[3.7] ICE SPEAR TOTEM | 15.75 million shaper DPS! | 8k eHP (HP\ES - 38% MOM) | Easy all content

work for 3.8 ??
Video shows you use Eldritch Battery, but lvl 94 build does not. How is this possible.
Eternltorture 님이 작성:
Video shows you use Eldritch Battery, but lvl 94 build does not. How is this possible.

Devouring Diadem helmet, not really budget lol
matesasd 님이 작성:
Can anyone provide some info how to be profficient on low budget, i cant afford the diadem/unnatural instinct/curse amulet. I have a 5link soulmantle and can only run 1 aura without mana issues (hatred). I keep dying a lot even in tier 1 maps with 3k hp + 1k ES. The damage is okay for bosses but horrible for clearing and Blight encounters.

hmm i am also trying it out, i prefer discipline as of now, and frostbite with blasphemy. stone golem for regen. got some mana regen from sceptre. it works, but not all blight stuff. and sometimes i have to watch out and flee. this is without uber lab done. i just chose my skillpoints according to how i feel, leveling i was unkillable but slow so i took damage, now it's a survivability issue so health then a damage issue so later again damage nodes :P

do you have all curse reduction stuff? so both rings? else i would not use soul mantle yet.

i have a generic 5 link chest i got from a friend.

if you have the curse dreduction, then see that you take cold penetration as i feel ele resist is the bad one mobs can have on maps. bosses sometimes die earlier then mobs...
Probably a stupid question but why use might of the meek jewel x 2?
And what is the significance of placing them as OP said?
imrofli 님이 작성:
matesasd 님이 작성:
Can anyone provide some info how to be profficient on low budget, i cant afford the diadem/unnatural instinct/curse amulet. I have a 5link soulmantle and can only run 1 aura without mana issues (hatred). I keep dying a lot even in tier 1 maps with 3k hp + 1k ES. The damage is okay for bosses but horrible for clearing and Blight encounters.

hmm i am also trying it out, i prefer discipline as of now, and frostbite with blasphemy. stone golem for regen. got some mana regen from sceptre. it works, but not all blight stuff. and sometimes i have to watch out and flee. this is without uber lab done. i just chose my skillpoints according to how i feel, leveling i was unkillable but slow so i took damage, now it's a survivability issue so health then a damage issue so later again damage nodes :P

do you have all curse reduction stuff? so both rings? else i would not use soul mantle yet.

i have a generic 5 link chest i got from a friend.

if you have the curse dreduction, then see that you take cold penetration as i feel ele resist is the bad one mobs can have on maps. bosses sometimes die earlier then mobs...

I do have a pair of kikamarus. Tried switching to freezing pulse (FP+multiple totems+hypothermia+controlled dest.+cold pen) a getting two First Snows and it feels so much better for map clearing and Blight encounters, only boss damage is a bit lower.
matesasd 님이 작성:
I do have a pair of kikamarus. Tried switching to freezing pulse (FP+multiple totems+hypothermia+controlled dest.+cold pen) a getting two First Snows and it feels so much better for map clearing and Blight encounters, only boss damage is a bit lower.

hmm good to know. also not great with builds and just trying around.
do you have might of the meek and maybe unnatural instinct? might of the meek 2x should boost your life i think by up to 500 (with his build and items and level) so that could help.

if you go the FP route, i think you can reduce crit multi nodes and look for cold damage or spell damage. as ice spear crits.

the thing i am getting used to is seting totems not in groups but away from them so they can crit. that helps.

also again, discipline, also grants ES to totems and your golem :)

EDIT: ah also much of our survivability is behind uber lab, chieftain ascendancy. life leech should help greatly.

EDMOSES 님이 작성:
Probably a stupid question but why use might of the meek jewel x 2?
And what is the significance of placing them as OP said?

not really good with making any builds, i just try out the ones that seem interesting. but i know they stack. so they boost all minor nodes like the health ones etc. looking at it i think it boosts mainly survivability quite. and with unnatural instinct it should also boost movement speed.
imrofli 님이 2019. 9. 10. 오전 7:24:38에 마지막으로 편집
imrofli 님이 작성:
matesasd 님이 작성:
I do have a pair of kikamarus. Tried switching to freezing pulse (FP+multiple totems+hypothermia+controlled dest.+cold pen) a getting two First Snows and it feels so much better for map clearing and Blight encounters, only boss damage is a bit lower.

hmm good to know. also not great with builds and just trying around.
do you have might of the meek and maybe unnatural instinct? might of the meek 2x should boost your life i think by up to 500 (with his build and items and level) so that could help.

if you go the FP route, i think you can reduce crit multi nodes and look for cold damage or spell damage. as ice spear crits.

the thing i am getting used to is seting totems not in groups but away from them so they can crit. that helps.

also again, discipline, also grants ES to totems and your golem :)

EDIT: ah also much of our survivability is behind uber lab, chieftain ascendancy. life leech should help greatly.

I dont have those jewels nor Diadem nor the curse amulet, they are way out of my budget. What i hate the most is that ice spears often dont transform in the second phase, even if I place them at a distance, everyone just quickly piles on them before they slowly start casting and they dont have pierce. I also have mana issues and need a mana flask, because no Diadem means no eldritch battery, zealots oath and all that shit
matesasd 님이 2019. 9. 10. 오후 1:50:20에 마지막으로 편집
matesasd 님이 작성:
imrofli 님이 작성:
matesasd 님이 작성:
I do have a pair of kikamarus. Tried switching to freezing pulse (FP+multiple totems+hypothermia+controlled dest.+cold pen) a getting two First Snows and it feels so much better for map clearing and Blight encounters, only boss damage is a bit lower.

hmm good to know. also not great with builds and just trying around.
do you have might of the meek and maybe unnatural instinct? might of the meek 2x should boost your life i think by up to 500 (with his build and items and level) so that could help.

if you go the FP route, i think you can reduce crit multi nodes and look for cold damage or spell damage. as ice spear crits.

the thing i am getting used to is seting totems not in groups but away from them so they can crit. that helps.

also again, discipline, also grants ES to totems and your golem :)

EDIT: ah also much of our survivability is behind uber lab, chieftain ascendancy. life leech should help greatly.

I dont have those jewels nor Diadem nor the curse amulet, they are way out of my budget. What i hate the most is that ice spears often dont transform in the second phase, even if I place them at a distance, everyone just quickly piles on them before they slowly start casting and they dont have pierce. I also have mana issues and need a mana flask, because no Diadem means no eldritch battery, zealots oath and all that shit

Hey bro, I would recommend using freezing pulse, then gem swapping to ice spear for boss.
Back to Might of the Meek jewels, these seem to give ok life boost but i think using 2 jewels with flat life/% life along with cold damage whatever spell damage increases are way better. THOUGHTS?

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