|3.8][Budget] BeyBlade Tank - 1 million + Facebreaker Cyclone DPS

mayo 님이 작성:
GOSARN 님이 작성:
lvl 69 atm im going "ABYSSUS VERSION" I have no idea how do you cap resists with all those uniques.

You have a lot of elemental resistance in the tree, and if you still miss some, you can trade the Meginord belt for a rustic sash with high resists and life ^^

LUL I just saw that.. One more question, how do I counter ABYSSUS "40% increased Physical Damage taken" ? ^_^
mayo 님이 작성:
GOSARN 님이 작성:
lvl 69 atm im going "ABYSSUS VERSION" I have no idea how do you cap resists with all those uniques.

You have a lot of elemental resistance in the tree, and if you still miss some, you can trade the Meginord belt for a rustic sash with high resists and life ^^

What about taking Diamond Skin in the tree? 2 points to get it, temporarily until there's enough res from gear of course.

I wouldn't know what nodes to take it instead of, though.
GOSARN 님이 작성:
mayo 님이 작성:
GOSARN 님이 작성:
lvl 69 atm im going "ABYSSUS VERSION" I have no idea how do you cap resists with all those uniques.

You have a lot of elemental resistance in the tree, and if you still miss some, you can trade the Meginord belt for a rustic sash with high resists and life ^^

LUL I just saw that.. One more question, how do I counter ABYSSUS "40% increased Physical Damage taken" ? ^_^

The build is tanky enough to counter abyssus, you have a lot of physical damage reduction, and the block helps a lot :)

I did all my videos with abyssus, so the build is viable, but I recommend getting rid of it and use one of the two other versions if you want to feel immortal ^^
What do we do with Chaos Damage? Just try to stack as much res against that, too?
DawnBlue 님이 작성:
What do we do with Chaos Damage? Just try to stack as much res against that, too?

Yep, not much to do against it, try to get as mush as possible. When I go fight a chaos boss, or in a map with desecrated ground, I switch my pantheon to the node which reduce chaos damage over time taken.

But since you block so much hits and have a good regen, it's not something that you have to fear ^^
mayo 님이 2019. 6. 21. 오후 5:50:33에 마지막으로 편집
Just wanted to tell you mayo, I love love love this build. Thanks for sharing it!
moodygamer123 님이 작성:
Just wanted to tell you mayo, I love love love this build. Thanks for sharing it!

Nice :)
I wouldn't dream of using Bronn's Lith personally. No life? no thank you. You can get lots of damage else where. I'm at 1.2 million Shaper dps, without considering Impale or Reckoning, still havnt got a Watchers Eye or a Timeless jewel, and I still have a jewel socket to fill.

Something like this is what you want. You can reserve all your mana. You can get - mana cost on jewelery, but...that's a prefix.
Also, I believe 90% Impale chance is fine, I don't use Banner. I'm using Herald of Agony with

Along with Flesh and Stone, Blood and Sand and Pride.
DamageIncorporated 님이 2019. 6. 22. 오후 11:40:51에 마지막으로 편집
Love the build. Beat Uber Elder on 2nd attempt for my second ever kill. Was level 90 with 4.2k hp it seems low but if you dodge the one hit kills you literally can't die. Did HoGM at level 91 bought a 1 alch balefire to deal with Zami and his insane life regen. Thanks for the build, going to keep going!
Noctuaturpe 님이 2019. 6. 23. 오전 1:56:24에 마지막으로 편집
Just switched a character over to this build, still getting items together. My shield doesn't have the extra 8% block that yours does but when i go get hit a lot i still get to 79%. It'd just be nice to be that 8% higher. Know of a good way to get it?

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