3.12 - Spectral Shield Throw Deadeye - Frigid Table Thrower

i'm playing this build and yes is really good for starter but sometime you need to waiting for self shield craft (yes is so hard)

so... what can i upgrade for my chara i was waiting for remove physical & fire and just multicraft my shield for 3k armour

thanks for the anwser me

ps.i'm changing to raider because of my ring that pretty decent damage

my gear below

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Hello, got a question about playing Far Shot and point blank.
deadeye new far shot is 60% , while point blank is same value. Should we change it for something extra? or it depends of play style?

Polkarasika#0866 님이 2021. 1. 25. 오후 1:51:58에 마지막으로 편집
I know at one point you recommended to not league start this build, but I was already invested towards the idea of doing so. This is a pretty solid build and I like it, best run I've had in the game since starting during the final week of delirium league. It works as a league start, this is a pretty good build.

At some point however since I wanted to stay on Magna Eclipsis for a level 22 Hatred buff and the ele aegis I tried setting up a crit version of the build and also got some other gear like a ring that inflicts frostbite on hit combined with a cluster jewel that uses culling strike on cursed enemies. On pob the dps goes up to roughly 2mil max currently.
Hydoxol#0156 님이 2021. 2. 15. 오후 2:13:29에 마지막으로 편집

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