[3.15] Broodmother: Summon Spiders Necro | THE NEW OP SUMMONER | 8m DPS | 11k EHP

InsaneX3 님이 작성:

Which are like 10+ ex...

Are there no budget versions? The abyss jewels also cost like 1ex per jewel...and you need like 5-6 of them which will be almost 20ex just for the jewels. Are the prices this league so different? Because according to OP the build only cost him like 4-5ex in previous leagues.

Only thing you really need is the dagger and the Jar.

With jewels, both ghastly and cluster, all you need is some bases, and you can start with that you craft for yourself. Might not be perfect, but you can later upgrade these one by one.
okay thank you. would it be worth to any other fenumus gear or no? and sorry last question, if i added kitavas teachings would that be good ?
Zeph19 님이 작성:
okay thank you. would it be worth to any other fenumus gear or no? and sorry last question, if i added kitavas teachings would that be good ?

I dont think so. You already have too many things that needs corpses, you dont want something else eating them aswell. And it ticks every second, so it would make summoning spiders almost impossible.
evilmindcz#6356 님이 2021. 8. 9. 오전 5:40:03에 마지막으로 편집
Been loving the build so far lvl 93 now almost 94, I have a few burning questions if you guys can help.

1. How do you guys deal with no regen maps? Especially if they're paired with burning ground, I had to ditch the zoom zoom mentality and walk slowly and carefully.

2. Does the angle of casting desecrate with spell echo matter? (diagonally/horizontally/vertically) Like if the worms don't fall near the desecrated ground. If it does not, besides diadem and golem consuming it, some times casting bane directly under myself only produces 2 spiders only. My golem is on shield so fast switching will de-summon all spiders and golem, leaving only diadem to consume the corpse. Usually I just quickly fast switch again while diadem is on CD, but still only producing 2 spiders. I'm trying to find a 100% method of getting 20 spiders. Any tips would be appreciated.

EDIT: I meant spell cascade LOL
el34zar#6035 님이 2021. 8. 9. 오전 10:37:04에 마지막으로 편집
el34zar 님이 작성:
Been loving the build so far lvl 93 now almost 94, I have a few burning questions if you guys can help.

1. How do you guys deal with no regen maps? Especially if they're paired with burning ground, I had to ditch the zoom zoom mentality and walk slowly and carefully.

2. Does the angle of casting desecrate with spell echo matter? (diagonally/horizontally/vertically) Like if the worms don't fall near the desecrated ground. If it does not, besides diadem and golem consuming it, some times casting bane directly under myself only produces 2 spiders only. My golem is on shield so fast switching will de-summon all spiders and golem, leaving only diadem to consume the corpse. Usually I just quickly fast switch again while diadem is on CD, but still only producing 2 spiders. I'm trying to find a 100% method of getting 20 spiders. Any tips would be appreciated.

1. i simply dont do them

2. desecrate with spell echo?, im using spell cascade
2a.not the worms have to be near the corpses, you have, so try to stand on top of desecrate... most of the time i get 18spiders, not so cool for bosses but for mapping it doesnt matter since a few kills later they trigger summoned themself to 20 anyways
I'm a new/casual player and am playing this build for Expedition. I just got my Arakaali's Fang and Writhing Jar yesterday, was using SRS/zombies to level, and WOW is this ever fun! I'm just running around playing catchup to my spiders as they decimate everything... this is exactly the way I've always wanted to play PoE, just melting everything.

Can anyone recommend a loot filter that works w this build? I've used Neversink's filters before but I'm always kind of terrified of missing something so I just... haven't been using one. Any advice please?
raise specter or carrion golem? POB and your posted items are different.
Been loving the build.
I even got the 8M+ dps and i can even go further for some 9M with the Torrents Reclamation.
Here is my POB: https://pastebin.com/61xYedWx
Still got work to do with the Ghastly Jewels.
GL everyone!
this build is really fun
I got over 8m+ dps too XD but idk what to upgrade right now, please help me
here's my pob: https://pastebin.com/ZLizyJ0A
Thank you and sorry for my bad english
人無信不立#2213 님이 2021. 8. 10. 오전 2:51:23에 마지막으로 편집
mp1carlos 님이 작성:
Been loving the build.
I even got the 8M+ dps and i can even go further for some 9M with the Torrents Reclamation.
Here is my POB: https://pastebin.com/61xYedWx
Still got work to do with the Ghastly Jewels.
GL everyone!

You do know you took Elemental Equilibrium, even if your dmg is phys/chaos? ;-)

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