible while being near them to gain souls.
7. When your Vaal Clarity runs out after 38s, repeat steps 2-5
I hardly use potions when I play , is this for real?
You thing I khare, but I realy dond.
글 작성자:Spacecom#53622019. 6. 21. 오후 6:32:04
JeyHaze 님이 작성:
Heyo, i am looking for an updated 3.7 version of this build.
Could someone help me please?
The tree just need to be updated. Shouldn't be too hard. If you or someone else does it, please share it here.
Spacecom 님이 작성:
SodaPop9 님이 작성:
How to Play:
1. Run a Beyond Map, Nemesis map, or any map with pack size if those aren't available.
2. Freeze and kill monsters so your Herald of Ice procs and curses on hit enemies with Temporal Chains which is then reflected back to you.
3. Kill a rare monster to gain Shaper's Presence
4. Fill Vaal Clarity Souls
IMPORTANT: You may accidently drop your Zerphis's Heart while doing step 5. This has happened to me many times. But with practice, you can do it in 3s without making mistakes. Practice in a safe place. However, I am not responsible for lost or stolen amulets.
5. While 2-4 are active and you're in a safe spot,
--A. Open your inventory
--B. Pickup Zerphi's Heart and equip it in the amulet slot
--C. Use Vaal Clarity
--D. Click the amulet slot again to equip Solstice Vigil
--E. Move Zerphi's Heart out of your inventory and re-activate Temporal Chains. Sometimes you can re-activate without moving Zerphi's out. Closing and re-opening your inventory also works, and so does doing step F first.
F. Place Zerphis heart back in your inventory
6. Kill things as fast as possible while being near them to gain souls.
7. When your Vaal Clarity runs out after 38s, repeat steps 2-5
I hardly use potions when I play , is this for real?
If you hardly use flasks when you play, you're not playing efficiently. Every single build uses flasks whenever possible. They're free utility while mapping.
Please message me on Discord from the MF Academy instead of PMing me on the forum.
글 작성자:SodaPop9#32532019. 7. 1. 오후 2:55:44
gl making thisbuild in the future when legion goes core..
on std you will have to pay to min max:100 ex for a headhunter,because it will rise,30ex+ for 3 inspireds,zerphi's for around 30ex.
pretty cheap build i must say
글 작성자:robert2003#77312019. 7. 27. 오전 5:42:09
robert2003 님이 작성:
gl making thisbuild in the future when legion goes core..
on std you will have to pay to min max:100 ex for a headhunter,because it will rise,30ex+ for 3 inspireds,zerphi's for around 30ex.
pretty cheap build i must say
It wasn't ever meant to be cheap. It was expensive when I made it, and it will continue to be that way.
I quit PoE, so I won't be making any updates or changes to my builds. If you manage to update or improve any of them, please share it in the build thread or PM me so others can benefit! I will link it in the OP too.
Please message me on Discord from the MF Academy instead of PMing me on the forum. SodaPop9#3253 님이 2019. 7. 28. 오전 3:38:18에 마지막으로 편집
글 작성자:SodaPop9#32532019. 7. 27. 오후 5:43:34
robert2003 님이 작성:
gl making thisbuild in the future when legion goes core..
on std you will have to pay to min max:100 ex for a headhunter,because it will rise,30ex+ for 3 inspireds,zerphi's for around 30ex.
pretty cheap build i must say
Good luck playing any of the HH abusing builds in the future when GGG nerfs the interactions on soul eater. It's either that or Legion is not going core.
Literally every one of these HH build guides comes down to the same thing. Spend a mirror (or more) on the gear set (they are all the same), then just add your skill of choice and let soul eater + temp chains carry you.
글 작성자:MagnusParvus#29922019. 7. 27. 오후 7:07:41
Damn, so much hate in this thread. Thanks for the guide OP, it was helpful.
Phrecia: 92 Scavenger
P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon
PoE character archive: view-thread/963707
SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97
HC: 96 (dead)
글 작성자:unsane#54792019. 8. 13. 오전 5:40:19